

This was published 18 years ago

Rebels - the '85 South Africa tour

IN THE six years that Allan Border and Trevor Hohns served together as national selectors with a successful, stable Australian team in their care, they never talked about the rebel tour of South Africa that placed them on different sides of one of the most bitter divides in Australian cricket.Twenty years on, former fast bowler and rebel tourist Rodney Hogg struggles even to recall who was prime minister at the time — for the record, it was Bob Hawke, and he famously labelled as "traitors" the 16 players who accepted Ali Bacher's handsome offer to tour South Africa during its isolation from world cricket. On the other side of the Indian Ocean, Nelson Mandela was still a political prisoner at Robben Island, and upon his release five years later, famously asked: "Is Don Bradman still alive?" In some ways, the 1985 rebel tour of South Africa, so fiercely condemned by the antiapartheid movement at the time, has been consigned to the closet of Australian cricket as, on its 20th anniversary, Graeme Smith leads a "new" South Africa — a side picked entirely on merit — to Australia for three Tests against Ricky Ponting's rejuvenated team.Border, the hard-bitten Australian captain left behind to lead the salvage operation that was the 1985 Ashes tour; Kim Hughes, who lent the exercise credibility as captain of the rebels only after he was not selected to tour England; and Lawrie Sawle, the then chairman of selectors whose domestic stocks were withered by the exodus, all preferred not to discuss the fallout of the rebel tour when contacted by The Age this week, and none would revisit relationships that were changed by it.Unlike the effects of World Series Cricket, the impact of the rebel tour on Australian cricket is rarely discussed. At least not publicly. And yet one former administrator intimately involved at the time, who declined to be named, describes it as one of the most painful and traumatic moments in Australian cricket history.Drawing a clear distinction between the seven players who broke their Australian contracts and others, such as Hohns, who were uncontracted players who had not played for Australia and so were "free agents" with no option but to be journeymen for their states, he hinted at the shock and sense of betrayal that took hold when it emerged that clandestine meetings had been taking place since the 1983 World Cup at the same time as senior teammates had been lobbying the Australian Cricket Board for a more secure contract system for the players. "From an administrative point of view, there was a real wrench and disappointment that such deceit went on for such a long time," he said."Forget the retirement of (Greg) Chappell, (Dennis) Lillee and (Rod) Marsh and others, just look at the effects that rebel tour had on Australian cricket."There was bitterness between some players and others, (towards) people who couldn't play for their country because they had sold their soul to someone else for 30 pieces of silver."THE rebels who did agree to be interviewed say their decisions to join the tour were influenced by a mixture of financial security, cricketing opportunity and frustration at their treatment by the Australian establishment.For Carl Rackemann, who was 25 and nearing his peak as a fast bowler, it meant a new tractor and long-term security for the family farm north of Kingaroy. For Hohns, the former leg spinner who returned from South Africa to play seven Tests, it meant the chance to play international cricket at a time when he was about to draw the curtain on his first-class career with Queensland.Hohns, who has since risen to become one of the most influential figures in Australian cricket in his role as a successful chairman of selectors, explains that he didn't come into conflict with Border, his subsequent Test captain and selection colleague, or the other loyalists, because he was not part of the Australian team when he accepted the offer. Still, he concedes to some naivety about the situation in South Africa. "It was of huge benefit to me, putting the political arguments aside. It was a cricketing decision. Everybody knew what was going on in South Africa. Maybe I was naive or what-have-you, but I thought maybe it might help South Africa get back into international cricket and as it turned out down the track, they did," Hohns says. "For me and Allan, it wasn't an issue because I wasn't part of that Australian side and hadn't been, so it probably didn't affect anybody greatly at that stage."As someone with the health of the game at heart in his role as head selector, Hohns agrees Australian cricket was weakened for a while. Indeed, the 1985 tour came after Australia had been hammered relentlessly by the West Indies and was struggling to recover from the simultaneous retirements of Chappell, Lillee and Marsh in 1984."I look back at the players, and not all of them, but a lot were getting towards the end of their careers. Some hadn't played for Australia either at that stage. (But) it depleted the overall strength of the domestic competition and Australian cricket," Hohns says.As Border explains in Rookies, Rebels and Renaissance, cricket writer Mike Coward's book on cricket in the '80s, it was the loyalty of Murray Bennett, Wayne Phillips, Dirk Wellham and Graeme Wood that was questioned most fiercely. At the 11th hour, the four had terminated their contracts to tour South Africa and returned to the Australian team."I have to admit I wanted those guys replaced because I wasn't convinced they were there for the right reasons," Border said. "We were flying blind about how we should deal with this — four fellows had had a change of conscience about going to South Africa and were going to stay loyal to Australian cricket. I was in a bit of disarray about where I was with these players. Where were they? Why, all of a sudden, a change of conscience?"They'd given assurances to the blokes who were going to South Africa — all for one, one for all — and then five minutes later, they'd jumped ship. So who were they loyal to? These were questions we wanted to find out and we went in pretty hard ... It was a traumatic time."GEOFF Lawson, the former NSW fast bowler who went to England with Border and lost the Ashes 2-1, said the only lingering resentment was for those four. To the other rebels, he extended a fair amount of understanding."There was no resentment that they took the money because we were getting paid really poorly (in Australia) — it was back to pre-World Series Cricket days in the way we were treated by the Australian Cricket Board. It (South African deal) was much bigger money than anyone else was getting, guaranteed, so why wouldn't you?" Lawson says."There was a bit of resentment about a few players who managed to first sign up and then renege and get two payments. That didn't seem quite right, and the other problem was they ended up getting a ban that wasn't a ban. We thought, ‘If they take the money and go, well that's fine, but they're not going to be allowed to play Test cricket or state cricket'. But they got a twoyear ban for the time they were away."The people who were loyal ended up worse off. But I don't think there was any lingering bitterness in the dressing room. Some of my best mates, like John Dyson and Steve Rixon, they were very close friends of mine and I never felt any animosity towards them."While Dyson, Rixon and their fellow rebels came home with tales of hard, enjoyable cricket against the likes of Clive Rice, a 42-year-old Graeme Pollock and, in the opening match against Orange Free State, a very young and very raw Allan Donald, Lawson said they rarely discussed the moral implications of their journey to play a normal game in an abnormal society."My thoughts were that most of them had pretty limited knowledge about actually what was going on in South Africa. But the argument, sport versus politics, is one we struggle with all the time. People who are professional sportspeople play professional sport. That's what's paying the mortgage,'' he says."We discussed ... normal cricket stories, but not much about what was going on in South Africa, just the odd little thing. Someone like John Dyson, who was a school teacher, was much more aware and probably observed it more when he was there."WHILE each state treated the returning rebels differently — the Queenslanders were welcomed back and the Victorians snubbed, for instance — the Australian team in England was stunned by what it saw as the lenient twoyear and three-year bans that resulted from an out-of-court settlement."They were smacked on the wrist when everyone expected them to be banned for 10 years," one insider said. "The day the announcement was made for the penalties, the Ashes tour fell apart. We were 1-1 and holding the Ashes, but that had a substantial impact on the tour."There was ill-feeling, too, towards Kepler Wessels, the former South African who had become a key member of Australia's Test team. He has always denied that he acted as a conduit between Bacher and the rebel players. Wessels returned to South Africa in 1986 and played in the second non-sanctioned series there.Twenty years later, most differences appear to have been patched up, and it is doubtful the generation of Australian cricketers about to take on South Africa this summer could imagine the environment that brought about the divide of 1985.But whatever acrimony created by those trouble times, it was quickly smoothed over as Australia sought to recover its place as cricket power.Hohns and fellow rebel Terry Alderman returned to play their parts in the 1989 Ashes triumph under Border. Dyson, Rixon and Rackemann have coached national teams. Tom Hogan is a West Australian selector, Greg Shipperd coaches Victoria and Mick Taylor, once a great batting hope who extended his first-class career in Tasmania, became a Victorian board member.Lawson sees their rise to positions of power as evidence that all is forgotten. Whether all is completely forgiven we may never know.

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