

This was published 9 years ago

Joan Kirner: It's still hard Labor

By Joan Kirner

In tribute to the life and work of former Premier Joan Kirner, The Age is republishing pieces from its archives. This opinion piece was first published in The Sunday Age on October 15, 1995.

Has Labor lost its will to increase the number of women in Parliament? Former Victorian premier Joan Kirner calls for a change in culture.

How does that song go? "I am woman, I can do anything . . ."

Joan Kirner

Joan Kirner

Well, almost, but not quite. As I step down from the presidency of the Victorian ALP today, I fear that the push to increase the number of women in Parliament has stalled.

There were great celebrations at both the state and national ALP conferences last year when we endorsed our affirmative- action rule. The rule requires the ALP by 2002 to have allocated a minimum 35 per cent of winnable seats to women.

It took two years of discussion and negotiation led by women across the factions to secure this change.

The affirmative-action rule received conference endorsement because a traditionally male-dominated party realised that, to be a truly democratic organisation committed to social equity, it must demonstrate that commitment by changing structures and processes.

To achieve this change, party rules had to be changed. But we knew that just a rule change would not be enough.

In the past 12 months, the lack of progress in putting women into winnable seats has created frustration among many members of the party and caused the community at large to question our commitment.

Women find it hard to understand why the safe seat of Maribyrnong went to a man who already had a safe state seat when there were several talented women - future Cabinet material - any of whom could, and should, have won the seat.

People find it even harder to accept that, when a quality candidate such as the outgoing ACTU president Mr Martin Ferguson, wanted the seat of Batman, the national secretary of the ALP threatened federal intervention to make it happen.

But, when his equally talented colleague and successor, Ms Jennie George, indicated she would prefer a safe seat rather than the difficult third spot on the Senate ticket, there was no offer of federal intervention.

The culture in the two major political parties of males rewarding other males remains dominant.

The penalty for the ALP's not reaching its affirmative-action target by 2002 is clear: all preselections will have to be done again and some male sitting members will lose their seats.

Should Labor hold its present share of the vote at the next federal election, we will be only one female member away from reaching the target in the Senate. But the Senate is not the seat of power; the House of Representatives is. And there the challenge is tougher and progress too slow.

To reach the 35 per cent target in the Lower House, Labor will need to preselect another 11 women in highly winnable or safe seats in the next two rounds of preselection - a tall order in terms of past history and the present passive resistance from a few male power brokers.

It is now absolutely clear that, if Labor is to reach its affirmative-action target, then the culture of the party has to change as well as the rules.

Jennie George has pointed out that it is time for the ALP, at the Victorian and national levels, to take a leaf out of the ACTU equal-opportunity book.

What a boost it was to the Labor movement for the public to see tough male unionists at the ACTU congress standing alongside women delegates singing "I am woman, I can do anything . . ."


Today's state ALP conference will take another step towards changing the culture of the ALP. For the first time, more than half the members of the new administrative committee - the ruling body of the state ALP - will be women.

But the next vital steps require:

  • In the next two rounds of pre-selections, the national and state executives to nominate safe seats that will go to women. Melbourne Ports and Lalor in Victoria are two clear possibilities.
  • The creation of an Emily's List-style organisation before the end of the year. It will provide money, professional and technical support to preselected ALP female candidates. Emily's List in America raised $8 million last year to put and keep Democrat women in Congress. Australian women want the same kind of economic and professional clout.
  • Women inside and outside the ALP to stand for preselection.

They must strengthen and use their networks, entrench their numbers, and play a greater role in factional negotiations.

The great news is that there are many talented and committed women out there - ready to stand for Parliament. And they are not going to wait to be asked.

The community is ready to elect women as MPs and support those already there, as seen recently by women across the political spectrum refusing to let Dr Carmen Lawrence be destroyed.

The community, too, expects that by 2002 half our parliamentarians will be women. They know it is a matter of democracy and the best use of talent. The ALP needs to demonstrate the same readiness or it will risk community alienation.

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