

This was published 8 years ago

Brussels attacks: why Islamic State is exporting terrorism to Europe

By Paul McGeough

Washington: It may sound grotesque as victims of the Belgian attacks are still being identified, and it is likely the carnage will get worse before there is calm – but the bombings that killed dozens and wounded hundreds in Brussels this week might be a good sign.

Given that terrorists acting in the name of Islamic State have wrong-footed European intelligence and security services so spectacularly – the Belgians, this week and the French twice last year – it should be assumed there will be more such attacks in Europe.

And if the streets of European cities are to become as blood-soaked as those of Ankara, the Turkish capital, it's useful to examine the rationale underpinning the IS decision to export terrorism to Europe.

Violence in Turkey is attributable as much to proximity to the war in Iraq and Syria as to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's security policy failures – domestic and regional.

Police officers patrol after raids in which several people, including Paris attacks suspect Salah Abdeslam, were arrested on March 18 in the suburb of Molenbeek.

Police officers patrol after raids in which several people, including Paris attacks suspect Salah Abdeslam, were arrested on March 18 in the suburb of Molenbeek.Credit: Getty Images

But analysts are reading something else into the IS attacks in Europe. Instead of the attacks being a display of strength, they are being read in some quarters as a cover for weakness.

In Iraq and Syria, there are signs that IS might be stagnating, that it's starting to lose more often that it wins.

Kurdish forces in the north of Syria and in the west of Iraq are taking back territory held by IS; by some counts, as many as a third of the movement's top-tier leaders have been eliminated; last year it lost between 15 and 25 per cent of the territory it held in Iraq and Syria; and some of its vital supply lines, like the road between Raqqa in Syria and Mosul in Iraq, have been ruptured.


No one is writing off IS – yet. The movement still has many thousands of fighters and it is cashed up – analysts at the RAND Corporation say that even as IS fights what has become its global war, the movement could run a surplus of up to $US200 million ($260 million) this year.

A child looks on during a vigil for the victims of the Brussels attacks at the Belgium Consulate in Montreal, Canada, on Wednesday.

A child looks on during a vigil for the victims of the Brussels attacks at the Belgium Consulate in Montreal, Canada, on Wednesday.Credit: AP

Karen Greenberg, director of the Centre on National Security at Fordham Law School in New York, wrote of the Brussels attacks: "The West should understand that this is what winning may look like in the battle against Islamic State ... [ the attacks] could well stem [more] from a sense of weakness than strength."

And in the aftermath of the November 13 attacks in Paris, in which 130 people died, RAND analyst Seth Jones wrote: "If history is any guide, [IS] will resort to more terrorist attacks in the West as it loses ground, potentially making it a more dangerous and unpredictable enemy in the months to come."

A Belgian police officer stands at the entrance to Maalbeek metro station in Brussels on Wednesday.

A Belgian police officer stands at the entrance to Maalbeek metro station in Brussels on Wednesday.Credit: AP

Any loss of territory is a dilemma for IS – its foundational pitch is that territory under its control must expand to validate its self-declared caliphate, which it predicts will stretch from the Mediterranean to the Pacific.

Jones cites a series of groups – al-Shabab in Somalia, the Armed Islamic Group in Algeria and the Iraqi branch of al-Qaeda – which repositioned themselves as they lost territory, turning more to terrorist activity, either to pressure foreign governments to withdraw from a conflict, to bait foreign governments to overreact or because, with the loss of territory, they had surplus resources that could be directed to terrorism.

A wounded man lies in a hospital after US warplanes struck an Islamic State training camp in Sabratha, Libya.

A wounded man lies in a hospital after US warplanes struck an Islamic State training camp in Sabratha, Libya.Credit: Uncredited

What is remarkable about the IS attacks in Europe is their sophistication and discipline.

And though it was the Belgian security services that were being kicked this week for their failings, in November last year it was their French counterparts who were humiliated by the enormity of a terror plot apparently assembled under their noses – and without detection – in which 130 people died along with seven attackers.

This image posted online on February 5, 2016, by supporters of the Tripoli Province of the Islamic State in Libya on a social media site, and vetted by SITE Intel Group, shows fighters training at a camp in Libya.

This image posted online on February 5, 2016, by supporters of the Tripoli Province of the Islamic State in Libya on a social media site, and vetted by SITE Intel Group, shows fighters training at a camp in Libya. Credit: AP

Presciently, the minute detail of the planning and execution of the Paris attacks was revealed just days before this week's Brussels attacks, when a trove of French documents, including a 55-page report by the French anti-terrorism police, was acquired by The New York Times.

The attackers travelled to and around Europe without detection – and in the aftermath, 19 people, three of whom were previously wanted on international arrest warrants, were being held in six countries in connection with the Paris network.

An Islamic State patrol in Khazer, Iraq.

An Islamic State patrol in Khazer, Iraq.Credit: AP

They were adept at making their own bomb vests and in the dark art of mixing shooting sprees with separate bomb detonations and a theatre hostage drama to disorient the emergency services.

One of the captured mobile phones contained layout plans of the Bataclan concert hall – where three gunmen killed 90 of the victims, some of whom were made to sit in front of exits as human shields in the event of a police assault.

A man waves a Belgian and a Palestinian flag as a mark of solidarity at the Place de la Bourse on Tuesday.

A man waves a Belgian and a Palestinian flag as a mark of solidarity at the Place de la Bourse on Tuesday. Credit: Getty Images

The attackers used new throwaway phones, which were activated just minutes prior to the attacks across Paris. These phones were abandoned at will – one had been used for just a single call, to an unidentified number in Belgium.

As a further precaution, they communicated without detection by using their hostages' mobile phones. None of their emails or other electronic communications has been found – leaving French investigators to conclude that the attackers used a sophisticated encryption software. And while there was great anxiety over IS terrorists masking their arrival in Europe by insinuating themselves into a flood of refugees fleeing Syria and Iraq, it transpired that most of the attackers held European passports.

Illustration: Richard Giliberto

Illustration: Richard Giliberto

Despite the battlefield losses by IS, a reality in the Syria/Iraq crisis is that in the absence of genuine political reform in Iraq and a sustainable resolution of the Syrian conflict, the region will always be an incubator for the likes of IS or a successor movement.

Western and Arab intelligence on the interior of IS remains lean and Washington and its allies continue to struggle in their efforts to counter the IS ideology and its dissemination via social media – which has the effect of a powerful magnet drawing foreign volunteers to the fight.

Washington is sticking with a strategy of air strikes on IS targets; helping Iraqi troops and Syrian opposition forces, with an estimated 5000 Americans on the ground; and actively seeking to disrupt IS's financial network.

Progress is painfully slow and comes in fits and starts. Even when backed by US air strikes, it took Iraqi forces more than five months to regain control of Ramadi, a small city in the west of Iraq; and on Thursday, they launched what Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi described as "the first phase" of a campaign to retake the northern stronghold of Mosul.

In 2004 it required more than 13,000 troops, mostly American, to recapture Fallujah, a city between Ramadi and Baghdad – 95 Americans died and more than 500 were injured as an insurgent force of about 3000 was dislodged.

For IS to lose Mosul would be a staggering blow. And for Iraqi forces, who have inspired little confidence since fleeing Mosul in the face of an IS advance in 2014, to retake the city would be a staggering achievement. Mosul is five times bigger than Ramadi and its recapture would require probably more than 30,000 troops – compared with the 8000-strong force that regained Ramadi.

"Do I think it's going to be easy? No," Major-General Richard Clarke, commander of American land forces in Iraq, told reporters late in February. "It's going to be tough."

US President Barack Obama talks about escalating as need be, but for now he is sticking with what he said in 2014 was a policy to "degrade and ultimately destroy" IS – but which these days looks more like a policy of containment.

After the November assault on Paris, MIT political scientist Barry Posen described containment as "a tough sell, because it requires patience and resilience, and does not promise an easy victory". On the other hand, he counselled: "US attempts to reorganise the politics of other countries by the sword have foundered on nationalist resistance to outsiders; unreliable local allies; deeply embedded cultural practices; and the inherent crudeness of the military instrument."

Absent a massive sea change in American political will, it's difficult to envision any US president dispatching the ground forces needed to take and hold indefinitely the territory now controlled by IS – especially given that as many as 170,000 US-led forces were unable to knock Iraq into a shape that satisfied Western thinking in the aftermath of the 2003 invasion.

Jessica Stern, lecturer in government at Harvard, states the obvious – yes, the West could defeat IS in the territory it now controls – before she acknowledges reality as she writes in The Atlantic: "But it would take a massive ground invasion and the results would be temporary at best."

Noting that it took 70 years of containment to bring about the collapse of the Soviet Union, she forecasts that IS "will no doubt eventually collapse", as a result of its equally false utopian promises. But unlike the "either or" reading of IS's options by RAND's Jones and Fordham's Greenberg, Stern sees the movement as having a dual nature: "[IS] is both a totalitarian proto-state that controls territory and is trying to spread its 'caliphate' into even more regions where state structures are weak, as well as a global terrorist organisation bent on goading the West to counterattack."

She sets out missteps by the West that would defeat a containment strategy :

  • Failure to see that IS's most numerous victims are Muslims;
  • Conflating IS's ideology with the religion of Islam;
  • Conflating the victims of jihadist brutality, now seeking refuge in the West, with the perpetrators from whom they are trying to escape;
  • Urging Nuremberg-type laws for Muslims, requiring them to register with the state or denying them entry;
  • Sending in 100,000 troops to defeat IS, while failing to address the underlying problems of disenfranchised Sunni Muslims.

Her advice is timely for European governments torn between what is sensible and what is populist as they grapple with the Brussels bombings. Muslim communities, such as the much-publicised Brussels district of Molenbeek, described as an incubator of radicalism, have to be brought into the national community – not locked out.

But Stern's advice probably comes too late for Erdogan's Turkey.

In 2013, then prime minister Erdogan courted EU membership by boasting of his "zero problems with neighbours" policy and engaging Turkey's significant Kurdish minority in a peace process.

But Erdogan has jettisoned all that. Back on a war footing with the Kurds, literally, he's madly compiling "enemy lists" among the judiciary and the fourth estate. The temptation for some in Europe will be to follow Erdogan into this brutal nationalism, but this is a time for minorities to be embraced.

As the would-be nominees in the US presidential race attempt to outbid each other in the aftermath of the Brussels bombings, Republican Ted Cruz came in for withering criticism with his call this week for Muslim communities to be "patrolled and secured".

And at a press conference in Buenos Aires on Wednesday, Obama smacked down Cruz for another of his remarkable policy proposals, saying: "When I hear someone saying we should carpet-bomb Iraq or Syria, not only is that inhumane, not only is that contrary to our values, that would likely be an extraordinary mechanism for [IS] to recruit more people willing to die and to explode bombs in an airport or metro station.

"That's not a military strategy," Obama said. "Blowing something up just so we can go home and say we blew something up is not a foreign policy."


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