

This was published 3 years ago

How a secret China trip crippled an Australian prime minister

By Jim Middleton

There are days where the course of political history is turned upside down; when, in the words of Richard Nixon’s ultra-loyalist press secretary Ron Zeigler, all previous statements are “inoperative”.

He was talking about Watergate, of course, but there are other notable examples – September 11, Pearl Harbour, Operation Barbarossa, Black Jack McEwen reopening trade with Japan, Bob Dylan going electric in 1965.

Henry Kissinger meets with Communist China’s chairman Mao Tse-tung (right) and premier Zhou Enlai in 1973, after secretly re-establishing relations two years earlier.

Henry Kissinger meets with Communist China’s chairman Mao Tse-tung (right) and premier Zhou Enlai in 1973, after secretly re-establishing relations two years earlier.Credit: AP

Then there is July 15, 1971, and the revelations of that day which upended the dynamics of global politics. The events ultimately helped enhance Australia’s prosperity, but turned the immediate fortunes of Australia’s political leaders, Billy McMahon and Gough Whitlam, inside out.

In a story within a story it need not have been quite that way, neither as devastating for McMahon nor quite such a coup for Whitlam, if intelligence from a pair of very junior Australian diplomats had made it to Canberra.

For on that July day 50 years ago, Washington disclosed that Nixon’s national security adviser Henry Kissinger had secretly visited Beijing to end 25 years of mutual hostility between the Communist regime and Washington.

News of the Kissinger trip grievously blindsided and embarrassed McMahon and significantly contributed to his defeat by Whitlam a year and a half later.

Gough Whitlam on the Great Wall in a visit to China in 1971.

Gough Whitlam on the Great Wall in a visit to China in 1971.Credit:

Whitlam had also just been to Beijing where he had been feted by Premier Zhou Enlai on July 5, a mere four days before Kissinger’s own audience with the Chinese leader.

McMahon, sticking to what he thought was still the Cold War script where recognition of Communist China was beyond the pale, declared on July 12 that Zhou had “played [Whitlam] like a trout”.


Had he learned what the Americans were up to, he might have been more temperate. As it turns out, there was information available, it just never got to McMahon, so he wasn’t able to walk back his cold war warrior stance.

At the time, Sandy Hollway, then a junior Australian diplomat and later to be a senior public servant and head of Bob Hawke’s prime ministerial office, was third secretary in the Australian high commission in Pakistan.

Kissinger had used an official visit to Islamabad as cover for his secret mission to China.

At an official dinner with Pakistan’s President Yahya Khan, in whom the Americans had confided, Kissinger faked a severe stomach ache. As Kissinger recounts in his memoir of his years with Nixon, Khan insisted that the heat of Islamabad would impede his recovery and urged him to recuperate at private estate adjoining a presidential guest house in the hills outside Islamabad.

That ruse enabled Kissinger to disappear from the radar for the two days he needed to get to China.

In the early hours of July 9, Kissinger was spirited onto a Pakistani airliner, with Khan’s personal pilot at the controls, and flown to Beijing. “Polo” was the name for the mission in honour of another Western emissary from another century.

In the days following, Hollway was doing what diplomats do, seeking to trade information with fellow diplomats and local contacts.

“Kicking around the place sometimes over gin-and-tonics,” as he puts it, he picked up rumours that there was more to Kissinger’s visit to Pakistan than met the eye.

One informant told Hollway that Kissinger had been seen getting on a plane at the very time he should have been recuperating in the Himalayan foothills.

Not only that, warrant officer Ross Mangan, assistant to the high commission’s military attache, had heard similar suggestions.

Australian prime minister William McMahon was furious with the Nixon Whitehouse for failing to inform him of Kissinger’s visit to China.

Australian prime minister William McMahon was furious with the Nixon Whitehouse for failing to inform him of Kissinger’s visit to China.Credit: UPI

What sealed it for the duo was information from a senior Pakistani police contact that they were guarding the estate where Kissinger was supposed to be, “but he was not there”.

Hollway and Mangan put two and two together, concluding that Kissinger may actually have gone to Beijing.

There had been other straws in the wind. Nixon had told Time magazine he would like to visit China and Washington had been easing its trade embargo against the Communist regime.

Hollway and Mangan suggested to their seniors in the high commission that they should cable Canberra with the news; that if their information was correct, McMahon should know.

Hollway says that their superiors were understandably reluctant, not only because they regarded the intelligence as scuttlebutt in need of further corroboration, but because it would mean that the United States had left Australia in the dark about a profound shift in policy, leaving McMahon out on a limb if it turned out to be wrong.


Discussion between the senior and junior diplomats continued for a day and a half, terminated only when the high commission heard of official confirmation of the Kissinger mission from Washington.

No cable was ever sent.

McMahon was furious with the Americans, admonishing the US president in writing that “our relations are not as close as they should be”.

It was not the first time, nor would it be the last, that an Australian leader learned the brutal lesson of just what it can mean to be the junior partner in the US alliance.

Rarely, though, were there more incendiary consequences.

Whitlam’s deputy Lance Barnard declared that far from his boss being a “trout”, it was McMahon who was “a stunned mullet”.

Whitlam, in Tokyo on his way back from Beijing when he heard the news, was much more pungent, telling David Barnett, one of the reporters who covered his trip: “They’re f---ed.”

He was right.

Within 18 months, McMahon had lost the 1972 election and Whitlam was prime minister.

Australia recognised Communist China almost immediately after Labor took office; the United States completed the process in in 1979.

Kissinger became secretary of state, Nixon resigned in disgrace in 1974.

Barnett went on to be Malcolm Fraser’s formidable press secretary.

Hollway rose to be Bob Hawke’s chief of staff, head two Commonwealth departments and and run SOCOG, the authority organising the Sydney Olympics.

Dylan, well, he remains electric.

Jim Middleton reported extensively from Canberra, Washington and Beijing

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