

This was published 8 years ago

Firefighters' union baulks at Human Rights Commission review

By Richard Willingham and State Political Correspondent

Victoria's paid firefighters have been told by their union to shun an investigation into discrimination, workplace bullying and gender diversity in the state's fire services.

The Andrews government has engaged the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission to investigate the CFA and MFB following the Fire Services Review, which found a poor culture, bullying and a lack of gender diversity.

UFU secretary Peter Marshall speaking at a recent rally.

UFU secretary Peter Marshall speaking at a recent rally.Credit: Justin McManus

But the United Firefighters Union says the commission is biased against it, and has criticised the inclusion of volunteers in the review, a week after it called for peace between career and volunteer firefighters.

"The fact that it [the review] includes volunteers is a concern in itself, as essentially any findings of volunteers' conduct will not be distinguished and therefore there cannot be any independent or accurate findings through this review," a union bulletin posted on Wednesday reads.

"The UFU does not accept that this review is independent or a genuine attempt by the fire services to investigate."

The union is concerned that the volunteer and paid workplaces are vastly different and that the evidence from firefighters will not be differentiated in the review.

The intervention by the union has angered some in government who have tried to make peace with the union after Premier Daniel Andrews intervened to push through an EBA deal that was being resisted by emergency services minister Jane Garrett, who has now resigned, the CFA board and volunteers.

MFB chief executive Jim Higgins has emailed staff to tell them that the review was about to begin and would examine the "extent, nature and impact of sexual harassment and discrimination, including bullying on employees and volunteers of the CFA and MFB".


But the UFU is opposed to the review because it believes the commission was part of a political campaign during tense EBA negotiations.

UFU members rally at Parliament House in June over the EBA dispute.

UFU members rally at Parliament House in June over the EBA dispute.Credit: Justin McManus

In December the commission was asked by the CFA to assess a log of claims, which it says it can do under its powers, which found the proposed EBA did not comply with Victorian laws.

This advice has been used by critics of the deal.

UFU secretary Peter Marshall stood by the bulletin and that the commission had brought into question its independence by failing to correct the record.

"We totally reject the commission's assertion that they are independent," Mr Marshall said. "They have been intrinsically involved in vilifying firefighters by not correcting the record in relation to the inaccurate and flawed report to the CFA which was disseminated widely in the public arena."

The UFU is "strongly" of the view that its members should not participate and has engaged an independent tertiary institution to undertake a review of the commission's work.

Victoria's Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commissioner, Kristen Hilton.

Victoria's Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commissioner, Kristen Hilton.Credit: Darrian Traynor

Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commissioner Kristen Hilton rejected all allegations of bias, saying the review would be carried out independently and that all evidence would be anonymous.

"This is a really critical piece of work; an opportunity for both paid and volunteer firefighters to talk to us about what they have witnessed," Ms Hilton said.

"Our real objective is to work with organisations to ensure that their workplaces are free of discrimination, sexual harassment and bullying and to ensure that they are as inclusive as possible."

An Andrews' government spokeswoman said there was a huge amount of work and healing required in the culture of the fire services.

"This review is one part of understanding and improving the way that people work together, and the government encourages all staff, career and volunteer firefighters, to participate," she said.

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