Christopher Pyne
- Perspective
- US politics
Pyne’s history fail: It’s time for Greenland to reclaim America
Donald Trump gets Christopher Pyne’s endorsement to take over Greenland. But what of the Viking from Greenland who arrived in America more than 1200 years ago?
- Tony Wright
- Opinion
- Letters
World order theories reheated with a Trump topping
Readers react to Donald Trump’s revelations of designs on Greenland, Panama Canal and Canada with scepticism.
Flame trees’ fiery warning for tinderbox Aussie bush
The wildfires ravaging Los Angeles hold important lessons for Australia which, like California, has large forests of highly flammable (introduced) eucalypt trees, which are nicknamed “gasoline trees” in the US.
- Opinion
- Letters
Dutton’s no genius – his nuclear plan is old hat
Readers respond to Christopher Pyne’s view on the Coalition’s nuclear policy, and to rising private school fees.
The bank of nan and pop has undermined the fair go
Jordan Baker’s article about the growing ubiquity of the bank of nan and pop in the payment of school fees should make us very concerned about the direction our society has decided to follow.
Liberal moderates were in the ‘winner’s circle’ under Turnbull. It’s a different story now
In 2019, there were about 22 members in the group that champions socially progressive causes. Now there are just 12 committed to staying on past the next election.
- James Massola
- Exclusive
- Political lobbying
Labor mates in lobbyland: ‘I just get paid more’
With billions of dollars up for grabs, former politicians and advisers know they can charge handsomely to help big companies gain access to mammoth federal deals.
- David Crowe
- Exclusive
- Political lobbying
Lobbyland: Pyne, Feeney open doors in defence
A weapons supplier with more than $200 million in federal deals has emerged as one of the best-connected companies in federal politics.
- David Crowe
Daniel Andrews to join delegation headed for Israel
The former premier will team up with Liberal senator Dave Sharma for a tour of Israel next month.
- Noel Towell and Kishor Napier-Raman
A Pyne old time as Christopher sets up shop in Melbourne
Former defence minister Christopher Pyne’s lobbying firm, Pyne and Partners, continues its push towards world domination, with a launch of its new Melbourne office.
- Noel Towell and Kishor Napier-Raman
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