

This was published 3 years ago

Thousands of businesses face new tax to fund mental health

By Annika Smethurst

More than 9000 Victorian businesses will be hit with a new tax to help the state government deliver a multibillion-dollar boost to mental health that Treasurer Tim Pallas described as generational reform.

Businesses with more than $10 million in wages nationally will face a 0.5 per cent levy from 2022, which is expected to raise more than $800 million a year over the next four years. Larger businesses with a payroll bill higher than $100 million will pay an additional 0.5 per cent on the share of wages paid in Victoria.

Victorian Treasurer Tim Pallas at the 2021 state budget lockup.

Victorian Treasurer Tim Pallas at the 2021 state budget lockup.Credit: Joe Armao

The levy, which the government says would be “ring-fenced” for mental health and affect fewer than 5 per cent of employers, was unveiled as part of the state budget which also included $2.4 billion in property taxes which will help fund new spending on hospitals and schools.

Mr Pallas said he was asking businesses that “continued to profit through the pandemic” and pocketed taxpayer subsidies to help “deliver a generational reform after one of the most mentally taxing years of our lives”.


He described the new levy as appropriate and fair.

The high-taxing budget will also rake in $2.4 billion in property taxes over the next four years from stamp duty increases for properties that sell for more than $2 million, as well as taxes aimed at property developers.

The state will record a $17.4 billion deficit this financial year, $6 billion better than forecast last year. But the state’s net debt is still on track to rocket to $102 billion next financial year, rising to $156.3 billion by June 2025.

Business Council of Australia chief executive Jennifer Westacott criticised the payroll tax hike, claiming the mental health package was needed, in part, because of Victoria’s “long and disproportionate” lockdown in 2020.


"This sets a very dangerous precedent of fiscal repair which ultimately harms growth," she said.

“While we welcome mental health reform which is much needed to deal with systemic issues and the devastating impact of a long and disproportionate lockdown, an approach that pits some Victorians against others by taxing jobs makes everyone a loser.”

Legislation for the new levy, which puts most Victorian businesses roughly on par with the current rate of payroll tax in NSW, was introduced into Parliament on Thursday and is expected to pass the upper house. Six crossbenchers told The Age they would support the measure. Businesses with a wage bill of more than $100 million will pay a higher rate of tax than their NSW counterparts.

Federal Treasurer Josh Frydenberg, who represents the Victorian electorate of Kooyong, said the tax hike “couldn’t come at a worse time” for Victoria following last year’s lockdown.

“Slugging families and businesses will cost jobs and is a prelude to federal Labor’s high- taxing agenda,” Mr Frydenberg told The Age.

RMIT economics professor David Hayward said businesses would feel the impact of the levy, but also reap the benefits.

“So business is paying and, yes, some of it will be passed on to consumers, but they’re also going to benefit big time, as we know, from the mental health interventions,” he said.

Janine Dixon, senior research fellow at Victoria University’s Centre for Policy Studies, warned of the dangers of linking the fortunes of a select group of companies to mental health support.

“It’s very important to address how you spend that budget and how you can use policy levers, which aren’t necessarily fiscal or financial, to affect cultural change around mental health,” she said.


RMIT economist Leonora Risse said the mental health levy reflected a redistributive approach to revenue raising but said the approach provided an accountable framework around the money being raised.

Victoria is on track to return to a cash surplus by 2023 but the budget papers warn the risks to the state’s economy remain “greater than normal” because of the pandemic.

In total, the state government’s tax revenue will increase by more than 13 per cent in the next financial year, with an annual average growth rate of 6.9 per cent over the following three years and the Treasury is forecasting shrinking deficits in that time.

Net debt represents more than 20 per cent of the state’s economy and is significantly higher than the government’s target of 12 per cent.

The Treasury has forecast Victoria’s economy will grow by 6.5 per cent in 2021-22, higher than the projected 4.25 per cent growth for Victoria and above national growth.

But the budget papers show public demand and government spending are the only positive contributors to Victoria’s growth, with sluggish population growth and constraints on service exports such as education and tourism.

With both a Victorian and federal election due by the end of next year, Mr Pallas denied the state government’s high-taxing agenda would hand the Coalition a political weapon ahead of polling day.

“We don’t really need lectures from the federal government about how to run economies,” he said.

“The choices that we make reflect our values as a government. Our values are that we need to grow jobs and need to care for those in the community who need support.”

Mr Pallas said Victoria’s growth was propping up the nation.

In a sign that the state Coalition was preparing for an election fight over tax, Opposition Leader Michael O’Brien accused the state government of using phrases such as “the top end of town” that unfairly target aspirational Victorian families.

He compared the tax proposal to former federal Labor leader Bill Shorten’s 2019 election campaign, in which “he tried this class war rhetoric” and lost to Scott Morrison.

He said the budget illustrated a “huge arrogance” of a government that thought it would win next November’s election.

“Mental health is a central state service, like schools, that the government should fund without necessarily requiring a new levy,” he said. “There is so much waste in this government; there is so much mismanagement.

“This is not a plan, it’s not the plan Victorians need. It’s a plan for more taxes and that’s it. This is a missed opportunity.“

Mr O’Brien said the Liberals would focus on a small business and jobs-led recovery, lowering small business tax and putting more funding into front-line services such as ambulances.

Before the pandemic, net overseas migration was the largest driver of population growth in Victoria. Thursday’s budget papers revealed the state’s population growth will remain sluggish for the four years of forward estimates, growing by just 0.3 per cent in 2021-22 and rising to 1.7 per cent growth in 2023-24.

That rate remains below the annual growth rate of 2.3 per cent over the five years before the pandemic.

The government is projecting an extra 400,000 Victorians will be back to work by 2025, but employment growth is expected to be slower in the coming years, rising 2.5 per cent next financial year.

Weak international economic conditions have hit the state’s exports, meaning net trade will have a negative impact on growth in 2020-21 and 2021-22.

Unveiling his seventh budget on Thursday, Mr Pallas said it was “not the time to fixate on a surplus”.

“With interest rates at record lows, we could borrow to protect jobs and drive a stronger recovery,” he said.

A Treasury and Finance staffer with a trolley load of budget papers.

A Treasury and Finance staffer with a trolley load of budget papers.Credit: Joe Armao

Infrastructure spending has blown out by an extra $10 billion to $90 billion, or an average of $22.5 billion a year.

Mr Pallas said the government’s wages bill – which is forecast to grow by about 10 per cent this year and will rise by a billion dollars for each of the next three years – was “unsustainable”.

Public sector pay has risen from $19.9 billion when the Andrews government came to power to almost $32 billion, prompting the government to cap wages and reduce departmental spending from next year.

With a federal election due within the next 12 months, the Morrison government is expected to campaign against state Labor’s tax policies as it targets marginal seats such as Corangamite and Dunkley.

After taking over the leadership of the federal Labor Party, Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese has tried to distance himself from several Shorten-era policies, including changes to capital gains tax, negative gearing and franking credits, following damaging scare campaigns claiming Labor would target aspirational Australians and the top end of town.

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