

This was published 3 years ago

‘Ongoing denial’: traditional owners slam WA government for Juukan Gorge failures

By Tess Ingram, Hamish Hastie and Emma Young

The traditional owners of Juukan Gorge have placed the WA government in their crosshairs over its role in sanctioning the destruction, claiming the state held information that should have made it think twice.

The narrative that has emerged over the past year has effectively excused the government from heat over its role in approving Rio Tinto’s application under Section 18 of Indigenous heritage laws, which grant ministers absolute power over heritage sites.

PKKP director Burchell Hayes in the Pilbara.

PKKP director Burchell Hayes in the Pilbara.Credit: PKKP

It has been thought the government was not aware of Juukan’s significance as one of Australia’s most important archaeological sites at the time it granted approval in 2013.

But marking the one-year anniversary of the May 24 blast, Burchell Hayes, the director of the Aboriginal corporation representing the traditional owners, said he was confident information detailing the importance of the site was provided early enough for the government to protect it.

“We remain convinced that key people within the government had access to written reports which clearly set out the major heritage significance of the Juukan Gorge rock shelters during the Section 18 approval process,” he said.

When the traditional owner learned of Rio Tinto’s intention to proceed with detonating explosives in May 2020, Mr Hayes said the government also received “subsequent information provided by email and verbally from PKKP Corporation representatives setting out extreme concerns at Rio Tinto’s proposed blasting”.

“When it comes to the West Australian government, we have been very disappointed by the ongoing denial and attempts to distance itself from any responsibility it had to stop Rio Tinto from the blasting that took place at Juukan Gorge,” Mr Hayes said.

Asked whether the state government accepted any responsibility, or felt its processes were inadequate, a spokesman said the Aboriginal Heritage Act was outdated and did not align with federal native title laws.

“The events of Juukan Gorge and the destruction of 46,000-year-old caves are unacceptable and have heightened the appreciation of the views of traditional owners,” he said.


“The McGowan government is progressing new legislation that will empower traditional owners and focus on the importance of agreement-making between traditional owners and land users.

“The Section 18 process stands until new legislation is introduced with a greater expectation that consultation with traditional owners has been undertaken.”

Aboriginal Affairs Minister Stephen Dawson says new heritage legislation will be tabled in the second half of 2021 as a priority.

Aboriginal Affairs Minister Stephen Dawson says new heritage legislation will be tabled in the second half of 2021 as a priority.Credit: Peter de Kruijff

The legislation referred to has still not been introduced after four years, 100 workshops, 150 stakeholder meetings, and 380 public submissions.

In November 2020 former Aboriginal Affairs Minister Ben Wyatt said the government was still tweaking the bill and would introduce it as a priority after the March 2021 state election.

Last week, new Aboriginal Affairs Minister Stephen Dawson narrowed this down to “the second half of the year” but balked when the media asked if he could guarantee “never again”.

“Can I say something like Juukan would never happen again? No, I can’t. I can never give that commitment,” he told the press on May 18.

Meanwhile, Rio Tinto’s new chief executive of Australian issues Kellie Parker provided the miner’s first meaningful comments on the draft.

Ms Parker said the new law “is not going to be as great as what we want to hold ourselves to on best practice”.

“We have learned such deep, hard lessons about just relying on the law that we know that we need to engage with all traditional owner groups on the lands that we operate, we need to understand what they want, what their wishes are, and how we mine together,” Ms Parker said.

“That will always be above what the legislation is right now and what’s being proposed.”


Other miners believe the bill’s definitions are too broad and timeframes for consultations too loose, risking enormous delays for approvals.

The new system could be difficult to administer and easily overloaded, the Chamber of Minerals and Energy said in its submission to government, backed by companies including iron ore producer Fortescue Metals Group.

Privately, miners have fumed at Rio Tinto’s Juukan disaster as they now can’t publicly argue against the legislation for fear of being labelled uncaring about heritage.

“The ability to get an industry view in shaping that legislation to make sure it is a better outcome for all parties has been made more challenging by what’s happened at Juukan Gorge,” Association of Mining and Exploration Companies president Peter Bradford said at the Diggers and Dealers mining forum last October.

And Juukan’s traditional owners, the Puutu Kunti Kurrama and Pinikura people, say that while the draft gives traditional owners more say over what constitutes a heritage site, and introduces penalties of up to $10 million or imprisonment for illegal destruction of a site, ultimately it still gives the minister the final say.

This legacy component has aggrieved Indigenous groups including the PKKP, who voiced ‘deep concern’.

It “still positions Aboriginal cultural heritage, that traditional owners have serious responsibilities to protect, as being somehow owned by the state of Western Australia and something that a minister of the state has the power to make decisions over,” the group said.

“This is alarming and we ask that a negotiation now ensues to find a middle ground where Aboriginal people have a real role in decision-making.”

Despite the criticism, the final version of the draft is likely to breeze through Parliament in whatever form the government presents it, thanks to the majority the March election delivered.

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