

This was published 9 years ago

Red flags littered Sean Price's path to the murder of Masa Vukotic

By Michael Bachelard, Rania Spooner and Tammy Mills

As Sean Christian Price served out a long sentence in the Thomas Embling forensic hospital for stalking, rape and threats to kill, staff would often find him smashing himself in the face with a closed fist, or pushing lit cigarettes into his own flesh.

He told staff that he was repeating the treatment he'd suffered as a primary school boy at the hands of his father, though there's no way to verify that.

Sean Price arrives at the Supreme Court of Victoria for an earlier hearing.

Sean Price arrives at the Supreme Court of Victoria for an earlier hearing.Credit: Scott Barbour

He was, in the words of hospital chief Paul Mullen in 2006, a "very disturbed patient".

"It was like a memory of childhood for him," says someone who knew him at the time. "He used to say that he liked the nights when his father dragged him out of bed and punched him, because then it might not happen the next night."

Sean Price greets media as he is taken away by detectives from the Sunshine Police Station in March.

Sean Price greets media as he is taken away by detectives from the Sunshine Police Station in March.Credit: Simon O'Dwyer

Last October, this highly disturbed man was released from prison. Corrections Victoria housed him, alone, highly institutionalised and friendless, in a brick unit in west-suburban Albion with little apparent supervision.

On one of those long days of freedom, far from his new home, Price stalked and then stabbed to death 17-year-old Masa Vukotic​, a random stranger with her whole life ahead of her. She was taking a late-afternoon stroll in a park in suburban Doncaster.

Last week he pleaded guilty to that crime, but not guilty to an unrelated sexual assault, insisting in a chaotic courtroom appearance via video that the charge was a conspiracy against him. On Thursday, he changed that plea to guilty, too.


It was the first time Price is known to have killed. But his violent sexual urges, his psychological instability and his substance abuse had already given authorities more than a decade of warning that this was a very dangerous man.

Homicide detectives seize evidence from Sean Price's flat.

Homicide detectives seize evidence from Sean Price's flat.

The Victorian government must now urgently explain how it was that Sean Price, who was on bail when he killed, was left so free to roam.

Price was barely 18 when he began his first reign of terror in Melbourne's east. From February 2002 to June 2003, he stalked the streets of Kew, Balwyn, Camberwell and Brighton on the lookout for lone women, P-plates prominently displayed on his bronze-coloured car.

On Friday nights and over the weekend - the attacks only ever happened at those times - he approached numerous victims in the street to ask for directions, then followed them home. Two he sexually assaulted near their homes. His youngest victim was just 13.

No planning nor preparation was involved except, Detective Senior Sergeant Chris O'Connor said at the time, for the "common rat cunning of a criminal".

Then, suddenly, in late July, 2003, just days after his final attack, Price turned himself in. He pleaded guilty to 22 charges. A psychologist told the court he was schizophrenic. Judge John Barnett sentenced him to a maximum of eight years and two months in hospital detention and he was registered as a sex offender.

At the Thomas Embling hospital in Fairfield, Price proved a seriously problematic patient who, despite what the court had been told, was virtually impossible to diagnose.

"Some [doctors] thought he was schizophrenic, some said a psychopath, some said he was a narcissist, others said he had a borderline personality disorder, which basically means he has poor impulse control," says a person familiar with his case. "He self-harms, but he also harms others ... he would just as likely go up to someone and punch them in the face."

That rings true given his random attack and robbery of a stranger two days after Masa Vukotic's killing.

"He's angry and frustrated. He clearly despises successful, affluent people - one of his triggers for violence," the source said.

"Everyone in Thomas Embling is hard to manage, but if someone has schizophrenia, in most cases they take their medication and they get better. They've nearly all committed murder, but they settle down."

Price never did. He was prescribed anti-psychotic medication, which dulled his impulses slightly, but still he would explode without warning, driven by some unscratchable itch within his psyche.

"His mind was just always going on either thoughts of self-loathing, or angry thoughts about what was done to him. It was just this constant battle in his head about everything."

With no apparent family connections, certainly no friends inside, he regularly assaulted fellow patients or destroyed equipment. Once, he smashed up an entire unit.

In 2006, the then health minister, Tony Abbott, visited the hospital.

"It was stupid - Tony Abbott and a number of men in suits came into the acute unit where the guys are all very on edge," a witness says, "and Sean just came straight up out of the blue and bang - I think he hit him twice in the face.

"We said to him later, 'What was going on?' and he said, 'Oh, just something about the look of him, I just wanted to hit him'."

The week before he murdered Masa Vukotic, Price came to visit The Age to talk about his experiences in prison. He told the Abbott story with a hint of pride at his infamy, but also with self-deprecation.

"I hit him and he stepped back and shaped up like a boxer. Then [Abbott] dropped his hands and smiled, and said 'I've been hit harder than that on the football field'."

Price said he admired Abbott for his restraint.

Inside Thomas Embling, Price had no friends, but he formed one sexual relationship, with a schizophrenic murderer called Florence*, a deeply religious woman who tried to convert him to Christianity. He could not keep the faith. Others tried to treat him with meditation, physical fitness, education. Nothing stuck.

"His exercise regime ... was either completely on, where he was frenetic, working out, punching bags, or the opposite, really lazy, gaining weight ... he did read, but again, he'd get really into something, usually non-fiction, but then something would trigger an annoyance, and he'd toss it away," says someone familiar with his case.

"There was this constant, ambivalent, love-hate relationship with everything."

On something, though, he was crystal clear: his desire to offend against women.

"He used to say: 'It's a natural high when you rape a woman'. Illicit drugs - which he loved taking - were a chemical high."

The times he felt most in need of the "natural high" of sexual assault was when he was angry or frustrated, "which was actually most of the time".

In January 2012, Price was back in Heidelberg Magistrates court, charged with recklessly causing injury - perhaps another of his violent outbursts at a fellow patient.

A few months later, the courts, aware that he was close to release, tried to tie up his urges in correctional red tape. In May 2012, County Court judge Roy Punshon issued a 10-year supervision order, including the condition that Price be electronically monitored and abide by a curfew. He was made to live in Corella Unit in Ararat - the so-called "Village of the Damned", where sex offenders are kept for their own, and others' safety.

But nothing could guard against the chaos of Sean Price.

Nine months after his release he was back in court in May, 2013, for assault and causing criminal damage at Corella. The magistrate imposed a sentence of three years and eight months. County Court judge Lisa Hannan reduced that on appeal to 10 months.

He was released in November of that year and out for less than two months when, in the new year of 2014, he did it again. He took an iron bar to the cars of the guards at Ararat prison, and was charged with assault, intentionally causing injury and criminal damage with the intent to damage or destroy property. Again he was sentenced to 10 months.

For at least some of this sentence, he was sent to Port Phillip prison. There, on September 18 and 19, 2014, less than two weeks before his release, he found himself in Cell 147, one of a number of isolation cells.

Price was angry and stressed and lashing out. He left the tap flowing and flooded his cell. The guards turned the water off. He urinated on the floor. An intercom system within the isolation cells is designed to allow prisoners to report an emergency. Voices on both ends of the conversation are recorded.

For two days, Price used the intercom repeatedly to complain about his treatment, and abuse and threaten prison staff. The recording shows him furious, angry, threatening, yelling about refugees and rape, the Salvation Army and murder victim Jill Meagher.

He accuses the guards or torturing him by leaving the radio on high volume all night: "I'm not a f---ing bitch, c---, I swear I'm gonna slit your f---ing throat. Turn the f---ing radio off".

"Ask your Ararat mates what I did to their cars. I'm getting out October 2nd. You wanna play games with me, dog?"

At one point a female guard is recorded over the intercom calling him a "retard" and "rain man". She asks if he's ever been gassed, and then says: "How do you think you'll go pressing that intercom if we come down and break all your fingers?"

But mostly the threats flow the other way: "I'm gonna f---ing slit their throat, c---, gonna stab them, rip their f---ing eyes out and decapitate them, carve them up with a big f---ing carving knife, stick it all their way in their f---ing guts, rip their heads off," he whispers.

"When I get out I'm gonna chop up some friends for you ... chop up a kid ... I'm gonna slit kids' throats when I get out in 12 days."

Twelve days later, on October 2, Price was released into the community. His 10-year supervision order still had eight years to run, but instead of being returned to Corella, he was returned to an unsuspecting community in west-suburban Albion.

Prisons are rugged places where harsh things are said, but two guards were worried enough about his September intercom rampage to report Price to police for threatening to kill them. The day after his release, Price was interviewed over these charges at Wyndham North Police station.

He admits in the interview to saying "some pretty vile and disgusting stuff", but said he was trying to draw police attention to his plight.

"Everything I did was just to get attention," he told police in his interview.

In the weeks following, in the confines of his Albion unit, his quest for attention continued. He came to The Age to complain about his treatment in prison and to hand over the intercom recordings, hoping for a story about conditions in the jail. He posted three strange YouTube videos, one of them a rhyming rap, complaining about alleged assaults by guards in Ararat prison. He was preoccupied with their alleged digital "rape" of his ears.

And then, on March 17, Sean Christian Price got going early. He arrived at Sunshine train station at 5.42am and zigzagged around the city on public transport all day before heading east, to Koonung Linear Park in Doncaster where, for the first time we know of, he killed.

Masa Vukotic, a young woman who loved to dress up, was grabbed on her evening walk, dragged into bushes and stabbed to death as she screamed. She suffered 49 blows with a knife, with one to the neck proving fatal.

Price had come prepared. He walked away, washed off the blood and changed clothes. The following day, as his CCTV pictures of Price circulated around the newsrooms of Melbourne, he reported into the police station on bail, then left again and assaulted a man, at random, stealing his mobile phone. His next stop was a book shop, where he digitally raped a woman. Prosecutors said later he had "wanted to get his rocks off" before an inevitable stint in jail.

Then he walked into the Sunshine Corrections Office at 11.26am to ask for his parole officer. Police were alerted and came quickly. As they pinned him to the ground he told officers simply: "There's a good chance it was me".

The Age can now reveal that a state government independent review into Victoria's system for managing serious sexual offenders was instituted recently partly because of this series of events involving Price.

But the minister for Corrections has told The Age the law prevents him from answering questions about Price. So what supervision did he have from the mental health or corrections system under his super-strict supervision order? What were the contents of a number of psychiatric reports into his mental state? Could anything else have been done to prevent the murder of a young woman that was, given Price's history, all-too predictable.

According to someone who knew him well, if he had been under supervision, "I reckon they would have seen him ticking all the old boxes - drug taking, anger, frustration - and the risk that he would offend against a woman is incredibly high.

"It makes me really think, what was the point of all those eight years of treatment, incarceration, when he can get out there and do that - the worst thing he's done so far?

"Something has gone wrong, the system has failed all of us, really".

With Anna Sublet

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