

This was published 7 years ago

Suspected teen extremists could be held for two weeks without charge

By Josh Gordon and Michael Koziol

Suspected extremists as young as 14 could be arrested, detained and questioned for up to two weeks without charge under an Andrews government terror crackdown.

The state government has flagged mirroring 2016 NSW laws that allow police to lock up teenagers if they deem a serious terrorist threat, even if they have not been charged with an offence.

Terrorism was a key issue at last week's Council of Australian Governments meeting in Hobart.

Terrorism was a key issue at last week's Council of Australian Governments meeting in Hobart.

Victoria Police currently has the powers to detain a suspect for up to 72 hours, but has no powers to question them. The overhaul would dramatically increase the powers by lowering the age to 14, extending the time limit and allowing questioning.

There would likely be an initial detention period of up to four days, with processes allowing an eligible judge to extend that to a maximum of 14 days.

Victoria is also considering a new detention regime for unrepentant extremists who have served time for terrorism-related offences but are seen as an ongoing threat.

In Victoria, "post-sentence" detention facilities are only available for sex offenders, although funding was set aside in the May budget for a new 10-bed secure detention facility for violent offenders who have completed their sentences.

In the wake of the deadly Brighton siege, terrorism was a key issue at last week's Council of Australian Governments meeting in Hobart.

Provided a funding deal with the Commonwealth can be struck, a new facility could be built for suspected terrorists on detention orders under an extraordinary provision that currently allows detention without charge, but only for sex offenders.

The NSW terror laws, allowing detention without charge for up to two weeks and for minors as young as 14, have drawn controversy.


When the legislation was introduced in May 2016, the NSW Council for Civil Liberties said the changes, supported by the state opposition, would alienate vulnerable young people who should be given incentives to join the rest of the community and deradicalise, rather than be held without charge.

Premier Daniel Andrews has been talking tough in the wake of this month's Brighton siege, warning that stricter bail and parole laws may not be enough.

On Saturday, Mr Andrews hinted at the changes, saying there was no proper facility for somebody "who on all the available intelligence presents an unacceptable risk but has not yet committed a crime".

"There is a gap and I intend to fill it in a fair and deliberate way," he said. "We would be dangerously wrong to think that reform to bail, reform to parole was the end of dealing with these threats."

Under the NSW legislation on which the looming overhaul in Victoria is likely to be modelled, there are several safeguards, including protections so that the initial detention period is not extended unless a judge is satisfied that the investigation is being conducted diligently and without unnecessary delay.

A uniform system for preventative detention has been on the drawing board since late 2015. At an April 2016 COAG meeting, states and territories reached in-principle agreement to use "the NSW model as the basis for a strengthened nationally consistent pre-charge detention scheme for terrorism suspects". The Australian Capital Territory reserved its position.

It comes amid heightened debate about how to handle potential extremists who have not been charged with an offence. Immigration Minister Peter Dutton was on Monday forced to rule out "internment" of terror suspects, an idea floated by Pauline Hanson last week, but left the door open to further legislative changes.

"There are sensible things that we could do, there are things the Europeans have done, the Brits have done, that we could look at," he said. The NSW laws on investigative detention were broadly based on the British model.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull will deliver a national security statement on Tuesday and flag further changes aimed at targeting terrorists online, including greater access to encrypted data.

"The privacy and security of a terrorist can never be more important than public safety," Mr Turnbull will say.

"An online civil society is as achievable as an offline one. The rights and protections of the vast overwhelming majority of Australians must outweigh the rights of those who will do them harm.

"We will not take an 'if it ain't broke we won't fix it' mentality."

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