

This was published 7 years ago

Lake plan for Hazelwood coal mine could leave taxpayers high and dry

By Josh Gordon and Benjamin Preiss

The Morwell River could be diverted for at least seven years under a plan to create a "pit lake" in the disused Hazelwood coal mine containing more water than Sydney Harbour.

The state government insists the cost of rehabilitating the mine will be borne by its owners, but the owners' estimate at this stage is only $73 million, a fraction of the amount market analysts, government insiders and environment groups say will be needed.

The government is unable to say where the 740 billion litres of water needed to half-fill the mine pit – costing as much as $440 million according to some estimates – will be sourced, with a range of options being considered.

The mine's majority owner, Engie, recently released an artist's impression of a proposed lake, including picnic facilities, bird watching areas, walking tracks and even an "artesian health spa".

An artist's impression of Hazelwood coal mine as a lake.

An artist's impression of Hazelwood coal mine as a lake.

But critics believe the company's self-assessed liability is inadequate, warning that unless dramatic steps are taken to clarify the situation an ugly "pit dam" fenced off from the public could be the outcome.

In the wake of the Hazelwood mine fire inquiry, the rehabilitation bond held by the government will be lifted on January 1 from 50 per cent to 100 per cent of mine owners Engie and Mitsui's self-assessed rehabilitation cost estimates.

That means Hazelwood's operators will stand to lose about $73 million if they walk away or fail to deliver on their rehabilitation plan – in addition to reputational damage. The operators' estimate is only preliminary and could change, but it is still well below some independent assessments running to hundreds of millions of dollars.

A report by financial services company Credit Suisse put the actual cost of rehabilitating the area at $357 million. The report, prepared before Fairfax Media revealed Hazelwood will close early next year, warned that all brown coal mine operators in the Latrobe Valley had assumed access to free water in their remediation plans.

Hazelwood power station is to close early next year.

Hazelwood power station is to close early next year.Credit: Eddie Jim

"To date, the mine operators and government departments have not progressed any work on the issue of rights to water." the report says.

The authors say "it is not out of the realms for the clean-up to be passed to government to ensure a co-ordinated and best outcome for the environment and community."

The Hazelwood coal pit fire burns in February 2014.

The Hazelwood coal pit fire burns in February 2014.Credit: Jason South

A number of options, some canvassed in the report of the inquiry into the 2014 Hazelwood mine fire, are being considered.

Under the most likely, the minimal amount of backfill available would be pushed back into the mine, with a local waterway (probably the Morwell River) diverted to create a lake big enough to stop the water table below pushing upwards to destabilise the mine floor and walls.

That would require about 740 gigalitres – worth as much as $440 million based on last year's median price for tradeable water rights.

If the Morwell River were diverted, the pit would take about seven years to fill. Allowing the mine to fill naturally over time would take more than 200 years.

Another option being considered is a shallow lake at the bottom of the pit, well below the level of the water table. But this would require constant pumping of the water aquifer to prevent it from pushing up on the mine floor, causing instability.

Completely filling in the massive pit with solid material has been ruled out on logistic and cost grounds. A federal parliamentary library report concluded there was no viable solution to filling the pit with solid material "from either a technical or an economic point of view".

Asked what options were available to obtain the water, a spokeswoman for Resources Minister Wade Noonan said only that Engie had a legal obligation to rehabilitate the site.

"The company must prepare a mine closure plan, which will be made available for public comment and assessed by [resources and mining industry regulator] Earth Resources Regulation," she said.

An Engie spokesperson said the company was working closely with government departments and would start formal community consultations about restoring the site in the first quarter of 2017.

Environment Victoria campaigns manager Nicholas Aberle said the state was paying the price for decades of inaction on planning for mine closures.

"People are assuming the mines will just become lakes, but it's not clear that that's viable, let alone desirable, especially with so many questions over water quality," Dr Aberle said.

"Regulators must ensure a high standard of rehabilitation at Hazelwood so it doesn't become an industrial wasteland, and they need to make sure Engie covers all the costs."

CFMEU Victoria mining and energy president Trevor Williams said flooding the site was a bad idea. "We think that would be a mistake at this stage," he said.

Mr Williams said he hoped the remaining coal could be used for other purposes, including fertiliser.


Wendy Farmer, president of community group Voices of the Valley, said there appeared to be little action on the transition plan, with concerns the land would remain fenced off and vacant.

Ms Farmer said some people were hoping the site would be converted into an "amusement" facility such as a water park or racetrack.

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