By Jane Lee
Judges risk being traumatised by serious criminal cases, a leading psychologist says.
Rob Gordon is one of five psychologists and psychiatrists that the County Court has enlisted to debrief judges and teach them how to manage stress. Dr Gordon, who has worked with the Red Cross and child protection workers, said judges similarly faced "relentless exposure to one tragedy after another".
Though more "resilient" to stress than the average person, he said judges were largely isolated from the community and unable to discuss their work or respond publicly to criticism. Stress also built up over time: "The better you tolerate [stress], the more you put off the results until they only show up much later."
It was important for judges to be able to reflect on cases that triggered them emotionally, he said.
"We want judges to be human and that means they're going to feel and connect and if they're not going to be hardened or damaged...then we need to give them an opportunity to heal," he said.
Twenty County Court judges, including Chief Judge Michael Rozenes, have volunteered for its 'Judicial Resilience Program', the first of its kind in Victoria's courts.
The Chief Judge once noticed the impact his work was having on him personally when he had to sit on two child pornography cases in quick succession, requiring him to view a large number of distressing images. The second case came on a Tuesday, when his grandchildren visited him.
"You go home and there are your three grandchildren in the bath and you look at them, and your mind flashes back to what you saw two hours before and you say to yourself, 'Is this normal?' "
Judge Rozenes started the program because he realised that - apart from a speech about mental health for new judges and voluntary counselling sessions - the court lagged behind the Office of Public Prosecutions and the Australian Federal Police in helping staff deal with vicarious trauma: "I felt that we'd missed out on something."
Child sex abuse cases were particularly difficult, and comprised one-quarter of the court's trials to verdict, making it difficult to "quarantine judges" from the issue, the judge said.
Sentencing offenders was the hardest thing they did: "That notion that you're now going to fundamentally affect someone's what keeps you awake at night. It's just as difficult now as it was the first day I started."
A judge, who preferred not to be named, said the program should become mandatory to emphasise that psychological help was an important part of their professional lives.
He choked up on the bench for the first time last year when sentencing an offender and recounting the impact child abuse had had on victims. The judge said the court, filled with about 100 people, became "a theatre of pain. You look up and confront people who are looking to you for some measure of resolution, of comfort. They're looking to you for justice, to do the right thing, to tell their story. We're not robots. If you tap into that, you do get sucked a little into the emotions of it and you can't just shut it out all the time."
He had seen his share of gruesome images as a criminal barrister, and learned then to "compartmentalise" his work. But as a judge he found "things that impact upon you the most are the ones that are seeping through the compartments".
Chief Judge Rozenes did not think stress affected judges' performance, but was concerned about how long they could cope without help. "People are getting worn out by this process. It's become too hard."
Judges typically retired at the age of 70, but were increasingly leaving the bench at 65 "and I can't get any judges to come back as reserve judges. When I first came here there were 10 or there are two."