

This was published 1 year ago


Ticked off by Twitter? LinkedIn is the best social media site left

I’d stopped noticing my blue tick, until it was taken from me. As the saying goes, you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone. But I have very few fond memories of Twitter. If anything, with Elon Musk at the helm, the problematic platform has just gone from bad to worse.

With Twitter dethroning celebrities, as a G-grade media personality I’m no longer considered a verified, authentic person of public interest, and have instead finally been shown for the stingy person I am. I refuse to pay for a subscription that serves up trolling and polarisation.

What’s the least worst choice?

What’s the least worst choice? Credit:

But while Twitter continues to find ways to tick people off, it seems the entire cybersocialsphere is under review. Facebook is falling – shedding staff, profits, trust and young people. Female-skewed Instagram picked up where glossy magazines dropped off, ensuring women continue to compare and despair and spend big on crap that will never fill the gaping hole wedged open by voyeurism and filters. And while TikTok’s fan base continues to grow, so too does the determination of Western governments to ban the app.

So what’s left for someone looking for a digital village? Sure, we flirted with Mastodon for a while, but relationships rarely last when you’re on the rebound.

Enter LinkedIn, the seemingly dull overachiever in a forgettable navy suit and white shirt. The networking site has grown in numbers and appeal since the pandemic. Exceeding expectations, LinkedIn revenue grew 17 per cent in 2022 and had record levels of user engagement. Many people don’t realise that 60 per cent of LinkedIn users worldwide are between the ages of 25 and 34. It may not be the best social media platform, but it seems to me it’s the least screwed up.


LinkedIn has been around since 2003 and could be accused of many things, but being cool is rarely one of them. Yet, the networking site is also growing among Gen Z thanks to new video tool additions and the conversations about shifting work-life balance. This would appeal to a generation which, research tells us, want a very disparate relationship with the world of work. Think quiet-quitting and loud-leaving. They may be struggling to decide on the decibels, but other than that they know what they want.

How did we get to a place where the home of the not-so-humble brag outshines the rest?

Since the pandemic, I’ve witnessed LinkedIn users tone down the PR spin and sales pitches. They’re getting more vulnerable, honest and specific about their day-to-day work existence, mental health and the impact on personal lives.


Things that go viral on LinkedIn are also more likely to be progressive and positive. Among the most popular posts in 2022 were “stop undervaluing exceptional women” and “quiet people in meetings are incredible”.


When you compare LinkedIn to the often vitriolic cesspool that frames engagement on Twitter, the privacy-invading misinformation served up by Facebook, or the “body positive” influencers on Instagram spruiking teeth whitening products – all of a sudden you accidentally find yourself on LinkedIn hanging out with earnest but pleasant Gary from HR.

It also comes down to just how much time we spend online.

Users only spend about 17 minutes per month on LinkedIn. Facebook users spend an average of 19 hours on the site, and it’s 5 hours per month for Twitter.

Could it be that people just aren’t meant to talk to one another and digitally engage for several hours a month? When it comes to in-person interactions, I would never spend 19 hours a month in an environment where I have to put up with often hateful, ill-informed comments and inappropriate behaviour.

Sure, some people are insightful and witty online. Funny cat videos continue to be shared. But it does little to negate awful things happening, like the time a far-right provocateur made a video encouraging an online mob of angry racists to target and threaten me. Or the former shock jock who screen grabs my tweets (and tweets from other women in media and politics) only to write defamatory blogs and spread lies about us. The result? More death threats and sexualised hate. To be clear, I really like cats. I just hate fearing for my safety more.

The one downside to LinkedIn is you do need to dress up.

The one downside to LinkedIn is you do need to dress up. Credit: Peter Morris

People on LinkedIn are far less toxic and abusive, probably because the site provides a direct link to their employer and many users are on the lookout for their next job. But I’m perfectly happy to see a curated and a more upbeat version of an individual, especially if their “authentic self” is a cranky, bigoted jerk.

LinkedIn is also not immune from fake accounts and spam. People from the Netherlands message me to congratulate me on my “illustrious dentistry career” and ask if I know of any dental assistant jobs in Amsterdam.

I especially love receiving messages calling me Cameron and asking for help getting a visa to Australia. But hey, I get called far worse on other platforms, where I’m routinely told to “go back to where I come from”. Which is Auburn.

It says a lot about the state of social media (and a little about me) that I suddenly find myself enjoying an app which is the equivalent of a medium-sized meeting room designed in 2003. But it’s been a process of elimination. I’ve learnt that being safe – yet self-congratulatory – for around 17 minutes a month is the path of least destruction.

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