

This was published 12 years ago

Kirner fights on despite health woes

Victoria's only female premier is proud to have held the state's top post.

By Lawrence Money

JOAN Kirner, friend and mentor to Julia Gillard during her climb to power, was gobsmacked as she watched Gillard's first TV interview as PM two years ago - Gillard was wearing a black dress with white polka-dots. It was an obvious salute to the former Victorian premier who, although she has never owned a polka-dot dress, was enshrined that way by newspaper cartoonists throughout her torrid years at the helm from 1990 to 1992.

''I texted Julia,'' says Kirner, ''saying: 'What are you doing wearing polka dots!' She sent back a reply: 'Just wanted to be spot on.''' But there is nothing new under the sun. Kirner says she was told by a New Zealand academic years ago that this is what happened to the British suffragettes: cartoonists portrayed them in polka-dot dresses. ''It was an attempt to make me look like a suburban housewife who couldn't cope,'' she says.

Joan Kirner, elevated to Companion of the Order of Australia (AC) - the nation's highest award - in the Queen's Birthday honours today for her career in Parliament and leadership in various social justice causes, is in poor health. Turning 74 next week, she is blind in her right eye - she woke up one morning and the vision had gone - and is able to sit comfortably in a chair only with the help of a cushion.

''I have severe osteoporosis,'' she explains. ''Your bones start to collapse.'' Her limited vision caused a bad fall in the city a few years ago that broke five ribs - but nothing seems to stop her life-long campaign for the underdog.

Joan Kirner, a life-long campaigner for the underdog.

Joan Kirner, a life-long campaigner for the underdog.Credit: Justin McManus

Having led various community groups in her days before becoming Victoria's first and only female premier, she now holds the position of Victorian Communities Ambassador, showing disadvantaged people which buttons to push to get things done. A Joan Kirner Social Justice Award was launched last year, the inaugural winner being a Maryborough neighbourhood group.

In light of this care for others, it seems astonishing to learn that, due to the regulations at the time, she receives no parliamentary pension, not even as a former premier. ''Just the super money I paid in myself,'' she says. ''By 1994, I was exhausted and my back troubles had started. I made the mistake of leaving after 12 years when the minimum then was 14.

''Stupidly, I thought they would make allowances, as they had for others. To my utter dismay, they didn't. So I went back to how I was before Parliament - my husband supported me.''


That supportive husband is Ron Kirner and theirs is quite a love story. Both were working as teachers in Ballarat when they met. ''I was engaged to someone else then,'' says Kirner, ''but he made me an offer I couldn't refuse. That is, he was better than the other fellow.''

They married 52 years ago and have three adult children. ''I have been extraordinarily lucky - any bloke who can put up with the public stuff I have made him endure! It is the public opprobrium that you and your kids have to live with.

''When I was minister for education, there was a teachers' strike and Ron, as a good unionist, went along to the protest meeting. He found banners reading: 'Doom is just around the Kirner'!''

It seems somewhat out of character that this fighter for gender equality took her husband's surname after marriage. ''I probably wouldn't do it today,'' she says, ''but that's the way it was back then.''

Kirner has done much to change ''the way things were'' in Victoria. She came from a working-class family with what footballers used to call ''G and D'' - guts and determination. Her mother pulled her out of secondary school after being told that girls could not study science. Kirner, a scholarship student, was then enrolled at University High and proceeded to an arts degree at Melbourne University.

Neither Kirner's father, John, a fitter and turner, nor mother Beryl lived to see her become what her grandchildren call ''boss of Victoria''. Kirner still regrets the family decision not to bring her ailing father along to see her sworn in after she was first elected to Parliament in 1982. ''We came home to find him in tears,'' says Kirner. ''We didn't think he was well enough.'' He died later that year.


Did she enjoy being premier? ''Sometimes,'' she says, ''but I didn't ever want the job. I was very happy being education minister and deputy to John Cain. No one knew John was going to step down but in caucus, when he put his hand on mine and announced it, little tough me - well, I'm supposed to be tough - had tears running down my face. I rang Ron later and said 'I think I'll be nominated for premier - will you still be there if I accept?' He said: it will only be for two years, so yeah, that's all right.''

And Ron was right. Jeff Kennett won the 1992 election in a landslide. ''But it was a great honour,'' says Kirner, ''and the best thing is when women come up to me - three generations of them now - and say they know it was tough but at least I showed their daughters they, too, could be premier.''

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