Hugh Mackay
- Opinion
- Sunday Life
When it comes to prejudice, ageism is the most stupid
It also remains the last acceptable one.
- Jane Caro
Levelling the playing field on school sport
Participation in school sport gives young children an opportunity to sample a range of activities. Education should be viewed as an investment, not an expenditure.
Online dating lacks the ‘magic’, according to social researcher Hugh Mackay
“Physical intimacy is a beautiful expression of emotional intimacy that is achieved through attraction, and getting to know and feel you love someone.”
- Robyn Doreian
Hugh Mackay: ‘Our legacy is whether we succeed or fail in enriching someone else’s life’
The social psychologist and researcher discusses changing approaches to sex, why he doesn’t fear death, and his hope that Australia will become a loving country rather than simply a lucky one.
- Benjamin Law
Exposing the ways we try to hide our inner selves
The latest work from social psychologist Hugh Mackay argues that self-knowledge is essential to leading an authentic life.
- Nicole Abadee
Keeping social bonds strong while we're living alone
It can help to remember why we are doing this. We stay at home to protect ourselves and our families, but also to serve a broader good.
- Bianca Hall
Hugh Mackay: the better world you dream of starts in your street
Could solving our problems really be as simple as being nice to our neighbours? Social researcher Hugh Mackay says it's a pretty good place to start.
- Karen Hardy
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