

This was published 4 years ago


Cheng Lei is a strange choice for a diplomatic hostage

Chinese Communist Party leaders regard human beings as more or less useful pawns in a political game. They reject Western liberal ideas concerning the rights of the individual and the independence of the judicial system.

Taking hostages to be used as leverage in an international dispute is a weapon in the CCP’s armoury. No one doubts that Beijing was engaged in “hostage diplomacy” when it seized Canadians Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig in retaliation for the arrest of Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou. It wants a swap.

We don’t know the reason for the detention of Australian journalist Cheng Lei. It may be unrelated to the current strains between the two countries – unlike the arrest last year of Australian writer and activist Yang Hengjun, which appeared to be politically motivated.

Nevertheless, Australian and international media have all viewed Cheng’s arrest through the lens of the diplomatic tensions. Is Beijing sending Canberra a message? After trade embargoes, cyberattacks and tourist curbs, is this another move in Beijing’s campaign of political pressure after the Morrison government called for an independent inquiry into the origins of COVID-19?

Whatever the reason for her arrest, Beijing knew that it would be construed as a tactic to pressure Canberra. So maybe that’s all we need to know. Already, Beijing apologists in Australia are out there blaming the Morrison government’s reckless “anti-China” rhetoric for her arrest.

Perhaps the target is not Australia but foreign journalists in China. Under growing pressure, they hear the message loud and clear. As the former ABC and now BBC China correspondent Stephen McDonell wrote: “For those asking what Cheng Lei is said to have 'done', we don’t know. That’s the point.”

Cheng Lei, the Australian anchor for China's government-run English news channel CGTN.

Cheng Lei, the Australian anchor for China's government-run English news channel CGTN. Credit: CGTN

Chinese-Australians, especially those born in China like Cheng, are more vulnerable to persecution than others because the CCP still regards them as “sons and daughters of the Chinese nation”. The CCP owns them and if they step out of line they will be treated as “traitors” irrespective of their citizenship.

The party regards relatives as powerful levers to control the activities of “overseas Chinese”. Not long ago, a Chinese-Australian friend emailed to tell me that she finally feels free because her mother had died. The CCP no longer has that weapon to use against her if she exercises her freedom of speech as an Australian citizen.


In trying to assess this latest arrest, we need to confront an awkward question. In Canada, even Beijing’s supporters concede that the two Michaels are the victims of Beijing’s hostage diplomacy. There is great anguish about the incarceration of two innocent Canadian citizens. The effect has been a surge of popular hostility against the Chinese government, but also a determination not to be blackmailed.

If Beijing has decided to take Australian hostages to pressure Canberra to back down then Cheng and Yang are strange choices because, and let’s be blunt here, they are not seen to be very Australian.


Their allegiances are murky. Yang lived in the United States and his relations with Beijing ran hot and cold. (When I tried to mobilise Australian writers to support him they were reluctant because they had never heard of him.)

Cheng has for many years worked in Beijing for the CCP’s propaganda apparatus. One Twitter user put it like this: “Born in China. Lives in China. Works for Chinese government broadcaster. What exactly makes Cheng Lei an Australian journalist?”

Yes, repeating this will outrage some; but that’s how many in the community see her. She hasn’t earned their support.

Quite rightly, Minister for Foreign Affairs Marise Payne is working as hard she can to protect Cheng's rights.


Some will see the lack of outrage as further proof of Australian’s innate racism, but I don’t think it is. If Beijing had arrested much-loved Australian Benjamin Law – or Kylie Kwong or Jenny Kee – there would be a great outcry and intense pressure to “do something”. And when Sydney academic Feng Chongyi was detained in China while researching human rights abuses, his many friends in the academic world fired up and applied relentless pressure on the government.

Last week, while Chen wondered about her fate, China’s deputy ambassador to Australia Wang Xining spoke of promoting the two countries’ partnership using respect, goodwill, fairness and vision. He told the National Press Club: “We should not let cold heart and dark mind cast shadow over our partnership.”

Fine words. But the regime’s true attitude towards Australia was more honestly expressed today in the Communist Party’s Global Times newspaper. It denounced Australia for its pushback, and warned darkly that unless we “conform to the spirit of world peace” we will end up as the “poor white trash of Asia”.

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