
Clayton South

Children running along the Rosebank Avenue shopping strip in Clayton South.

My unpretentious suburb is such a vast nothingness, it doesn’t even have a stereotype

Maybe Clayton South’s bubble of irrelevancy is its appeal. You can leave the house looking as terrible as you please, without fear of retribution.

  • Maggie Zhou


Witnesses of the of 1966 Westall UFO sighting.

‘It definitely happened’: Westall UFO witnesses want answers to decades-long mystery

A group of former residents of Melbourne’s south-east say their unexplained sighting from almost 60 years ago still puzzles them.

  • Alex Crowe
Parsnip ice-cream, strawberries and silky buttermilk curd.

Champion's Grill

Been to Clayton Bowls Club lately? You should and you should get in quick.

  • Nina Rousseau

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