

This was published 1 year ago

‘Sweet hours before dawn’: McGowan’s massive year and the text messages we wish we never read

By Hamish Hastie

After the 2022 West Aussies have just had you can be forgiven for thinking we’ve fit three years into one.

We started the year deep in COVID-19 territory but 12 months on it feels like the pandemic was a distant memory and without a killer virus on the loose sunlight shone on areas of the government that hadn’t seen scrutiny in several years.

It’s been a big year in WA.

It’s been a big year in WA.Credit: Jamie Brown

End of COVID?

It is truly mind-bending to consider that at the start of this year WA was in the grips of a COVID-19 panic.

In January, the pandemic was beating on our door as the state was racing to get its vaccinations up and delayed border openings were dulling Premier Mark McGowan’s 2021 sparkle.

A cluster of Delta variant cases had thwarted the state’s hopes of a free and open Christmas thanks to a group of free-spirited backpackers but WA’s high vaccination rate kept Delta relatively muted.

Hopes of a happy ending to January were again dashed when a swathe of cases emerged across Perth massage parlours.

It was shortly after this that McGowan delayed the planned February border opening to March - much to the anger of the business community.

By March the border opening came and Omicron was the first visitor to slip through. Perth Airport was filled with emotional scenes of families reunited and the state officially began “living with COVID”.


What that meant in practice was to mostly ignore it until we knew Omicron was a softer touch than its Delta cousin then fully ignore it everywhere but in hospitals.

For some perspective, by March 4, the day after the borders opened, WA had recorded just 16,682 cases in two years. From then to December 15 the state recorded 1.23 million cases – an average of 30,000 cases a week (and that’s just the ones recorded).

The hard border finally came down.Credit: Stephen Kiprillis

Living with COVID would have been easier had the lollipop RATs purchased by the WA government actually worked.

Luckily, we’ve still got tens of millions of them that could replace bricks in social housing if the materials shortages keep playing havoc in the home building sector. Schools were still begging parents to take packets home at the end of term four.


While the borders were dropped it was still a mission to enter and exit WA thanks to a woefully unprepared aviation sector.

Qantas chief executive Alan Joyce was one of McGowan’s biggest critics when the border opening was delayed but fortunately, they had kissed and made up by the middle of the year just in time for the new direct Perth to Rome flight to take off.

‘...defeat Clive :D :D ’

As if West Aussies weren’t dealing with enough issues to make them feel ill in March they were subjected to more stomach-churning when the personal texts sent in 2020 between McGowan, Quigley and media mogul Kerry Stokes were read aloud to a Sydney court during the Clive Palmer defamation trial.

Quigley refers to Palmer as the “Big Fat Liar” in his texts while McGowan told Quigley that Palmer was “the worst Australian who is not in jail.”

A fan favourite was a text sent from Quigley to McGowan when they were working out how to stop a multi-billion arbitration claim by Palmer.

“Hey aren’t you glad me single, not making love in the sweet hours before dawn, instead worrying how to defeat Clive :D :D,” the text read.

The defamation battle proved eye opening.

The defamation battle proved eye opening. Credit: AAP

During that case Palmer also said he thought legislation aimed at stopping damages claims against the state gave McGowan James Bond 007-style licence to kill powers.

Palmer initiated the action after their war of words during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and McGowan launched a countersuit but ultimately neither party won.

Though Palmer did have to pay for the state’s legal costs he also succeeded in hurting McGowan and his government by exposing the chummy relationship the premier had with Stokes and raising questions about the legal competence of Quigley, the state’s first law officer.

The decimation of the Liberals

Labor extended its record-breaking electoral success of 2021 to the federal election in May.

Federal Labor had its best-ever showing in WA nabbing four seats from the Liberals thanks to a surge in its primary vote by 7.4 per cent. The Liberals lost five seats all up thanks to teal independent Kate Chaney snatching Curtin from Celia Hammond.

It was thanks to some crafty campaign work by the WA party that tapped into existing discontent with former prime minister Scott Morrison that secured Anthony Albanese government.

The Liberal party, still shell-shocked from their 2021 state defeat, promised to reform but continued internal turmoil has continued to make that difficult.

David Honey is one of two Libs who remain.

David Honey is one of two Libs who remain.Credit: Channel 9

Historic reforms passed at the party’s state conference in July were hailed as “the first steps towards reform” but the proof will be in the pudding as candidate preselection begins for the 2025 elections.

Speaking of 2025, David Honey remains the leader of the WA Liberals and will likely do so until his only other party colleague Libby Mettam takes over in 2024.

Opposition leader Mia Davies has slogged her way through yet another year in the face of a wall of red in the lower house but the next 18 months will be interesting as she weighs up what an “opposition alliance” will look like at the next election.

Could a National run as premier? Probably not. But when you’ve been in the trenches for three years fighting your enemy the prospect of being shot in the back of your head by an ally isn’t enticing.

The Nationals did get a win this year, however, with pub owner Merome Beard replacing retiring Carnarvon MP Vince Catania.

Catania, who defected from the Labor party, did not get the warm goodbyes he may have been hoping for from his former party-mates.

Sue Ellery offered the most pointed goodbye.

“Don’t slam the door on your way out,” she said.

You won’t like us when we’re angry

This year has seen some outstanding organised labour that probably excites the Labor backbench more than they would dare admit to their babysitters in the premier’s office.

Throughout the pandemic the nursing and police workforce was lauded as heroes, but the state decided that did not entitle them to any more pay than their other public sector colleagues.

This didn’t sit well with about 3500 nurses and midwives who last month took to parliament house to ask for a bigger raise than the $3120 or 3 per cent increase than the government has offered the rest of the public sector.

Police, who are legally not allowed to strike, also engaged in some interesting tactics, such as parking in front of speed cameras.

Nurses and midwvies at the rally outside Parliament House in November.

Nurses and midwvies at the rally outside Parliament House in November.Credit: Harriet Flinn

The 3 per cent offer is an improvement on the past two offers and has gotten most of the public sector across the line, but nurses show no signs of agreement.

The solidarity of nurses is impressive given the confusing direction they’ve had from their union, the Australian Nursing Federation WA.

The retirement and then the appointment of former secretary Mark Olson to a newly created position of chief executive blurred the lines of who was in charge after current secretary Janet Reah was elected to the role.

The ANF must also have their own toilet at the WA Industrial Relations Commission by now.

Not only have they been dragged there for pay negotiations, but Reah and the union are also facing fines for the November rally, possible deregistration and a challenge to Reah’s leadership by her opponent Samantha Fenn.

There is still plenty to play out.

Bill and his poison portfolios

If you hurt the ones you love the most then McGowan must have a shrine to Bill Johnston in his office.

Johnston’s portfolios are the trifecta of controversy this last half of the year.

Not only was he trying to sell the government’s pay offer under his industrial relations responsibilities, but his Corrective Services job also includes the management of Banksia Hill.

Bill Johnston too issue with an op ed by former Australian of the Year Fiona Stanley.

Bill Johnston too issue with an op ed by former Australian of the Year Fiona Stanley. Credit: AFR/Getty

The Canning Vale facility has been denounced by virtually every person who has had even the slightest role in the youth justice system for its treatment of juvenile detainees.

He then sought legal advice after claiming an opinion piece written by former Australian of the Year Fiona Stanley misrepresented him.

In his energy portfolio he has been batting away criticisms over the electricity system’s ability to handle this year’s summer power demands as coal supply issues stretch an already strained system.

Johnston kept his job in the latest cabinet reshuffle but former Water, Youth and Forestry Minister Dave Kelly was not so lucky.

Pour one out for Kelly, a left faction heavyweight, and pour a magnum bottle of your finest Margaret River shiraz out for Alannah MacTiernan who retired after more than 30 years in politics.

As WA returned to normality it felt like we began to get our groove back.

We began to go out and enjoy our city with gay abandon and only sometimes did it end poorly.

We engaged in classic WA pursuits, like forcing the shutdown of the Hay Street Mall after thousands of people crammed in there to catch a glimpse of OnlyFans star Anna Paul.

I still feel deeply sorry for Drone Sky Show managing director Joshua Van Ross who lost 50 drones to the Swan River during a stunning light show put on by the City of Perth in November.

Some of the estimated 50 drones falling from the sky during the drone show.

Some of the estimated 50 drones falling from the sky during the drone show.Credit: Nine News Perth

“I did cry a little bit last night, I am trying not to think about it ... but it was an expensive show for us,” Van Ross said at the time.

I think we’d all like to have a little cry after this year but if there is one lesson we can take from it and apply in 2023 it is this that I derived from the secretly deep-thinking Attorney General John Quigley via the medium of text messages: focus on the big things that matter and don’t worry about what’s in the periphery.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the WAtoday team :D :D.

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