
Public Sector Informant

Queensland public servants are again questioning how frequently they should work from crowded city offices in an infectious Delta COVID-19 era.

Public servants wary of working in city offices during days of Delta

Despite a call from the Queensland Premier in April for public servants to return to city offices, the more infectious strain of COVID-19 is forcing many to question her call.

  • Tony Moore


The Queensland government headquarters, known as the "tower of power"

7000 complaints about Queensland public servants fill Ombudsman's inbox

The complaint spike was linked to changes in corruption definitions that came into effect last year.

  • Lucy Stone

Public servants deserve a far better champion

Freedom-of-speech advocate Michaela Banerji uses her freedom to spread vile conspiracies.

  • Markus Mannheim
Rolling three dice on a wooden desk die dice?

A randomised route to better government

An evaluator-general would help policymakers understand which policies work, and which to drop.

  • Andrew Leigh
Bill Shorten has been forced into an awkward position with the unions on industry super.

The election debate we need

Could Australians' waning trust in institutions change what they want from political parties?

  • Andrew Podger
Time to scrutinise the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet's growing role in our system of government?

Finishing off the review's incomplete findings

The team reviewing the bureaucracy have much work to do before they release a final report.

  • John Halligan
"The pitch" approach can leave job applicants with little idea of what the employer wants from them.

Ditching 'the pitch' may improve APS recruitment

The problem wasn't selection criteria. It was a lack of effort and thought from selection-panel members.

  • Ann Villiers
Public service commissioner John Lloyd said he was denied procedural fairness in an inquiry into his conduct.

'Common pay for public servants would be a disaster'

The APS review's mild findings were predictable, because the bureaucracy is not broken.

  • John Lloyd
Public service review chairman David Thodey, whose initial findings were released last month.

A wasted 10 months of waffle

If leaders won't learn from looking back, they almost certainly can't look forward.

  • Paddy Gourley
An Ayala diorama depicts the beginning of the revolution against Spain in Manila, 1896.

National celebrations can't be built

The Americans and French get it. Many others – Australians and Filipinos, for example – don't quite.

  • Mark Thomas

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