
Dyson Heydon

Kate McClymont honoured at Walkleys for outstanding contribution to journalism

Kate McClymont honoured at Walkleys for outstanding contribution to journalism

Known for her coverage of figures including Eddie Obeid, Dyson Heydon, Charlie Teo and Don Burke, McClymont’s fearless reporting has held the powerful to account.


Morrison government behind secrecy clause in payout to Dyson Heydon’s alleged victims

Morrison government behind secrecy clause in payout to Dyson Heydon’s alleged victims

Three of Heydon’s former associates received a payout from the Commonwealth for sexual harassment they suffered, but the government doesn’t want taxpayers to know how much they were paid.

  • by Jacqueline Maley
Prince Andrew, Dyson Heydon and the case against non-disclosure agreements

Prince Andrew, Dyson Heydon and the case against non-disclosure agreements

It is a fact of human nature that being able to tell your story helps you make sense of that story. You might even argue it should be our inalienable right to do so.

  • by Jacqueline Maley
Dyson Heydon’s victims reach financial settlement with Commonwealth

Dyson Heydon’s victims reach financial settlement with Commonwealth

Rachael Patterson Collins, Chelsea Tabart and Alex Eggerking made the claim under the Sex Discrimination Act.

  • by Jacqueline Maley
Bridging the gap between #MeToo and the law

Bridging the gap between #MeToo and the law

The culture of silence surrounding sexual harassment in the workplace must be broken with a collective push.

  • by Rachel Doyle
‘It has to stop’: former High Court judge calls out sexual harassment

‘It has to stop’: former High Court judge calls out sexual harassment

Kenneth Hayne said the legal profession needed to deliver “blunt messages” to would-be sexual harassers.

  • by Michaela Whitbourn
Herald journalists win Walkley award for Dyson Heydon investigation

Herald journalists win Walkley award for Dyson Heydon investigation

The investigation revealed findings of a High Court inquiry into the former justice’s behaviour as well as systemic problems in the legal profession.

  • by Megan Gorrey
Police sought copies of report on High Court sexual harassment claims

Police sought copies of report on High Court sexual harassment claims

The court's chief executive and principal registrar, Philippa Lynch, said the six complainants could individually choose to give police the section of the report relating to them.

  • by Katina Curtis
Women fear being called 'dobbers' if they speak on sexual harassment: Heydon accuser

Women fear being called 'dobbers' if they speak on sexual harassment: Heydon accuser

"Australians are raised not to be 'dobbers'; it's 'un Australian'," Noor Blumer told the Australian Women Lawyers conference in an online speech on Friday.

  • by Jacqueline Maley
The dispiriting deja-vu of our unending #MeToo

The dispiriting deja-vu of our unending #MeToo

In this episode of Good Weekend Talks, ABC presenter and author Virginia Trioli and Sydney Morning Herald and Age columnist Jacqueline Maley discuss sex and power with Good Weekend editor Katrina Strickland.

  • by Konrad Marshall
Victorian government to probe sexual harassment practices at courts, law firms

Victorian government to probe sexual harassment practices at courts, law firms

The Victorian government will investigate how courts and law firms deal with sexual harassment claims following accusations of predatory behaviour by one of the nation's top judges.

  • by David Estcourt

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