

This was published 10 years ago

Making young Australians good sports through fair play

By Hans Westerbeek

If elite professional sport is a microcosm of our society, then… Houston, we have a problem.

How do we better prepare young Australians to make well-informed decisions in regard to playing and enjoying sport in a world where performance-enhancing drugs, sexism, homophobia, racism, corruption, gambling and political power plays are rife?

How do we ensure that future generations of Australians will play sport and enjoy watching it?

How do we ensure that future generations of Australians will play sport and enjoy watching it?Credit: Leanne Pickett

Sport reflects the society in which it exists. Important cultural values are expressed, and often magnified, through the lens of sport, but this is also the start of the slide.

The progressive commercialisation of sport, and the transfer of "win at all costs" capitalist business values to the sporting arena have overshadowed positive outcomes, such as social engagement, community connections and tolerance towards cultural, racial and gender issues, among other things.

Successful athletes as role models are increasingly part of the focus: even my four-year-old celebrates scoring a goal in the same style as one of the sleeve-tattooed, womanising, bling-wearing, Ferrari driving, reality celebrity scene-hopping players from the English Premier League.

Super cheats such as Lance Armstrong wield their success to build their media profile and use associations like LiveStrong to enhance their credibility. Through their influence they turn what was once considered "wrong" (cheating through drug use) into what is acceptable and widespread in the peloton.

Drugs became a part of cycling culture, was institutionalised, and the next generation of elite cyclists became more accepting of it, until, finally, a tipping point was reached. One hopes this has now been corrected in world cycling.

Fair play is a fundamental value as far as the integrity of sport is concerned: to act fairly in the interest of the individual and others.

However, what is "fair" in "fair play", seems to have become open to interpretation now that sport is seen as both business and entertainment.


For example, Essendon Football Club didn't remove the "whatever it takes" slogan from its media backdrops for the entire 2013 season. It was a visual expression of club culture - even while under intense societal scrutiny over the supplements scandal. It also shows at a deeper cultural level that the club's leaders did not feel individually or collectively responsible for their actions.

The "whatever it takes" and "win at all costs" attitudes were not considered "morally wrong". The problem for sport is not that what Essendon's leaders did was morally wrong, it's that they did not consider it to be wrong.

We are at a critical tipping point.

How do we ensure that future generations of Australians will play sport and enjoy watching it? Sport where athletes compete with only their own physical and mental prowess. Where athletes and those who prepare them commit to the competitive game, rather than trying to influence the outcome by other means. Sport that brings people together from all walks of life, from various cultural and racial orientations; sport that levels the playing field of life.

The foundation of sport's integrity is laid with our children's first exposure to competitive human movement, and it never stops developing and deepening. As much as it develops motor skills, a staple diet of physical education at primary and secondary levels can also underpin a positive self-image. A nice bonus to this is the increasing evidence that regular physical activity greatly enhances our ability to learn. And this includes moral learning.

We also need to put much greater emphasis on the training and education of coaches, particularly those who coach younger children. Too many clubs rely on parents or even poorly trained professionals who coach 10-year-olds as though they're adults and "stimulate" them with a disproportionate emphasis on the importance of winning.

Let children play and, in the process, let them learn the rules of fair play.

It is heartening that Australia's tertiary sport, exercise science, and active living programs are up there with the best in the world. Pseudo-scientists and "doctors" like the frauds servicing Lance Armstrong’s cycling team have greatly damaged the reputation of the majority of well-trained and ethically responsible sport science graduates and medical professionals.

Perception is reality, and it is up to the new generation of sport scientists, and the university programs they develop, to ensure that Australian sport science research and education is of the highest ethical standard in the world.


Young Australians deserve to be introduced to the best possible sport coaching and physical education. It is the responsibility of parents, educators, adults, and academics to lift sport’s integrity and put it where it belongs – in a field of play that adds significant social capital and moral value to all our lives. This will mean that by the time our children compete for their club, their state or their country, their coaches or parents do not need to teach them what they can or cannot do. They will already know what is right and what is wrong.

* Hans Westerbeek is professor of sport business and dean of the College of Sport and Exercise Science at Victoria University. The university and the Sport Australia Hall of Fame are hosting a sports integrity forum: Winning at What Price? See or on twitter at #sportsintegrity

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