

This was published 8 years ago

Victorian climate laws face massive overhaul including new emissions targets

By Tom Arup and Environment Editor

Victoria's climate change laws face a major overhaul, with an independent review recommending the state establish new targets to cut emissions, put in place a legally binding charter on government decisions and give the environmental watchdog powers to limit greenhouse gases, among other sweeping reforms.

But the Andrews government, which commissioned the review, has immediately ruled out setting up a state-based emissions trading system or adopting a "shadow carbon price" on government decisions, which were both floated in the review's recommendations.

Victoria's climate change laws are facing a radical redraw if the recommendations of an independent review are adopted.

Victoria's climate change laws are facing a radical redraw if the recommendations of an independent review are adopted.Credit: Jessica Shapiro

On the other proposals the Andrews government has largely kept its powder dry, promising a broader response in the coming few months.

"We went to the last election with a commitment to reintroducing an emissions reduction target and ... to put Victoria back as a leader responding to climate change, and this is one of the first steps," Victorian Environment Minister Lisa Neville said on Thursday morning.

The review looked at the Victorian Climate Change Act, which was first brought into effect by the Brumby government. It was later amended by the Baillieu government, which removed the state target to cut emissions by 20 per cent against 2000 levels by 2020 following the recommendations of its own review that it would drive no extra national pollution cuts.

The latest scrutiny of the laws – headed by lawyer Martijn​ Wilder, a partner at Baker & McKenzie – put forward 33 recommendations that would significantly bolster climate law powers.

State emissions targets

The review recommended re-establishing state emissions targets in law, including a long-term goal for 2050 and interim targets every five years to that point.


The review did not spell out exactly what Victoria's climate targets should be, but said that it should focus on limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels, the ambitious target included in the recent Paris climate agreement, with support from Australia.

That would imply cutting emissions to zero by the middle to latter part of the century.

Forcing government to consider climate change in what it does

Several recommendations also seek to ensure the state government considers climate change in all its decisions, including major infrastructure projects and government purchasing.

Under the proposals there would be a "climate change charter", similar to Victoria's existing human rights charter, which would be given legal force so groups could take the government to court if they felt global warming had not been considered.

The review also recommends the government incorporate the financial costs of greenhouse gases in its purchasing and decisions. This would make clean technologies and climate-friendly projects more economically attractive to government, but Ms Neville ruled out this latter proposal on Thursday.

Giving the EPA teeth on greenhouse gases

The review also argues the Environment Protection Authority should have the power to restrict greenhouse gases from major industrial plants in the state so that it can drive down emissions.

In particular, the review says the EPA could issue or revise licences on major industrial plants to cut emissions. Or it could be allowed to regulate greenhouse gases as "waste" if a state-based emissions trading scheme was established.

But Ms Neville ruled out any prospect of a trading system, saying that should be the domain of Commonwealth policy.

Other recommendations

The review said the government should have to prepare a climate change plan every five years, which would both outline its proposals to cut emissions and include plans from major departments to adapt to climate change threats, such as heatwaves and other natural disasters.

It also recommended that more crown land be made open to store carbon in soil and trees and that government departments be asked to make pledges on what they will each contribute towards meeting the state's emissions targets.

Mr Wilder said as recommendations were being written the reviewers had noticed a "tremendous amount" of state-based action to tackle greenhouse gases around the world, and there was an opportunity to use the laws in Victoria to take leadership on climate change.

Responding to the review Environment Victoria chief executive Mark Wakeham​ said how the Andrews government responded to the review would be a key test of their leadership.

"We need swift development of the state's strategy on climate change, and in the meantime actions that reduce Victoria's greenhouse pollution must be funded in the upcoming state budget in May," he said.

Opposition environment spokesman Brad Battin accused the government of talking up targets without explaining how they would be met.

"Even federal Labor agreed that duplicating state and federal targets would only push up costs for householders," he said.

The Greens climate spokeswoman Ellen Sandell​ said the government could not claim to be serious on climate change unless it sought to replace coal-fired power stations, banned onshore gas extraction and stopped native harvesting of forests.

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