School strike for climate
- Opinion
- Social media
Social media helped me find my voice. It’s a shame others won’t have the same chance
The federal push to ban under-16s from social media would cut young people off from news sources and the ability to engage meaningfully in the political process.
- Anjali Sharma
Six years after first school strike, climate kids march on
In 2018, they were inspired. One year later, they helped lead 100,000 young people in one of Melbourne’s largest environmental protests. Was it worth it?
- Caroline Schelle
- Opinion
- Climate crisis
In 2022, I left court in tears. Standing in parliament felt like deja vu
Protecting current and future young Australians from the impacts of climate change is all we ask from our politicians. But still, they refuse to safeguard us.
- Anjali Sharma
- Analysis
- Science
A Christmas scandal sent scientists to war. Last week, they won
New legislation passed last week marks the end of a saga kicked off by the axing of six research projects by the Morrison government.
- Angus Dalton
- Opinion
- Protests
Gen Z is the generation of protest, but we don’t always get it right
The biggest names of my generation – Malala Yousafzai, Greta Thunberg, Chanel Contos – are activists. But even I, as a teenager, feel alienated by the intransigence of most youth strikes.
- Saria Ratnam
Australia’s multicultural society is failing this serious test
Readers react to an open letter outlining concerns about antisemitism in Australia, and the sacking of the home affairs chief.
Wealthy on the pension? This is the age of entitlement
Readers react to money pressures, generational divides and student strikes.
School students have a right to demonstrate – it’s central to our liberty
Readers react to the school strike for Palestine; Albanese’s meeting with Xi; and the Optus outage.
After-school meetings, recycled signs: School climate strike returns to Melbourne
Fifteen-year-old organiser Charlie Gallace described months of busy after-school meetings to wrangle permits and speakers ahead of the Melbourne strike, which drew thousands.
- Sherryn Groch
Young protesters strike because they know their future is on the line
Readers respond to student plans to strike; and the push for more granny flats.
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