

This was published 9 years ago

EU seeks UN authorisation for military action against people-smugglers

By Griff Witte

London: The European Union began a push on Monday for UN authorisation to deploy military force in the Mediterranean to stop people-smugglers, even as a proposal to more evenly share the burden of refugees foundered amid intra-European divisions.

The EU wants force to dismantle people-smuggling organisations and destroy their vessels, though not by bombing.

Migrants sit in their boat during a rescue operation off the coast of Sicily earlier this month.

Migrants sit in their boat during a rescue operation off the coast of Sicily earlier this month. Credit: Reuters

At UN headquarters in New York on Monday, EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini told the Security Council that the unprecedented flow of illegal migrants seeking to reach Europe by crossing the Mediterranean has necessitated "an exceptional response".

"We cannot do it alone. This has to be a common global effort. That's why we count on your support to save lives and dismantle criminal organisations that are exploiting people's desperation," Ms Mogherini told the 15-nation council.

EU Foreign Policy chief Federica Mogherini at the United Nations on Monday.

EU Foreign Policy chief Federica Mogherini at the United Nations on Monday.Credit: AFP

"No one is thinking of bombing. I'm talking about a naval operation," she added after the meeting, saying European foreign ministers would meet on May 18 to discuss and set details of the operation.

European members of the Security Council - Britain, France, Lithuania and Spain - are drafting a resolution to approve the European operation under Chapter 7 of the UN Charter, which allows the use of force, diplomats said.

The resolution would authorise the EU to intervene on the high seas, in Libyan territorial waters and coastal areas to seize vessels and the draft text is likely to be circulated to the 15-member council in the coming days, diplomats said.


Russia has said any plans to destroy boats used by smugglers would be "going too far". But Ms Mogherini has described her discussions with council members as positive and said she was "quite confident" a resolution could be adopted. "The crucial thing for the European Union is destroying the business model of the trafficking and smuggling organisations, making sure that vessels cannot be used again," she said. "They sell hope, but instead of hope they deliver death."

An Italian rescue worker carries a child rescued from a boat crammed with migrants in April.

An Italian rescue worker carries a child rescued from a boat crammed with migrants in April. Credit: Reuters

About 1,800 migrants have perished in the Mediterranean this year, the UN refugee agency said. Some 51,000 have entered Europe by sea, with 30,500 coming via Italy, fleeing war and poverty in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. The death toll is 20 times as high as it was at this time last year.

"No refugees or migrants intercepted at sea will be sent back against their will," Ms Mogherini said.

Asylum-seekers after their boat was sent back by the Libyan navy to the coastal city of Misrata earlier this month.

Asylum-seekers after their boat was sent back by the Libyan navy to the coastal city of Misrata earlier this month.Credit: Reuters

Most of the migrants are travelling to Europe through Libya, which has descended into chaos nearly four years after the fall of Muammar Gaddafi. Two competing governments backed by militia are scrambling for control of the oil-producing country.

The EU proposal would allow the UN bloc to deploy military force to seize and destroy smugglers' ships before they take on their human cargo.

A Libyan Navy boat carries asylum-seekers back to the coastal city of Misrata earlier this month.

A Libyan Navy boat carries asylum-seekers back to the coastal city of Misrata earlier this month.Credit: Reuters

But it is unclear whether the EU can win Security Council support. Russia has said it opposes any attempt to destroy smugglers' ships, arguing that the owners in many cases do not know the purpose for which the vessels are being used. Authorities in Libya, the anarchic and divided nation that is the primary source of migrant smuggling, have been either cool to the idea or openly hostile.

Rights groups, meanwhile, say that a focus on military action will not solve the crisis, and may make it worse. Amnesty International released a report Monday that described horrendous living conditions for migrants in Libya and concluded that military efforts would "effectively contribute to migrants and refugees being trapped in Libya and expose them to a risk of serious human rights abuses".

Illegal migrants wait to disembark in southern Italy earlier this month.

Illegal migrants wait to disembark in southern Italy earlier this month. Credit: Reuters

The EU has been roundly criticised for not doing enough to stem the crisis, which is being fed by an exodus of people from Africa and the Middle East fleeing war, poverty and oppression. An Italian-run search-and-rescue mission estimated to have saved more than 100,000 lives was cancelled last year. After more than 800 people died in a single shipwreck last month, EU officials voted to triple funding for a new maritime patrol mission, though it remains more limited in scope than its predecessor.

Meanwhile, an EU proposal to more evenly distribute asylum-seekers across Europe appeared to be in trouble on Monday, even before it is due to be officially unveiled.

The European Commission is expected to release the plan on Wednesday. It calls for establishing EU-wide quotas that would dictate the minimum number of asylum seekers accepted by each of the union's 28 members. The idea is to ease the burden on front-line states along Europe's southern periphery, which are suffering under the strain of the tens of thousands of migrants seeking entry. The proposal is strongly backed by those countries and by Germany, which registers more asylum applications than any other nation in Europe.

But it has been vigorously opposed by several Eastern European nations, as well as by Britain, where the Conservative government is under intense pressure to limit immigration.

A British government spokesman, speaking on Monday under customary rules of anonymity, cited previous statements by Prime Minister David Cameron that Britain "would be playing its role in tackling the current crisis in the Mediterranean but that our focus would be on saving lives, not offering people asylum in the UK".

Washington Post, Reuters

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