
Charlie Teo

Neurosurgeon Charlie Teo departs a Health Care Complaints Commission Professional Standards Committee inquiry in February 2023.

Charlie Teo’s flawed operation results in payout to family

The controversial neurosurgeon has agreed to pay the children and husband of a patient who died soon after he operated on her incurable brain tumour.

  • Harriet Alexander and Kate McClymont


Kate McClymont.

Kate McClymont honoured at Walkleys for outstanding contribution to journalism

Known for her coverage of figures including Eddie Obeid, Dyson Heydon, Charlie Teo and Don Burke, McClymont’s fearless reporting has held the powerful to account.

Deloitte staff let their hair down at the firm’s “partner meeting” in Adelaide.

PwC picks star player for its big day in September

Embattled firm’s global boss set to be on hand as key report into PwC governance lands in footy finals season.

  • Noel Towell and Kishor Napier-Raman
Carlo LoGiudice and a copy of one of the messages he sent in a WhatsApp group to business partners including Charlie Teo.

Reputations and risk: Charlie Teo’s ‘wolf pack’ unleashes torrent of abuse

Talk of rifling a reporter and burning the Herald were not things “any reasonable person” would feel threatened by, according to Teo’s business partner Carlo LoGiudice.

  • Kate McClymont
Grant Schultz received a settlement payout after suing neurosurgeon Charlie Teo.

‘Top of the range’ payout for negligence claim against Charlie Teo

Grant Schultz, a critically ill former patient of Charlie Teo, received the settlement from the controversial neurosurgeon on the eve of a seven-day medical negligence hearing.

  • Kate McClymont
Charlie Teo takes the high road.

Teo takes to the Himalayas to reflect on all the wrong things

Motorist enthusiasts have been invited to dine with the disgraced neurosurgeon to dissect his latest challenge ... a recent motorcycle trip to the Himalayas.

  • Charlotte Grieve and Amelia McGuire
Neurosurgeon Charlie Teo (left), and Gene Howard (right), the father of former Teo patient Bella.

Charlie Teo called him a liar on TV. Now Gene Howard wants to know why

Gene Howard was distressed to see the neurosurgeon on Channel Seven’s Spotlight program, suggesting he lied to the media about being unhappy with the operation on his daughter, Bella.

  • Kate McClymont
Charlie Teo was spotted at Sydney Airport on Thursday, sporting a cap with the logo ‘Psycho: Eyes Wide Open’.

Calling out Teo was like killing Bambi, but my concerns were justified

Four years ago, Charlie Teo’s fan base slammed me for daring to question his methods. But misconduct findings against him bring me no joy.

  • Henry Woo

Supreme Court gives mice a chilly reception

Jurors and judges seem to be less than impressed with the state of Victoria’s Supreme Court building – and its four-legged inhabitants.

  • David Estcourt and Kishor Napier-Raman
Ellie Middleton with her family at home in Molong. Pictured are her father Tim Middleton (left), sister Sarah Bone and mother Vicki Middleton.

Family’s plea for Charlie Teo to spend a day caring for the girl who has been ‘living death’ for 15 years

The neurosurgeon assured Ellie’s family that if she was his daughter, he would definitely agree to her having an operation to remove a brain tumour. Fifteen years later, the once bubbly and funny school captain can’t walk, talk or feed herself, and is blind.

  • Kate McClymont

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