
Robert Kirby

Robert Kirby and Graham Burke have led Village Roadshow for decades.

Village Roadshow screened rival offer before Pacific Equity Partners deal

The wealthy Kirby family and outgoing Village Roadshow CEO Graham Burke fielded an offer from BGH Capital before agreeing to sell their stake in the company to PEP.

  • Kylar Loussikian and Jennifer Duke


Village Roadshow has several tie-ups with Warner Brothers, including a theme park on the Gold Coast.

Village Roadshow 'stopped at the drive-in', says former Hollywood exec

A former high-flying Warner Brothers executive who dealt with the ailing local entertainment company says new management is needed.

  • Kylar Loussikian
Village Roadshow's future has triggered a bitter family feud.

Family behind Village Roadshow in feud over company's future

Village Roadshow could be forced to offload its struggling movie production business, behind Zoolander and Ocean's 8, with members of the wealthy Kirby family that controls the sprawling entertainment business feuding over the best way to restore its lacklustre performance.

  • Kylar Loussikian
Illustration: John Shakespeare

SCEGGS speech night rumblings over board pair

There’s nothing quite like Sydney private school discontent to round off the year.

  • Kylar Loussikian & Samantha Hutchinson

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