

This was published 8 years ago

Police car chases: Officers slam pursuit policy in Police Association survey

By Tammy Mills

The state's most senior traffic police officer says Victoria Police will not turn the force's new pursuit policy "on its head" in the wake of strong criticism from its members.

A Police Association survey was released to media on Monday and of the 3000 officers who responded – about one-fifth of the force – 93 per cent said the policy had failed to strike the right balance between the risks and benefits of pursuits.

The new policy, introduced in July last year, restricted police to pursuing only when there was a threat to public safety or a serious offence, such as murder, had been committed.

Previously, police could pursue for any offence, but they had to stick to a strict risk assessment where chases would be called off if the offender was driving dangerously – such as running a red light or at high speed – and putting public and police safety at risk. The risk assessment was also tightened under the new policy.

Before the policy change, police could pursue for any offence, sticking to a strict risk assessment where chases could be called off, but police believe the restricted policy has led to some alarming behaviour.

Before the policy change, police could pursue for any offence, sticking to a strict risk assessment where chases could be called off, but police believe the restricted policy has led to some alarming behaviour.

In the survey, police detailed alarming behaviour they believe has occurred as a result of the restricted policy, including:

  • Drink drivers are now "just U-turning from booze buses as they know there is no consequence", according to one officer.
  • Offenders coaching other offenders on social media on how to engage for the police to terminate, including driving on the wrong side of the road.
  • Respect for police has been eroded, with one member writing; "Sure, it is only a small element that are baiting police, throwing things at divvy vans and even shooting at police, but if you allow something to fester, then it grows".
  • Another stated there had been one situation of a civilian pursuing his own stolen car while police sat stationary, "doing nothing".

Road policing Assistant Commissioner Doug Fryer said command may change the wording in the policy to make it clearer for members when they can and can't pursue, but there will be no major policy shift.

"I'm not committing here at all in turning that current position on its head," he said in a press conference on Monday afternoon.


"What I'm committing to is the review we promised our membership... What we won't do is, we won't amend this policy if it's going to create an enhanced risk to the community, we simply won't."

This is despite having, on average, 500 instances of drivers evading police each month since the policy was introduced in July last year.

However, Mr Fryer said there was no way to measure that figure against earlier statistics because a failure in the force's internal database did not allow those instances to be recorded.

The restricted policy was also linked to the failure to pursue two stolen cars that later crashed and killed two innocent people in Melbourne within the space of two months.

"There are some that are simply not going to stop whether we try to pursue them or not," Mr Fryer said.

The deaths, he said, were "absolute tragedies" but, they came about "because of the actions of young, reckless individuals not because police didn't pursue them days earlier."

Mr Fryer said the number of pursuits have dropped to five or six a month from 145 a month. He said of those 145 a month previously, 79 per cent were called off by police within three minutes because the risk was far too great.

He said the restricted policy forces police to go through a cultural change from "you run, we chase" to "you run, we investigate".

However, Police Association secretary Ron Iddles said this needed to be supported with resources including round-the-clock aerial support, a new pursuit controller role based within the force's communications centre, remote car disabling technology and even GPS trackers that can be fired at fleeing cars.

Mr Iddles said the policy needed to be simplified so members had clearer direction and discretion and allow police to pursue for serious indictable offences, including property offences like stolen cars.

He said the survey showed the policy was too restrictive.

"It meant in the end, it was really a no-pursuit policy so therefore pursuits weren't even initiated so then you had motorists who were baiting members, who were drag racing, and then members weren't able to actually pursue," he said.

Mr Fryer said command would take into account the 17 recommendations made by the association in its review, which is expected to be completed in the next month.

The new policy came after a review by coroner John Olle​ in response to the deaths of 14 people in almost five years in, or just after, pursuits.

Mr Fryer said Mr Olle will be asked for feedback in the current review.

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