
Patrick Dodson

Senator Patrick Dodson is embraced by Senator Penny Wong after he delivers his valedictory speech.

Dodson mourns ‘divided nation’ after Voice defeat in farewell speech

“We need to heal through honest and open dialogue, without the rancour and discord,” Dodson said, in his valedictory speech to parliament.

  • Olivia Ireland


Senator Pat Dodson (centre) flanked by Assistant Minister for Indigenous Australians and Assistant Minister for Indigenous Health Malarndirri McCarthy (left) and Senator Jana Stewart (right) depart after a press conference at Parliament House on Tuesday.

Patrick Dodson, a man of generous spirit, steps away with sorrow

Patrick Dodson, brought low by cancer and exhausted by its treatment, announces his retirement from the Senate, still thinking of a better future for Australians.

  • Tony Wright
Aboriginal activist, onetime Catholic priest and politician Pat Dodson.

‘Father of reconciliation’ Pat Dodson to quit politics

The WA senator made the decision after undergoing treatment for cancer.

  • Rachel Clun
Senator Pat Dodson during an address to the National Press Club via videolink from Broome on Wednesday.

Pat Dodson urges voters to ignore the Voice polls and look in the mirror

“I don’t believe in the polls,” Senator Dodson told the National Press Club.

  • David Crowe
Pat Dodson says the time away from politics has taught him about what’s important.

Pat Dodson, on the comeback from cancer, gives his voice to The Voice

The “father of reconciliation” finds himself appalled by the approach of Peter Dutton’s opposition to an Indigenous Voice to parliament.

  • Tony Wright

Author Martin Flanagan: Women can tell you things you don’t otherwise know

“They bring different wisdom and intuition.”

  • Robyn Doreian
Pat Dodson says the time away from politics has taught him about what’s important.

Voice defeat will undermine Australia’s standing on world stage: Dodson

In his first interview since taking medical leave to fight a serious illness, Dodson said the Yes campaign needed to get the conversation out of Canberra and into communities.

  • Anthony Galloway

Lidia Thorpe deserves respect. But she’s wrong

Readers respond to Lidia Thorpe’s push against the Voice; Boomer privilege and special schools.

A pie with sauce at the footy, 2002.

Footy. A rough meditation between the first bounce and the final siren

Footy is back, and it stirs memories that exist in a sort of magical other place, where nothing mundane may intrude.

  • Tony Wright
Voice advocates Pat Dodson and Fred Chaney

‘Have an open heart’: Former Liberal Chaney and Labor elder Dodson pressure Dutton on Voice

Former deputy leader of the Liberal Party and Labor senator Patrick Dodson join forces to call on Opposition Leader Peter Dutton to support an Indigenous Voice to Parliament.

  • Tony Wright

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