

This was published 6 years ago

Sunday blackouts a failure of electricity networks, not lack of supply

By Adam Carey

Why did the lights go out on Sunday night?

A surge in the use of home airconditioners caused a series of fuse faults at electricity substations on Sunday night that cut power to tens of thousands of homes, Energy Networks Australia says.

Sunday's spike in demand was unusual in nature, because it came from residential customers at a time when most businesses and industry were not operating.

This caused Victoria's electricity distribution infrastructure to melt down at a local level, as circuits overloaded and fuses automatically tripped to prevent power surges that can damage network assets and even equipment in people's homes.

"Because of the period of prolonged, intense heat residential customers were using airconditioners for longer periods of time, putting significant pressure on electricity networks at a local level," Energy Networks Australia chief Andrew Dillon said.

Power lines in Melbourne's north east suburbs.

Power lines in Melbourne's north east suburbs.

The failures led to blackouts for more than 90,000 homes and businesses, in parts of Melbourne's south-west, west, north, east and south-east. Customers on the Mornington Peninsula also lost power.

Many were still waiting to be reconnected on Monday.

Was the closure of Hazelwood last year to blame?


Political debate in Australia, including in Victoria, is focused on whether there is enough capacity to meet demand as coal-fired power plants age and renewables increase their share of the market.

But the data shows that when the lights go out in Australia the culprit is almost always the poles and wires and related infrastructure, rather than a lack of capacity.

According to the Australian Energy Market Commission, 90 per cent of all power failures between 2005 and 2010 were a failure of distribution. A lack of capacity – or "upstream generation capacity" – explained just 1.2 per cent of blackouts across the entire national electricity market.

Sunday's mass failure was no different.

Australia's Energy Market Operator forecast that Victoria's energy supply would be tight this summer following the closure of Hazelwood, which stripped 1600MW, or about 22 per cent, of capacity out of the network.

But this played no part in Sunday's blackouts. AEMO has said there was more than enough capacity in Victoria's energy grid on Sunday, with no lack of reserve even though Victorians set a new record for peak power demand.

AEMO has three levels in indicating a lack of reserve energy in the network, with LOR1 signifying the lowest level, when there is no threat to supply, and LOR3 measuring the most severe, when involuntary blackouts will occur.

Sunday's heatwave did not even stretch the grid to an LOR1, even at the point when demand peaked at more than 9.2 gigawatts at about 6pm, when the temperature was still in the high 30s outside.

As tens of thousands of Victorians sweltered in darkness on Sunday evening, as Premier Daniel Andrews sat in the front row at Rod Laver Arena, Liberal MPs fired off a volley of tweets linking the blackouts to Labor policy and the closure of Hazelwood power station in March, from leader Matthew Guy down. Their claims were wide of the mark.

We paid a lot of money to upgrade poles and wires. Why did they fail?

Australia's electricity distributors are notoriously well funded, to the degree that the federal parliament held a recent inquiry into why so much money has been poured into "gold plating" our poles and wires, given consumers have been the ones to pay for it.

The over-investment in electricity infrastructure has been identified as one of the biggest causes of rising power bills across the country, making up close to 50 per cent of consumers' bills in some states.

The inquiry heard that these "network charges" are much higher in NSW and Queensland than in Victoria, but that in all states, including Victoria, poles and wires have been amped up to a capacity far beyond actual demand.

In Victoria, which has a privatised electricity distribution network, unlike NSW and Queensland, a government-commissioned review pointed the finger at deregulation, rather than gold-plated poles and wires, for high power bills.

Dr Bruce Mountain, a Melbourne-based energy economist, said the blackouts were a cue for the Victorian government to take a closer look at where the network businesses had spent the generous sums they've received.

"It begs the question – substantial capital has been spent; how has that capital been allocated that it hasn't anticipated the demand across a system," he said.

Mr Dillon said network businesses had to find a better balance between energy affordability and network performance.


"Networks can be built to meet any demand, but it comes at a cost," he said.

"We need to be smart about investment, investing where we need to but not more than we need to."

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