

This was published 16 years ago

Rudd's will to power

By Katharine Murphy

Kevin Rudd's early days in power have been marked by intense zeal, a crushing workload and his  control over every aspect of government.

TIM Costello has travelled to the new centre of Australia's political universe. The Melbourne man recently enjoyed a productive conversation about problem gambling with fellow enthusiast Kevin Rudd, alone, in an office that guards the secrets of Bob Hawke, Paul Keating and John Howard.

The Prime Minister's inner sanctum was a hive of activity. Bells rang for divisions. The senior staff running the country — a tight-knit group of people most of us would fail to recognise — belted about trying to manage the chaos of a parliamentary sitting day.

Reverend Costello has only praise for the man he encountered behind the desk. He saw "a moral seriousness that really impressed me", a conviction politician compelled to get things done wherever possible at breakneck speed. "It's an awesome load," Costello reflects, that burning moral conviction, "wanting to get things right".

If the white and weary faces of Rudd's staff are any barometer, they are indeed carrying an awesome load inside conviction HQ. The stories of the punishing work hours and the unforgiving taskmasters in the Rudd office are so ubiquitous they are almost a cliche, so early in the tenure of the new Prime Minister.


But these stories of hard work are nothing new. Rudd garnered a formidable reputation in Opposition for being especially demanding of his advisers. No one signing on should have been surprised given he carried a substantial warning label: be prepared to work 24 hours and never bring me a half-baked idea if you want to walk out of here in possession of all your limbs.

But some, both at high levels inside the Government and outside, are concerned, believing the whirlwind cannot be sustained without high human casualties — or worse for the Government's hard-headed political pragmatists, there will be inevitable mistakes and missteps, taking the gloss off the new Government and undermining the bold program it wants to achieve.

One recent visitor to the office was shocked to witness Rudd barking orders to his exhausted staff, and the Prime Minister himself looking weary, an insight possibly reflecting a lack of regular exposure to the robust dialogue of a political office, or perhaps revealing the punishing reality beneath all the slick presentation.

There is a remarkable consistency of views both internally and externally that for all the Government's early political success the engine is running too fast, there is too much centralisation in the Prime Minister's office, and there are too many balls in the air.

One senior player, speaking on condition of anonymity, put this emerging conventional wisdom about Rudd's inner sanctum this way: "You can't fault the effort. It is full-tilt on effort. They are a wonderful group of people who put in night and day. But the burnout is going to be enormous.

"The truth is a lot of us feel sorry for them."

It's been a big but not atypical week in Ruddland. A Council of Australian Governments meeting sealed the deal on the much anticipated Murray-Darling Basin plan. Two big speeches were given, one on the economy, another on foreign policy. Now he's off to plug Australia's cause on a 17-day overseas trip while the economic team are back in the bunker labouring over the budget, and the Government is trying to pull together Rudd's much hyped 2020 Summit. The standard government-issue Blackberrys are on high alert.

The talks about water at COAG this week reinforced just who matters in this new regime. On Tuesday evening, Rudd's chief of staff, David Epstein, flanked by two key departmental heads, Terry Moran from Prime Minister and Cabinet, and Ken Henry from Treasury, set out with the single-minded objective of closing the deal with Victoria.

All the people The Age spoke to provided the same answer when asked who were the key people running Rudd's private world. At the bureaucratic level, it is the two men who were in the room in Adelaide. In the office it is Epstein, his deputy Alister Jordan who is still shy of his 30th birthday but is somewhat unbelievably a five-year veteran of team Rudd, and the head of the Prime Minister's policy apparatus, the popular and respected economist Pradeep Philip, whose gentle manner doesn't prevent him from advising his boss very much in keeping with his modus operandi as a former public servant: without fear or favour.

People slightly closer to the action in Canberra will nominate a couple of others as being significant, if not all-powerful: Queenslander Michael Lye is one on social policy, as are the other economic advisers Tim Dixon and John O'Mahony. There are a few key advisers sprinkled strategically in other offices as well: Chris Barrett, who runs Wayne Swan's office and Anthony Baker who runs Lindsay Tanner's; Ben Hubbard, who heads the Gillard office and David Fredericks, another face from the old Beazley office, is looking after Penny Wong. Women, by and large, are down the pecking order in the backroom.

Ask people to describe Epstein, a slight, bespectacled man with greying dark hair, and you get: "a political warrior", "results-driven, doesn't like failings or failure", "doesn't suffer fools gladly", "powerful work ethic". One lobbyist with impeccable government connections says: "David Epstein and Alister Jordan are hand-maidens of the master. Kevin, being the person he is, you either do it, or you get out of the way. It requires a certain ruthlessness."

Paul Keating famously derided Epstein, who worked for Labor in government before running Kim Beazley's office in Opposition, as a "no value" person who would not get out of bed in the morning "unless (he's) had a focus group report to tell them which side of bed to get out (of)".

Internally, Epstein has moved along staff he regarded as poor performers, but defended others, notably Lachlan Harris, a young media adviser who has endured a few public bumps and scrapes. That said, the media office has been beefed up in recent weeks with the arrival of George Wright, a key ACTU strategist in the anti-WorkChoices campaign.

This is professional politics: there is ruthlessness and loyalty applied in equal measure. Long-time mate John Flannery, who now works for the Australian Medical Association, but stood in the Opposition trenches with Epstein in Kim Beazley's office from 1996 to 1998, has an affectionate view of the Prime Minister's chief of staff: "He has a strong work ethic. He always commended people for their efforts, he is very loyal, he always tried to get a team working cohesively and no matter how hard we were working, he always tried to find a laugh."

Epstein is organisationally powerful and is a rare commodity in Labor politics, spanning the former Hawke-Keating government periods, the Beazley days of opposition, and the Rudd ascendancy. While people complain privately about Epstein's tendency towards micromanagement, no one questions his competence or his value to Rudd either on or off the record.

Despite all the hand-wringing, the Rudd-Epstein enterprise is a standout success. There have been few errors, remarkable if we compare the first 100 days to John Howard's strife-prone start. Those balls are hovering in the sky with singular, or more accurately, plural force of will.

Heather Ridout, head of the Australian Industry Group and a regular visitor to prime ministerial offices over the years, also makes the point that the hard-working, enormous-brained young things in Rudd's office are stimulated, and there is "a permeating sense of excitement". They are running the country, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for publicly minded individuals. "We have found the office is working very well," Ridout says.

Epstein's ferocious work ethic more than matches that of his boss. One Rudd confidant, the Sydney-based lobbyist Bruce Hawker, asserts cheerfully that micromanagement is very much the way to go, particularly during the difficult period of transition from opposition to government. "I think there is a lot to be said for micromanagement in the early stage of a government," Hawker says. "After about six months, when other ministers have their systems in place, then you can start to back off a bit, but I certainly think there is a case to ensure the micromanagement is there early in the piece."

The Prime Minister's office does not like surprises. Staff in some, not all, ministerial offices report back dutifully to their counterparts in Kevin Rudd's office about journalists' queries, or brief them about the content and flavour of coming interviews.

Backbenchers who speak out — as NSW MP Julia Irwin discovered during a recent fracas about her opposition to a parliamentary motion praising the Jewish state — quickly find the wagons of the leader's office circling around them. Wise, or at least ambitious, people know their best bet is not to make trouble and to keep their mouths shut.

It was much the same, albeit at a far more gentlemanly pace, under the previous government, when John Howard's office was referred to by some unhappy backbenchers as the Firm. Enjoying the corporate world in Sydney these days is Howard's former right-hand man, Arthur Sinodinos, a man regarded in Canberra as an exemplar of the art of being political chief of staff — so much so that Rudd has drafted him to help organise consultations for the Government's new defence white paper. Howard's downfall has been attributed at least in part to the loss of Sinodinos in the final critical election year. Sinodinos says the key to running a prime minister's office is having the right mix of people in the right jobs, people who understand the bureaucracy, people who get the politics, people to manage the paper flow, people to document, either officially or unofficially, the activities of the boss should they later be questioned.

Speaking from Sydney this week, the political adviser-cum-banking executive made two remarks that resonated in the current super-charged phase of transition. "Most importantly, you need to guard against the urgent crowding out the important," he says. "A lot of the rhythm of the Government is determined by these initial decisions."

Rudd's authority over internal government process is absolute — although there have been a few intriguing early leaks, such as the decision to appoint former Victorian premier Steve Bracks to run a review of the car industry. People in cabinet, while pursuing their own ideas and hobby horses, don't doubt who will make the key decisions about the looming budget, and in private conversation, make that emphatic point.

It is clear that while Rudd is keeping his core team of advisers tightly around him, he is also actively seeking external touchstones, not leaving contact with key people up to his ministry.

One business person was surprised to get an unprompted call from Rudd recently requesting a catch-up. The normal port of call would be the relevant economic ministers and their staff, not the boss. "How many prime ministers make time just for a catch-up?" this person observed, clearly quite delighted but slightly bemused. "He's clearly not leaving this up to ministers."

Hawker, speaking while racing to catch a plane, his highly successful lobbying business booming courtesy of the new Government, says results are what counts, and this group is doing a remarkably good job of shifting from opposition to government. "It is incredibly difficult to go from being in opposition, belting the government, to building an office that has to be the pilot for the whole government. I think they are doing a very good job of this transition," Hawker says. But he concedes there are risks associated with running too hard and fast.

"We are now in the world of continual campaigning, so the troops need to be battle fit all the time." This requires keeping key people "fresh" and "circulating", he says, much like in a military battle. Move some up to front-line combat, take some back for a breather. "That is the challenge of any office, to make sure the troops are replenished." For the public servants, operating in a world where the mobile phones now go on at 7am and stay on, there are hopes, eventually, of a small reprieve. On a recent visit to a government department, The Age watched a public servant walk past an official portrait of Rudd. And sigh.

Katharine Murphy is national affairs correspondent.

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