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From the Archives: Assassin kills Mahatma Gandhi in New Delhi

On this day in 1948, Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated while walking to a morning prayer meeting. The Herald's correspondent reflects on the Indian activist and leader's life and creed of non-violence.

By Staff correspondent
National Congress Party leader Mahatma Gandhi, center, disembarks from a train in Bombay, India on October 5, 1944.

National Congress Party leader Mahatma Gandhi, center, disembarks from a train in Bombay, India on October 5, 1944.Credit: AP

First published in the Sydney Morning Herald on January 31, 1948


Tension In India; Riots Reported

Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated this afternoon while walking out to open his regular prayer meeting in New Delhi.

The assassin fired three shots, hitting Mr. Gandhi once in the chest and twice in the body.

While women devotees rushed to try to shield Gandhi in their arms, police seized the assassin, a Hindu communalist, aged 36.

Gandhi was hurried into Birla House, home of Mr. G. D. Birla, the wealthy Hindu industrialist. He died there soon afterwards, without speaking, surrounded by a weeping crowd of lifelong friends and faithful followers.

Gandhi Was Saint To The Hindus

In the momentous phase of history which led to India's independence, the biggest name was that of Mohandas Gandhi, who was assassinated yesterday.


During the past decade, with the rise of more militant leaders in Nehru and Jinnah, the western world suspected at times that Gandhi had lost some of his power over India's millions. But events proved repeatedly that this was not so.

When ratings mutinied in the Indian Navy in 1946, a word of disapproval from Gandhi made them return to duty. During the murderous anti-Moslem riots in Calcutta in August, 1947, after the British withdrawal, Gandhi moved into a small hut in the most chaotic part of the city and began a fast.

Nathuram Godse, alleged assailant of Mahatma Gandhi, pictured in court on May 27, 1948

Nathuram Godse, alleged assailant of Mahatma Gandhi, pictured in court on May 27, 1948Credit: Associated Press Photo

The pacifying effect of his action was described as "a miracle."

Again in January, 1948, embittered Hindu, Sikh, and Moslem representatives gave a pledge of co-operation at Delhi after Gandhi had fasted for five days.

This enigmatic leader, whom the American writer, John Gunther, called "the greatest Indian since Buddha," was born in Porbander, a small native State, on October 2, 1869. He came of a prosperous family of officials.

Mother's Influence

His father married four times, and Mohandas Gandhi was the youngest child of the fourth wife.  His mother, a devout woman who strictly observed the Hindu fasts and customs, had a profound influence upon him.

When he was 13 he was married to a girl of 12. In later life he condemned child marriage as one of the dark aspects of Indian society, but his own marriage was happy. His wife gave him loyal support until she died at the age of 74.

Gandhi was educated for the law, and spent three years of study in London, where he arrived in 1888. He admitted later that during his stay in London he owned a dress suit, and took lessons in dancing. He also learned French.

After practising law in Bombay without much success, he went to South Africa. There he became a leading defender of the rights of the Indian community, and built up a big practice as a barrister.

He also acquired the reputation of an agitator and was imprisoned several times. Nevertheless, he was given charge of an Indian Ambulance Corps during the Boer War and again during the Zulu revolt of 1906.

While he was in South Africa his career as a spiritual leader began. Partly as a result of reading Tolstoy, he was converted to the doctrine of non-violence. He gave up his bar practice, which was earning him several thousand pounds a year, and founded an agricultural colony devoted to non-violence and simple living.

Also, as he revealed in his autobiography, at the age of 31 he undertook a life of celibacy.

Passive Resistance

He was 45 when he returned to India in 1914. Despite his creed of non-violence, after the Great War broke out he supported the British side. He raised an ambulance corps and conducted a recruiting campaign in Bombay.

But by the end of the war he had begun his great life task-the application of his own moral strategy to the practical purpose of ending British rule in India. In 1919 he led his followers in the first campaign of passive resistance or "civil disobedience" against the Government's authority.

These campaigns recurred at intervals for over 20 years to perplex and exasperate the Government. Again and again Gandhi was imprisoned, and his usual protest against imprisonment took the form of a fast. Though his fasts were undertaken for moral reasons, it was characteristic of Gandhi that his tactics got practical results. To avoid the storm which would arise if died from starvation in confinement, the authorities had to release him from gaol.

In 1931 he attended the inconclusive Round Table Conference on India in London. Interviewed afterwards at Rome, he said: "We will not pay taxes, we will not work for Britain, we will completely isolate British authorities and British institutions. India would certainly be crushed if we resorted to violence, but we have enormous resources in the shape of passive resistance."

A lean, bald, spectacled little figure, weighing 112 pounds, clad in a sheet-like robe, Gandhi was now familiar to newspaper readers throughout the world. He was often ridiculed, and Europeans almost always found him baffling. But in India he had the status of a saint.

Travelling continually in third class carriages or on foot, he visited thousands of villages in his vast, swarming country. Though he protested against being called "Mahatma" (holy man), his followers insisted on giving him that title.

Picture A Shrine

Peasants travelled 20 miles to see his train go past. Often they kneeled to kiss the sand where his feet had trodden. His photograph was - and still is - kept as a kind of shrine in millions of cottages. Sick children were touched with his picture to make them well.

To the end Gandhi persisted in his belief that the salvation of India lay in the home spinning wheel and hand loom.

He was 64 when in 1934 he resigned from his leadership of Congress - a body which he completely dominated, although he was not normally a member of it. Promising not to provoke imprisonment by civil disobedience, he announced that he would devote himself to his hand loom and to his work for the emancipation of the Untouchables.

This crusade on behalf of India's 60,000,000 Untouchables was regarded by Gandhi in his later year as equal in importance to his work for Indian nationalism. His aim was to win for the despised Untouchables - whom he called "the Children of God" - the same rights as those enjoyed by high-caste Hindus.

At the same time he wished to keep the Untouchables within the fold of the Hindu religion which for a thousand years had forced them into their wretched condition of life. This policy had the paradoxical element common in Gandhi's opinions.

He succeeded in creating a great wave of sympathy for the Untouchables. But he did not prevent them from splitting into two divisions - the supporters of Gandhi, and the Scheduled Castes' Federation, which takes a political line of its own. The living conditions of Untouchables are still generally as bad as ever.

Arrest In 1942

Gandhi's exit from national politics was temporary. When Britain was involved desperately in the second World War he saw India's chance. In 1940 he was re-elected leader of the Congress Committee. In 1942, when the Congress started its last big "Quit India" campaign, he was arrested. He was kept under arrest for 21 months at the palace of the Aga Khan.

After his release, in the final two years of tense negotiations which preceded. the British withdrawal. Gandhi strongly opposed the separation of Pakistan. He continued to advise his countrymen against violence.

A series of Viceroys and other British, leaders found it impossible to handle their problems without long conferences with Gandhi, who was now over 70. Mr. R. G. Casey, as Governor of Bengal, formed a deep respect for him, but found that negotiations presented special difficulties.

To the end Gandhi persisted in his belief that the salvation of India lay in the home spinning wheel and hand loom. His lack of interest in industrial planning and other economic matters exasperated many younger members of the Congress. To the Hindu masses he remained a saint with semi-divine authority.


His physique was much stronger than his frail appearance indicated. He never ate meat and seldom any cooked food. Goat's milk, dates, nuts, chopped fresh vegetables, and plenty of fruit composed his diet.

Every morning at 4.30 and again in the evening, wherever he was, he prayed. He interrupted conferences to sit down and pray without self-consciousness on the floor of a committee room of the House of Commons.

All who knew Gandhi recognised that his mystical outlook was joined to a shrewd political sense. Because India was an unarmed country, non-violence was in fact the most practical form for its revolutionary movement to take. Gandhi's fasting - a form of protest known for centuries among pious Hindus - while strange to European minds, often achieved results which would not have been possible by other means.

Most western people, confronted with the personality of Gandhi, would agree with the statement of Mr R. G. Case: “ I do not pretend to understand him at all fully. He is of the East, and I am not.”

But few today are disposed to regard the phenomenon of Gandhi without respect. The creed of non-violence which made him unique among world leaders was the extreme opposite point to the ruthlessness of the totalitarian age.

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