

This was published 5 months ago

Fines and jail time – even Singapore can’t stop people vaping

By Eryk Bagshaw

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Singapore: As politicians in Canberra argue the merits of the Albanese government’s proposed ban on the manufacture and sale of vapes without a prescription, Singapore is struggling to enforce its own hardline stance against e-cigarettes.

Take a walk through the centre of the island-nation on any given weekday, and you will see not just smokers outside for a break, but a smattering of office workers puffing on nicotine lolly juice on Raffles Place or Robertson Quay.

Singapore has not had a lot of luck weeding out vapes.

Singapore has not had a lot of luck weeding out vapes.Credit: Getty

In most other countries, including Australia, this sight would be unsurprising. But Singapore has some of the world’s toughest anti-vaping laws.

Anyone caught with a vape on the street can be fined $S2000 ($2260). Anyone caught selling one will cop a $S10,000 penalty. Those found with a vape can have their property searched and face possible jail time if more are found.

Customs officers patrol immigration checkpoints at the airport, ferry terminals and land borders looking for vapes. They caught 177 people at Changi airport in four days alone in December.


None of this has made much difference. Ready black market availability and pervasive nicotine addiction have driven vaping to record highs. There are now four times the number of people using vapes in Singapore than in 2020, according to figures from the Health Sciences Authority. Most of the contraband devices are sourced through the encrypted messaging app Telegram.

Singapore’s other big problem is geography. Next door in Malaysia, you can pick up a vape when you land at the airport and grab another near the departure gate when you fly out. The vaping industry has been unleashed across the country, which has twice as many smokers as Australia. Marketing billboards in Malaysian convenience stores promote live vape reviews on TikTok and Instagram. Recently, the “Bugatti”, a vape boasting 12,000 puffs in one device, toured the country on a weeklong roadshow.


In neighbouring Indonesia, the government has chosen to regulate vapes by imposing taxes. Vapes have surged 10-fold over the past decade in the archipelago as an alternative to smoking. Batam, a border town just across the Singapore Strait, and best known for welcoming Singaporean businessmen and their mistresses, has a thriving local vape scene.

Vaping has even made inroads in Thailand, which in 2014 became one of the first countries to ban electronic cigarettes. These days you are more likely to find vapes under the counter at the local legal cannabis dispensary than at the convenience store.

That leaves Singapore surrounded by thriving, and mostly legal, vaping markets.

Now there are calls for the city-state to crack down even further to stop syndicates capitalising on the lucrative demand from young Singaporeans, including children, who are drawn in by colourful packaging and flavours such as grape, pineapple and apple.

Teo Yik Ying, the vice president for global health at the National University of Singapore, reckons it’s time to start using sewage testing in schools to round up vape users. “Pair this with a urine test on individuals within those locations, and it will not be difficult to flush out the offenders,” he wrote in an opinion piece published this week in The Straits Times.


He went on to argue that Singapore’s state security apparatus should be turned on vapers. “Surely, in a country known for its ambition in artificial intelligence, coupled with the proliferation of public surveillance cameras, we could rely on image recognition to identify vapers and to alert nearby enforcement officers to the whereabouts of the offenders,” he wrote, warning that without bold and decisive action, vaping will become entrenched in Singaporean society.

”It’s obvious we need to sharply ramp up the penalties for the illegal sale or distribution of vaping products, and we should use technology to nab the culprits.”

Australia, of course, has already banned the importation of vapes since January 1, after a survey found that the number of secondary students who have vaped had quadrupled over the past five years. Now the Albanese government is hoping its proposed new legislation – which seeks to prohibit the domestic manufacture, advertising, sale and commercial possession of vapes, with hefty penalties and up to seven years’ jail time – will rout out of Australia what has become a worldwide scourge.

Singapore’s experience suggests that even the toughest measures may not be enough.

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