
EV Resources

High-grade manganese has been found by ASX-listed explorer Estrella Resources in the southeast Asian country of Timor-Leste.

Explorers fire up search for steel alloy metals

Metals used for steel alloys, once considered the poor cousins to iron ore, are starting to come into vogue, with both big and small players joining the hunt.

  • Craig Nolan


A view of a high-grade shear zone and sample sites at the historically mined Los Lirios antimony project in Mexico.

EV Resources snags historic, high-grade Mexican antimony mine

EV Resources has struck a JV agreement to acquire a 70 per cent interest in the historic, high-grade Los Lirios antimony mine in Oaxaca State, Mexico.

  • Andrew Todd
A view of the potentially open-pitable Yanamina gold-silver deposit on the side of a mountain in Peru.

EV Resources dusts off Peru project on back of surging gold-silver

EV Resources has dusted off it Yanamina gold-silver project in Peru in a recent review as demand surges for its 266,000oz of gold and 935,000oz of silver.

  • Andrew Todd
A view of a drill pad from recent drilling at EV Resources’ Parag copper-molybdenum-silver project in Peru.

EV Resources magnetics confirm copper-moly porphyry in Peru

EV Resources believes it is onto a big copper porphyry system at its Parag play in Peru, with geophysical survey results lining up with drill program findings.

  • James Pearson

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