

This was published 10 years ago

Hazelwood fire cost more than $100 million

By Darren Gray

The cost of the fire - which burnt for 45 days before it was declared safe - is revealed in the Hazelwood Mine Fire Inquiry report, tabled in State Parliament on Tuesday.

The report said GDF Suez was "inadequately prepared" to manage the fire that broke out in its massive coalmine on the edge of Morwell during extreme conditions on February 9. At its worst, the fire covered Morwell, a town of 14,000, in pungent smoke and coal ash.

Morwell residents Tamara-Lee Gane with her sons Marcus and Saxon. Saxon (red top) suffers from bad asthma since the fire.

Morwell residents Tamara-Lee Gane with her sons Marcus and Saxon. Saxon (red top) suffers from bad asthma since the fire.Credit: Justin McManus

On the health front, the board of inquiry declared that the Chief Health Officer's advice for vulnerable residents to temporarily relocate away from Morwell, released on February 28, "was provided too late".

The board believed that the Chief Health Officer, Rosemary Lester, had sufficient information to issue such advice "shortly after the weekend of 15 and 16 February".

The report makes 18 recommendations, including: a much better level of fire readiness inside the Hazelwood mine; stronger regulation of Victorian coalmines; better communications strategies in the event of an emergency; and sophisticated air quality monitoring within 24 hours of an event like the Hazelwood fire.

The report blasted GDF Suez over its level of fire readiness at the mine before the fire broke out on 9 February.

Given dangerous fire weather conditions had been forecast in advance of the fire, it said the company should have liaised more closely with the CFA to understand "the likely threat to the mine", revised its staffing levels and "other protective measures", and revised and updated its fire plans after a bushfire started near the mine on February 7.

"The inability of GDF Suez to effectively suppress the Hazelwood mine fire during the initial stages was due in large part to the mine operator being inadequately prepared to manage the fire," the report said.


"A key principle for success in fire suppression is a fast determined first attack, but the resources available for first attack of the Hazelwood mine fire were insufficient to prevent the spread of fire inside the mine," it said.

Although Black Saturday - when 173 Victorians were killed by bushfires - was just five years ago, the report warned that "many Victorians continue to underestimate the probability of fire events and 'hope for the best' in the fire season".

And it added: "It is imperative that government agencies and operators of essential infrastructure, in particular the brown coal mining industry, learn from this event and are better prepared to manage fire risk and respond to fire in the future."

The board of inquiry report, which was headed by former Supreme Court judge Bernard Teague, also criticised the level of regulation of the Victorian coalmining industry, exposing shortcomings in the regulation of the industry by the Earth Resources Regulation Branch (the Mining Regulator) of the Victorian Department of State Development, Business and Innovation, and the Victorian WorkCover Authority.

The two agencies "operated in silos", the report said, with each adopting "a narrow reading of the statutory regime underlying their respective areas of responsibility".

The shortcomings in the regulatory regime "resulted in a gap in regulation of the Hazelwood mine in respect of fire risks with potential to impact on Morwell and surrounding communities," the report said.

In other key findings the report said:

* GDF Suez failed to adopt practical risk control measures to reduce the health and safety risks of a fire in disused parts of the mine.

* The long-term health study conducted in the aftermath of the fire should run for at least 20 years.

* The state should develop and release a "state smoke guide" that gives practical advice on how to minimise the harmful effects of smoke.

The government has accepted all the recommendations, except the development of a rapid air quality monitor, which it supports only in-principle, Deputy Premier Peter Ryan said.

"The Government acknowledges that elements of the response could have been implemented more effectively," Mr Ryan said.

Mr Teague, who chaired the board of inquiry, said the board's work aimed to minimise the prospect of a repeat of the Hazelwood mine fire occurring.

On extreme fire risk days open-cut coal mines were at higher risk of problems occurring "and it's not good enough to take moderate level steps, it's not good enough to take good steps, it's really got to be high level steps on key days, and that particularly applies to the more vulnerable areas".

A spokesman for the Chief Health Officer said: "We acknowledge the inquiry's report and its recommendations. We'll be working through the recommendations and have more to say at a later stage".

A spokesman for GDF Suez welcomed the report.

Group Manager Corporate Affairs Mr Jim Kouts said it was an important report for both the Hazelwood open-cut coalmine and for the Latrobe Valley.

"Hazelwood is a key part of the State's electricity supply infrastructure and in turn our business is a major contributor to the Latrobe Valley community. Consideration of the report's recommendations will aid preparations for and response to any future fire risk," he said.

The Hazelwood Mine Fire Inquiry did not go far enough to address residents' concerns, a community group says.

Voices of the Valley president Wendy Farmer said disused parts of the mine were a risk to the community and needed to be rehabilitated.

"The government clearly failed in its duty of care to the community through lack of oversight and regulation of the mine.

"Moving forward, we need to know precisely what is being done to ensure that this disaster can never happen again."

Reported by Larissa Nicholson

Brian Bosel, 63
Disability pensioner

Brian Bosel left Morwell when fire first hit the Hazelwood mine. Concerned about his health and bothered by the heat, he got a few friends together and headed to the coast, returning occasionally to check on his home. He was away for the best part of six weeks.

Mr Bosel spoke highly of Department of Human Services staff, saying they were helpful and kept residents informed of the state of the fire. But he said he was concerned about his elderly neighbours, some of whom stayed during the emergency because they had nowhere else to go. He agreed with the board that a relocation notice should have been issued earlier.

"By the time that notice came out, the smoke wasn't as bad as it was in the first few days," he said.

"I don't think at the time anyone realised how bad it was."

He plans to leave Morwell for northern NSW as soon as he can find a rental property, mainly because the Victorian winters are bad for his arthritis. Several of his neighbours have also moved since the fire.

Mike Kitwood, 58, Dot Kitwood, 58, daughter Becky, 26
Environmental monitoring consultant (Mike)

The Kitwoods plan to stay in Morwell, even as neighbours move. Wallace Street, on the outskirts of the town closest to the mine, has been their home for more than 34 years. Besides, they doubt their house would be worth much since the fire.

The family was unable to move as the fire burned, even though their home and garden were coated with ash. Becky is autistic and suffers epileptic seizures so they boarded up the house as much as they could and waited it out.

Their home is back to normal but the shed needs further cleaning. Mr Kitwood, who works as a consultant doing environmental monitoring, has picked up some work watching the town's air quality, which he says is generally good. But Mrs Kitwood worries there could be a repeat of the fire. She would like to see better fire prevention in the region and maintenance of grass and weeds along the freeway, which she says was long and dry over the summer.

Mr Kitwood says he wants the disused part of the mine regularly sprayed down to prevent another fire, or better yet, rehabilitated. He says the possibility of long-term health problems is a concern.

Tamara-Lee Gane, 24, children Marshall, 7, Anthony, 5, Marcus, 4, Saxon, 2, partner Chad Edwards, 30

Mother and student Tamara-Lee Gane says her family is still feeling the effects of the ash and smoke that covered southern Morwell during the mine fire. Her son Saxon was diagnosed with asthma not long before the fire started, and now suffers two or three attacks a week.

Anthony had just started prep when authorities began bussing local children to different schools, which was distressing and disrupted his progress, she said. Ms Gane's partner, Chad Edwards, has had to start regularly taking asthma medication for the first time since he was five.

The family went to live with Ms Gane's mother in Moe during the fire and they were reluctant to return to Morwell, but had just signed a new lease on their property.

Ms Gane said she was disappointed the inquiry could not offer new information on long-term health impacts of the fire. She was angry the inquiry found vulnerable residents of southern Morwell had received relocation advice a week later than they should have been.

"It's scary, it really is. What's going to happen in seven years' time, what's going to happen in 20 years' time? I don't know," she said. She plans to leave Morwell as soon as her lease runs out.

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