

This was published 9 years ago

Numan Haider's death prompts fear and loathing among young Muslims

By Michael Bachelard and Nino Bucci

The shot from a police pistol that killed young Afghan terror wannabe Abdul Numan Haider last September has echoed loudly down the weeks and months since he died.

Some of those men arrested on Saturday and charged with allegedly planning a killing spree on police and civilians on Anzac Day were friends of Haider's, and police believe the suspects were plotting to avenge their mate.

Numan Haider, left, was shot dead after stabbing two police officers in September 2014.

Numan Haider, left, was shot dead after stabbing two police officers in September 2014.Credit: Facebook

But the effect of Haider's death has been much broader still.

Many young Muslim men in the Melbourne's far south-eastern suburbs where Haider grew up and died, are openly sceptical of the police version of the events of that night. These are people with no connection to terrorism, but who already feel marginalised by the political and media depiction of their religion.

After Haider's body was seen by many in the open casket at his funeral with a huge bullet hole in his head, the topic has become an ongoing obsession for some.

"Everyone feels sorry for him and even people in my [Shiite] community talk about it a lot," young Afghan community activist Mohammad Ali Baqiri told Fairfax Media.

"They say there were federal police there, two police officers, and they say he's only got a knife, so why shoot him in the head? [There's] always rumours that something was going on."

A senior member of the al-Furqan mosque, believed to be the epicentre of radical Islam in Melbourne's south-eastern suburbs, said: "I don't understand why would the police actually shoot him in the head, why not shoot him somewhere else? It sounds a bit suspicious."

Senior members of Melbourne's Muslim community are now worried that Haider's death is acting as a lightning rod for broader discontents with Australian society, and distrust of authorities.


"It's definitely put back the relationship between police and young boys living out in that area," says secretary of the Islamic Council of Victoria Kuranda Seyit. "I think the police have to do a lot more to improve that relationship ... there's much more distrust."

The problem has been allowed to fester because, seven months after Haider died, a full airing of the circumstances in a coronial inquest is still weeks or months away. The Coroner's court held a directions hearing in October, a month after the events of September 23, 2014 outside the Endeavour Hills police station.

The police account of events was briefly read out to the court, but no evidence released. A second directions hearing date has not been set, as the court waits for the homicide squad to complete its investigation. This includes a report from the internal investigator, the Professional Standards Command -- part of any investigation into a police shooting.

Sources say the inquest will be even further delayed by the arrests on the weekend of Haider's friends.

Meanwhile conflicting media reports of friends being near the scene with video cameras, or of Haider's attempts to behead one of the police officers have never been fully clarified.

In Sydney, by contrast, events at the Lindt cafe siege and the death in a police shooting of gunman Haroun Man Monis and his victims Katrina Dawson and Tori Johnson were revealed in significant detail just six weeks after the event.

"This early directions hearing, so soon after the event, is in recognition of the need to launch a thorough and prompt examination," counsel assisting, Jeremy Gormly, SC, told that hearing. "Fact, accuracy of fact, is what everyone needs ... It is being done at this early stage before hearings commence, to answer speculation that may be unhelpful to legitimate public discussion."

In Melbourne, by contrast, speculation has been allowed to run rife, and it has fed into broader concerns by the Islamic community that the media and politicians are demonising them. Fairfax Media has spoken to a dozen or more community leaders who agree a sense of alienation and distrust is beginning to afflict Muslims in Melbourne, of whom about 29 per cent are aged under 14.

Mr Seyit says allegations spread in graphic detail on mainstream and social media of alleged police brutality during last Saturday's arrests, means the "sense of victimhood will only be accentuated".

"When they see the extent of people being treated badly by police in their eyes, it only makes the situation worse and drives young people further away from mainstream society."

Islamic State has attempted to use Haider's death as a recruiting tool, saying in its magazine, Dabiq, that the killing was part of the "chaos [that] erupted around the world" after a call to arms last year by Abu Mohammad al-Adnani. It was evidence of the "deadly tinderbox [that] is fizzing just beneath the surface of every western country, waiting to explode into violent action".

Mr Seyit disagreed, saying Haider's death should have "very limited impact" on recruitment to Islamic State. But the longer that question marks lurk around the investigation, "there will always be young people ... who have conjectures about what happened".

"Unless an independent investigation brings more light, those questions will linger, and it's not healthy for community relations."

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