

This was published 8 years ago

NFL concussion problem overblown: AFL expert Paul McCrory

By Samantha Lane

One of the AFL's top concussion advisors has questioned American football's landmark US$765million settlement with players over the issue, saying the problem in the NFL has been grossly overblown.

Paul McCrory, associate professor at Melbourne's Florey Institute, which is regarded as the pre-eminent brain research organisation in the southern hemisphere, sits on the AFL concussion working group, responsible for guiding the Australian football code on one of world sport's most vexed topics.

In an address at Melbourne University attended by former AFL chief executive Ross Oakley, McCrory has argued that the dangers of concussion in the NFL are not nearly as serious as some reports – and even a recently released feature film – has led the public to believe.

Referring to "all the carry on and hoo-ha you get from the United States," McCrory accused the media of "over-simplifying" a complex topic and, not for the first time, he questioned the significance of NFL-related findings tabled by Boston University's influential Concussion Legacy Foundation.

Professor Paul McCrory.

Professor Paul McCrory.

The Florey Institute has been studying the brains of current and retired AFL footballers for some years and receives funding from the AFL for some of its work in the area.

The AFL continues to modify its management of concussion, via rule and policy changes, and only last week 22-year-old Brisbane player Justin Clarke retired on medical advice that he should not play contact sport again due to a severe case he suffered in football training earlier this year.

A neurologist and former Collingwood club doctor, McCrory branded some of the statements out of the US on concussion and sport as "crazy". He cited data showing participation in junior American football was plunging as a consequence and suggested this was largely related to media-driven public fear.


McCrory said codes such as AFL are at risk of being similarly "demonised" by coverage that might deter people from playing contact sport.

After raising a Boston University finding that 4 per cent of NFL retirees have suffered from chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) – the indisputably serious degenerative disease linked to head knocks – McCrory surmised: "The other way to look at it is 96 per cent don't get it."

The AFL had reached no conclusions about CTE and remained on high alert, said football operations manager Mark Evans. "Professor McCrory raises a number of important questions that are currently unanswered, and the AFL utilises the advice of several experts in this field, including Professor McCrory," Evans said.

"The AFL takes these matters very seriously and has initiated a program to identify 'at risk' former players and fund neurological assessments and investigations. The AFL has an open mind as to the risk of chronic neurodegenerative conditions and link to Australian football and is committed to addressing this question."

Addressing the issue of suicide among high-profile ex-NFL player and other problems such as depression and substance abuse that have been linked to multiple concussions suffered in sport, McCrory said: "that's the perception [that they're related to concussion] … but is that really true?".

He tabled a US government study statistic – "the rate of suicide in retired NFL footballers was 60 per cent less than their peers" – to argue American footballers are actually at lower risk on this front than the broader American public.

"So you could argue that playing NFL football actually prevents you from mental health issues."

McCrory added: "... bear in mind: in America suicide rates are far higher than most other countries around the world."

There is no definitive, universally agreed definition of concussion, largely because symptoms invariably differ between sufferers. The link between repeated blows to the head, concussions and CTE is even more of a minefield, particularly for elite sports.

McCrory began his lecture by addressing "myths".

"The first myth: this idea that every hit causes some sort of brain damage; it's patent nonsense," he said.

"They don't all cause brain damage. It certainly shakes things up, but it's not as bad as what the reality is.

"In the media you get a lot of ... overly simplified views and explanations of what concussion is: getting shaken up, the brain hitting the inside of the skull, bruising, bleeding, micro-hemorrhaging and so forth. None of that occurs. It really works at a chemical sort of level."

McCrory raised a slide in his lecture that showed horseracing sports filling the top three spots in a chart of international sports and their reported prevalence of concussions.

"Australian football (AFL) proudly stands as the highest professional team sport with concussions," he noted.

Highlighting the significantly lower ranking of the NFL, McCrory said: "for all the carry on and hoo-ha you get from the United States it actually has the lowest rates of concussion of any of these sports. [It's] right down the bottom."

"Just think for a moment: if the CTE story … is true … we should see an epidemic of jockeys with problems. And we don't … that's a clue that that CTE story really has a few questions that we don't understand yet."

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