

This was published 8 years ago

Why persistence is the most important trait to learn as a kid

By Melanie Perkins

The idea for my start-up Canva came about when I was teaching design at university nine years ago. It's been an exciting ride. We now have more than 6 million users, using Canva to design their own social media posts, presentations, marketing materials and documents.

There's often a myth about start-ups, that things happen overnight. However, this is never the case. Success only comes through determination to achieve your vision despite all the bumps in the road.

Canva CEO Melanie Perkins believes trying hard leads to success.

Canva CEO Melanie Perkins believes trying hard leads to success.Credit: Sahlan Hayes

Persistence isn't something you can teach, but we should support kids to find things they're passionate enough about to strive towards, and learn how to be intrinsically motivated. Recently, I was talking to a woman who'd been trying to encourage her nine year-old daughter to study and work harder, but it wasn't until her daughter decided to enter a spelling bee that she saw the value of persistence. Because it was something she was passionate about, she worked incredibly hard, and ended up winning. This changed her outlook on things and she realised that if she worked enough, she could achieve whatever she wanted to.

There are two mindsets: work really hard and reach your goals, or not bother because you probably won't succeed anyway. Although this may seem like an oversimplification, I think this unconscious decision has a compounding effect throughout your whole life.

If you are in the camp of "trying hard leads to success", you try harder, you take rejection in your stride (even though it still hurts), you get up each time you fall, you feel empowered to try and try and try again until eventually you succeed. Whether it's a spelling bee, or starting your own company: believing you can achieve something through hard work is a critical ingredient for success.

But in the other camp of "you won't succeed" regardless of what you do, there is a strongly negative pattern. You feel that whatever you do in life, you probably won't succeed anyway, so you don't feel motivated to try in the first place. When you face challenges and obstacles, you see that as a sign that you can't succeed. When you are rejected, again you feel powerless and unlucky.

In psychology, there's a concept called "locus of control": a person's belief about how much they can control the events around them: do you take control of the things you can control, or do you blame external factors for your success or failure.

At some time or another most people have probably related to both camps. However, I think that as time goes on there is a significant compounding effect, experiencing little challenges and then winning, inspires you to take on bigger and bigger challenges and to feel prepared for bigger and bigger setbacks.

Why does this matter to start-ups? Well, I think it matters tremendously on so many different levels for the way we think about start-ups. Firstly, a start-up is a game of constant rejection. In my case, it took three years after meeting our first investor to finally land investment. I spent six months in San Francisco, being constantly rejected by investors. Trying to find a technical team was a year of constant rejections. It certainly isn't enjoyable being rejected. But I had enough gumption learnt from earlier in life, that if I tried really, really, really hard eventually I would succeed.


When I was rejected, rather than taking it personally, I channelled that energy into refining my pitch deck, strategy, product mockups and anything else that I could possibly control. It would have been incredibly crippling if I had the worldview that the rejection was based on reasons I couldn't control (gender, age, ethnicity, nationality etc), as I would have felt powerless to fix the issues or improve. But I also think that you have the capacity to change your worldview, by changing your experiences and again, I think there's a relatively straightforward solution.

Set your mind to a goal, something that you think is impossible and then work really hard to achieve it. Depending on the "challenge" you choose – it may take thousands of hours or just a weekend. Learn a language (Duolingo is a free awesome app!), start learning to code (check out, run further than you think you could, learn to cook a new dish, get up the courage and do a public-speaking gig, climb a mountain, learn to design (OK , shameless plug is free and awesome) – build something, make something, create something.

Set a goal that scares you a little and pushes you out of your comfort zone. My guess is that once you have achieved something that you thought was impossible, you will be raring to go for your next challenge and more resilient to the obstacles that you will inevitably face on the road along the way.

Melanie Perkins is the CEO of Canva.

This piece was published as part of StartupWeek Sydney, which runs until October 30. Fairfax Media, the publisher of this article, is a StartupWeek Sydney media partner.

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