

This was published 4 years ago

Why NRL can't let Broncos shareholder's vile comments go unpunished

By Darren Kane

Should they see fit, anyone can buy shares in Brisbane Broncos Limited, the only NRL club listed on the Australian Stock Exchange.

There’s about 98 million shares to go round. At the current ASX trading price of 40 cents a slice, Broncos stocks appear a wickedly prudent investment for anyone who’s plundered their superannuation accounts these last few months with a view to giving the ol’ Gordon Gekko shenanigans a whirl.

Though, you’d be better depositing the lot in your TAB account. The Broncos’ ASX price-per-share has risen no higher than 53 cents, at any point at the close of trade on any day, during the entirety of the last decade.

Moreover, aside from a comparatively standout performance during the 2012/13 financial year where directors declared a dividend of 1.8 cents per share, shareholders have received a dividend-per-share of one cent or less, after each financial year since at least 2007/08. Chuck into the mix that the Broncos as a public company ain’t exactly a broad church; the Murdoch-controlled Nationwide News owns 68 per cent of all shares.

Nonetheless, if you’re desperate to have skin in the game, then $100,000 injected into your Commsec trading account could turn you into one of the 10 biggest Broncos shareholders in a flash, based on an inspection of the Broncos’ 2019 annual report published on the ASX website. Seriously.


But why on earth would you torch your hard-earned like that?

Which leads me to someone I’d never heard of until he poked above the parapet this week. The second-largest holder of shares in Brisbane Broncos Limited is a private company named BGM Projects Pty Limited. BGM is in turn controlled by someone named Phil Murphy. Aside from anything else, BGM is the owner of more than 22 per cent of the Broncos’ share capital.

Exactly why Murphy (through the interposed BGM) would ever want to hold $8.65 million in stock (calculated at the Broncos’ share price this week) in any company, where a company’s share price hasn’t increased in a decade (and where that stock has depreciated in value in relative terms after CPI) is beyond me. The Murdochs owning 68 per cent? I kind of get that, small investors and footy fanatics with miniscule holdings I understand that too.


But 22 per cent I can’t comprehend.

To reiterate, I’d never heard Murphy’s name before this week. Yet whatever the reason(s) for Phil Murphy’s apparent interest in the Brisbane Broncos, the situation is what it is: Murphy has “skin in the game”, deluxe. Actually, maybe it’s more a whole hide.

The reason of course, why we’re talking about Murphy at all, isn’t a consequence of any proclamation of grand wisdom, nor any act displaying exceptional generosity of spirit.

No, why Murphy’s name is being uttered is singularly because of Murphy himself. On his own and off the middle of his own bat, Phil Murphy - second-largest Broncos shareholder - displayed the presence of mind (some might say, temerity) to reason that (now) former coach Anthony Seibold’s continued presence at the Broncos was equivalent to a “cancer that needs to be cut out, before the Broncos die”, or something to that effect.

Where exactly do and should we stand in response to such a statement being made on the record, by the owner of a quarter of the issued share capital of the wealthiest, and most influential of all NRL clubs?

It’s plausible, of course, that Murphy’s comments have ceased to retain any semblance of the context in which they were uttered. That said, it’s difficult to resist making the most obvious interpretation: that Murphy openly compared the concept of Seibold remaining at the Broncos, to allowing a malignant brain tumour free passage to metastasise.

Succinctly put, a significant shareholder of any listed company publicly hectoring its most pivotal employee, as being analogous to a malignant cancer, is odious conduct when considered from any angle. Actually, it’s conduct that’s beyond shocking; spineless, defamatory and dangerous. Especially in circumstances where it was always inevitable that Seibold would leave, sooner rather than later.

Anthony Seibold's time at the Broncos came to an end this week.

Anthony Seibold's time at the Broncos came to an end this week.Credit: Getty Images

And don’t even get me started on the actuality that Murphy, in offering up such vile commentary, has loaded up on someone already trying to deal with the rampant circulation of false rumours of a magnitude even more revolting. As much as rugby league prattles on about championing for the mental health of the game’s participants and others, the way Seibold has been regurgitated sits mightily uneasily.

In any conceivable circumstance, where any NRL player referred publicly to any fellow player or coach or referee or administrator as a “cancer” needing to be removed, the short point is that even the most reasoned of Twitterati loudmouths would be be tied up in a straitjacket of conniption for days. For that’d be territory beyond any mundane complaint about referees, escapades to “bikie barber shops”, or dining at Grappa in Leichhardt.

So here’s an idea, if anyone’s got the bottle to follow it through: under the NRL Rules, a “Club Official” specifically includes “any person having a proprietary interest, whether legal or equitable, in a Club”.


A “Club” includes the Brisbane Broncos by definition, and Phil Murphy’s ownership interest in Brisbane Broncos Limited through his interposed entity BGM Projects Pty Limited definitely satisfies the “equitable ownership interest” test.

On that basis, Murphy is locked in and bound by the NRL Rules to exactly the same extent as Seibold was, and to which the Broncos’ CEO Paul White and Tevita Pangai jnr each are.

Murphy is clearly within the jurisdiction of the governing body that controls the competition in which his quarter-owned Broncos participate. One can only reasonably assume that, if Murphy isn’t ultimately issued with a show-cause notice the only plausible explanation is that the NRL accepts that such conduct is, and such words are, reasonable and appropriate.

Much is always made about how players’ conduct and coaches’ public comments must remain within exacting parameters, lest junior players adopt and mirror bad behaviours that they hear and see. Fair enough too.

But, for mine, it’s significantly less dangerous a scenario that a 10-year-old traipse around a junior footy field whinging about a referee, as opposed to that same impressionable kid thinking it’s OK to liken a despised teacher to aggressive, deadly tumour which must be removed.

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