

This was published 1 year ago

‘Missing her kids’: Aussie journalist Cheng Lei reaches 1000 days in Chinese jail

By Eryk Bagshaw

For almost 1000 days Australian journalist Cheng Lei has woken up inside a Chinese cell, cut off from her two young children in Melbourne and her friends in Beijing. Each day she wakes up still unaware of the crime she is alleged to have committed, in a country that she had devoted her professional life to, that now only gives her two hours a day of fresh air.

The 48-year-old’s conditions are better now than the sheer isolation of her first six months, but still, as the Australian government welcomes Chinese officials and business delegations search for new opportunities, Cheng remains behind bars on vague national security charges. Her kids, 11 and 14, wonder when they will get their mum back.

Australian journalist Cheng Lei.

Australian journalist Cheng Lei. Credit: Getty

“The 1000 days [milestone] is going to be really tough for her,” said Cheng’s partner Nick Coyle. “She misses her children enormously. ”

That mark will be reached on Tuesday. It will inevitably be the same as each of the 999 before; a daily, exhausting grind to manage any expectations that today might be the day she is released, while not losing all hope when those expectations are dashed.

The Australian government says it has raised her case and that of fellow detained Australian Yang Hengjun with their Chinese counterparts at every opportunity. But every few months a familiar announcement is made. Their sentencing dates are extended for another three months, leaving the pair in limbo and their families exasperated.

“We’re starting to get the relationship back on track to a degree, but we need to see some outcomes,” said Coyle. “This really needs to get solved.”

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese meets with China’s President Xi Jinping in Bali last year.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese meets with China’s President Xi Jinping in Bali last year.Credit: James Brickwood

Australian leaders now face a difficult balancing act. Canberra has stabilised the relationship with Beijing and some of the trade restrictions on Australian exports after years of diplomatic tension are gradually being unwound. But the Chinese government has not made any public concessions on the fate of Cheng and Yang, meaning official visits to Beijing by a minister or state premier to boost ties can risk reducing the incentive for either to be released.

“The government has to engage,” said Coyle. “Of course, business is going to want to engage, but if you want to bring the Australian public along with you on that journey, then, seeing some fruit for the labour involved in repairing the relationship needs to happen.”


Trade Minister Don Farrell said last Monday he was due to go to Beijing “very soon” but did not specify a date.


“I don’t want to go to China just for the sake of going to China,” he said. “I want to go to make sure that we are making progress on all of these outstanding issues that we’ve got in terms of our trading relationship.”

Farrell was mostly talking about ongoing restrictions on Australian wine and other exports, but Coyle wants the Australian government to make it explicit that Cheng’s fate can’t be separated from the broader economy.

“This is the sort of issue that can’t be divorced from the trade relationship,” he said.

For China, the optics of the ongoing detention of Cheng and Yang, along with a growing list of foreign detainees, are challenging as it attempts to secure foreign investment to kick-start its sluggish economy. In March, state security officers visited American corporate research company the Mintz Group and detained five local employees. The same month, a senior Japanese pharmaceutical company official in Beijing was detained on spying charges. In April, they knocked on the door of American consulting firm Bain & Company and questioned their employees.

Australian businesses in China have not reported increased visits from state security in the past few months, but the American Chamber of Commerce told The New York Times on Thursday that its business community was becoming increasingly nervous after a series of visits “without any explanation as to why”.


China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has defended the mystery of its legal system, which keeps its detainees guessing, and courts sealed as they go through years without trial and sentencing. In April, Cheng’s sentencing date was extended for another three months, the fifth time her sentencing had been delayed. Yang’s sentence has been delayed seven times. In cases involving foreigners in China, a formal sentence can be a positive sign as it allows the detainee to be extradited to their home country.

“China is a country under the rule of law, and the Chinese judiciary departments handle the cases in accordance with the law,” spokeswoman Mao Ning said in December in response to questions about Cheng and Yang.“The legitimate rights of the people involved are fully guaranteed.”

Frustrated with the lack of progress, the campaign to free Cheng and Yang is now reaching a wider audience.

Canadian Michael Kovrig holding up a photo of Cheng Lei in Washington this week. 

Canadian Michael Kovrig holding up a photo of Cheng Lei in Washington this week. 

On Tuesday in London, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese raised Cheng’s case, unprompted, with British talk show host Piers Morgan. He name-checked Chinese President Xi Jinping and his responsibility for the case in the process.

“Our position on China has been to engage constructively but to continue to put forward that the impediments to trade should be removed, to say very directly to President Xi, that Australians such as Cheng Lei, need to be given proper justice, and that they’re not receiving that at the moment,” he said.

On the same day in Washington, Michael Kovrig, one of Canada’s Two Michaels, carried a photo of Cheng to a gathering of hostages’ families and supporters. Kovrig and Michael Spavor were released in September 2021 in a prisoner swap with Huawei executive Meng Wenzhou after spending 1019 days in jail on vague national security charges.

Cheng’s supporters hope it won’t take much longer to get her home.

“This has to end,” said Coyle.

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