

This was published 9 years ago

Why booing Sydney Swans star Adam Goodes is racist

By David Sygall

The "orchestrated and contagious" vilification of Adam Goodes and excuses being made to justify it demonstrate a collective emotional void and ingrained racism, according to one of Australia's foremost experts on sport, culture and society.

David Rowe, of the University of Western Sydney, claims the Goodes shame shows we are stuck with the attitudes of 1993 when, after Nicky Winmar reacted to racist abuse, former Collingwood president Allan McAlister said he had no problem with Aboriginal people "as long as they conduct themselves like white people".

"If you consider the history of this country, what has happened to Indigenous people and the continuing massive problems that exist, to suggest that you can be completely oblivious to the collective feelings of the Indigenous population is truly remarkable," Rowe said.

"It shows to me a real lack of sympathy or empathy. It shows real anger towards Goodes because he won't just take it. He won't be a nice quiet Aboriginal boy who's grateful to be a footballer."

"Orchestrated and contagious" vilification: Adam Goodes.

"Orchestrated and contagious" vilification: Adam Goodes.Credit: Getty Images

Rowe picked apart each of the arguments - "the utter nonsense of alibi after alibi" - being put forward by those who cannot see the problem.

"It's this ridiculous idea that you don't dob someone in even if they call you a monkey," he said. "And if you can't tell someone to go back to the zoo, well it's political correctness gone mad. It just shows to me a kind of emotional void to not understand the problem. It shows that people justifying this behaviour don't care about Indigenous Australia's deeply troubled history."

Rowe said the argument that Goodes is disliked because he supposedly staged for free kicks was "pathetic".

"How many other stagers are being booed systematically week-in, week-out?"


He cited several examples of sportspeople being jeered, including Ricky Ponting by English crowds after his spat with England coach Duncan Fletcher, or players moving between football clubs that are sectarian rivals.

"It might happen for a match or a few matches. But I can't think of any sport in which one player has been booed constantly just for turning up," he said.

"Did he hospitalise someone? Was there some terrible transgression? No. The only thing I can find to have 'deserved' this is that he's a prominent Aboriginal player who has stood up for Aboriginal rights, was elevated to Australian of the Year, has not been prepared to cop racism - and this is his payback.

"Sport is a realm of extreme behaviour. Booing is part of it. But this is different. It's not anger in the moment. It's deeper. It's orchestrated and contagious and I think it's tapping into something that the people doing it themselves don't even realise. It's about race."

Rowe also took aim at shock jock Alan Jones, who parroted many of the arguments being used by those attacking Goodes - he "humiliated" a 13-year-old girl, "he provoked" people with his war dance and he always played the victim.

"It's very easy to call someone a whinger and a sook. Alan Jones always supports people on the land, farmers and the like. Does he ever call them whingers? What about those with their hands out for public support? Those people are celebrated, they're not whingers. It's easy to pick and choose."

Colin Tatz, an expert on racism in sport, warned that the contempt shown towards Goodes could easily be shifted to Lance Franklin, Johnathan Thurston and Greg Inglis if they stepped outside the confines of what was tolerated from Indigenous sportspeople.

They are "our Greg Inglis", "our Johnathan Thurston", or "our Cathy Freeman", as long as they behave in a way that is not challenging to the status quo.

"What's happened to Goodes could happen to Franklin or Thurston or Inglis or any of these guys if they did one little thing that gave people an excuse to let forth their own true emotions about race," said Tatz, an Australian National University professor who has written extensively about race politics, Aboriginal studies, sport and history.

"Racism is alive and well in Australia and we're going through a phase in society where we're doing our level best to mask it, to look as though the playing field is level," Tatz said. "We're pretending that we're one monolithic nation. But when one colour stands out from the crowd it spills over into something very different."

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