

This was published 8 years ago

Christian Brother 'gyrated' against me: Catholic sexual abuse victim

By Chris Johnston

Martinus Claassen was a Catholic schoolboy in Ballarat through the late 1960s into the 1970s. This, as we now know from the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, was potentially dangerous. And he wasn't spared.

The 54-year-old's mother was waived from paying fees at St Patrick's College, a Christian Brothers high school, because her husband, Mr Claassen's father, had died. One weekend just after Mr Claassen started at the school in 1974 he went to Melbourne for the weekend and forgot to take his homework.

Back at school, he was confronted in class by Brother Edward Dowlen, now jailed for child sexual abuse offences. Mr Claassen was sitting at his desk. He told Monday's royal commission hearing in Ballarat the brother leaned in close to him, spoke very softly to him about his missing homework and started stroking his thigh and genitals.

The royal commission heard 853 Australians have claimed child sexual abuse against one or more Christian Brothers, with 75 per cent of victims under the age of 13 and 98 per cent of them male. The church has paid out more than $37 million in compensation, averaging $64,000 per victim.

Protesters against child abuse within the Catholic Church stand  the front of the Ballarat Magistrate's Court before the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse begins.

Protesters against child abuse within the Catholic Church stand the front of the Ballarat Magistrate's Court before the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse begins.Credit: Simon O'Dwyer

Mr Claassen told him to stop, so Brother Dowlen grabbed him and pushed him up against the wall at the back of the room, facing the wall, "gyrating against me" while shouting at the boy about his homework.

Mr Claassen vomited at school, then that night told his mother, who organised a meeting at the school with headmaster Brother Paul Nangle. Mr Claassen told the royal commission Brother Nangle said to him: "Why are you making up these stories?" Mr Claassen showed Brother Nangle where Brother Dowlen touched him. He was crying during the meeting. "He (Nangle) then ended the meeting and said 'thank you for coming.'"

Mr Claassen said when his mother was on her death bed in 2001 she told him the episode had been the most difficult of her life and she had asked her brother what to do. "He said 'he's your boy, you have to look after him'," Mr Claassen said, adding that Brother Nangle had failed in his role as headmaster of St Patrick's College by not telling anyone about the allegations – now proven – against Brother Dowlen.


The commission heard that nearly half of all complaints against the Christian Brothers in Australia were in Victoria or Tasmania. Data mined by the commission revealed a brother identified only as CCK had 46 complaints made against him between 1963 and 1987, including in Ballarat.

Stephen Farrell was a Christian Brother at St Alpius Boys' School in Ballarat East. Mr Claassen told the commission he was abused here too, before he got to St Patricks. Brother Farrell was accused of sexual abuse by six people over incidents between 1971 and 1974. In 1997, Brother Farrell was convicted of nine counts of indecent assault against boys aged nine and 10 at the school but his two-year prison sentence was suspended.

The commission heard Brother Gerald Leo Fitzgerald was forced to retire from St Alpius Boys' School. An internal Catholic report said he had "reached that stage of life when, for some men, control of emotional impulses becomes lessened". Another report said he went into the school's dormitory to play with boys. He died in 1987 and was never charged.

Another former St Patrick's College student, Timothy Barlow, 57, gave evidence on Monday that when he was a young student representative council member in 1973, as a boarder, the council moved that Brother Nangle, the headmaster, speak with Brother Dowlen about "putting his hands down boys' pants". Mr Barlow said Brother Dowlen did not conceal what he was doing and usually did it while the boys were playing handball.

He said as punishment for raising the issue at student council he was beaten by Brother Dowlen and another brother on school grounds, and one said to him: "You'll regret this, you f***ing lying prick."

He was then made to sleep for "one or two nights" in a cold stairwell. Brother Nangle called him in, told him to "avoid spreading lies" and made him apologise to Brother Dowlen at a school assembly.

He said as he was walking back to his seat at the assembly other students winked at him. "I felt like they were acknowledging the situation," he said.

Mr Claassen and Mr Barlow's testimonies were given loud applause by victims' supporters inside the commission. The hearings continue all week, with former Ballarat bishop Ronald Mulkearns expected to give evidence by video link on Thursday.

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