

This was published 4 years ago

The road to recovery: Are Victoria's mega-projects still worth it?

By Clay Lucas and Timna Jacks

Comb through government funding records for 1932, the year unemployment peaked at 32 per cent during the Great Depression, and you will find £5000 set aside for a significant road project in Victoria.

The money was part of “an unemployment relief fund used to widen the Great Ocean Road and provide work for more than 200 returned soldiers”.

The road – now one of Australia’s biggest tourist attractions – shows the legacy governments can leave when trying to boost a collapsed economy.

Almost a century later Victoria is staring at another savage economic downturn, of a magnitude not seen since the Depression, and certainly since the state’s last recession in 1991.

Premier Daniel Andrews has fronted the media almost daily since calling a state of emergency in March, with a forceful focus on staving off a health catastrophe.

But the economic woes coronavirus could wreak upon Victoria may be as big a challenge as the health crisis, with state treasury estimates this week predicting a quarter of a million Victorians will soon be out of work – twice the current number. To cope with the economic battering, Victoria will borrow up to $24.5 billion in extra cash.

Premier Daniel Andrews at Carrum Station in January.

Premier Daniel Andrews at Carrum Station in January.Credit: Jason South

Andrews has regularly said construction will be one of the ways his government digs Victoria out of the crisis. “We are going to need to do more in road and rail. It will need to,” he said this week, "go to another level”.

But with the state’s infrastructure drive already at what most thought “next level” before the pandemic, can Victoria realistically contemplate embarking on more mega-projects – builds with price tags in excess of $1 billion? Or could the pandemic provide a sort of reset, where Daniel Andrews relaxes his focus on big builds and instead turns the state towards other infrastructure to get the economy pumping again?


'We've been conned into a major projects approach'

Andrews this week said his government’s choice of projects had always been both big and little, with the state’s massive transport build packaged up so that “small firms, medium firms and large big tier-one firms” got work.

Four immense transport projects are either underway in Victoria, or might already have been signed off had the pandemic not ground the state to a halt.

The West Gate Tunnel motorway is under construction, bidding is underway for the North East Link toll road and freeway widening, plans for an airport rail line were close to finalised, and the Metro Tunnel rail line is being built. Then there is the $50 billion Suburban Rail Loop, on which the bill for planning alone comes to $300million.

Is it wise to forge ahead with all of these enormous projects?

“No” was the resounding answer from financial and planning experts quizzed by The Age this week. The prevailing view was that while city-shaping projects are nice in theory, their enormous lead times and vast cost reduce their wider community benefit.

“More smaller projects, you can turn the tap on and off easier,” said economist Terry Rawnsley, from consultants SGS. “You don’t want to get in a position where in five years’ time you’ve built [major] projects and maxed out the credit card.”

Some projects put forward by the Andrews government also don’t make as much sense as they once did, with COVID-19 likely to see population growth dip, travel patterns change and a recession if not worse.

“We’ve been conned into a major projects approach,” said economist John Stanley, a Sydney University transport professor and former Victorian transport industry executive.

He said costly projects like the Suburban Rail Loop were “grossly over-designed” and shorter-term public transport projects that helped people navigate Melbourne’s suburbs made more sense.

The North East Link done “more modestly” might benefit the city but its vast cost meant it should be postponed, he said.

The proposed suburban rail loop would intersect with 10 other rail lines.

The proposed suburban rail loop would intersect with 10 other rail lines.Credit: Fairfax Media

If past practice is anything to go by, Andrews is unlikely to back down. He has pushed through virtually all promised projects – even the troubled-plagued West Gate Tunnel.

John Hearsch, president of transport think tank the Rail Futures Institute, said the $50 billion Suburban Rail Loop – the most expensive transport project in Victorian history – needed rethinking, as did the North East Link.

His group wants to see a $2 billion City Loop reworking built to expand trains flowing through – swiftly delivering the equivalent of a 10-lane freeway.

Electrification of trains to Melton and Wyndham Vale must go ahead too even if the pandemic causes public transport journeys to dip, he added.

Other smaller-scale rail projects where federal money is already on the table such as light rail for Doncaster, electrifying trains past Frankston to Baxter and duplicating rail tracks in Geelong’s Waurn Ponds should also proceed, others said.

The Victorian government needs to talk to Bombardier about new trams, say experts, as part of boosting the economy.

The Victorian government needs to talk to Bombardier about new trams, say experts, as part of boosting the economy.Credit: Govnews Victoria

But simply ramping up construction would not avert wide-scale unemployment, Hearsch said. For this reason, an extra 100 new trams should be built in Dandenong by Bombardier, along with more locally made buses.

Public Transport Users Association’s spokesman Tony Morton agreed, noting that much spending on multibillion-dollar projects wound up spent on expensive machinery – not wages.

He said Victoria’s Treasury had an “ideological conviction” that spending was better on capital projects like new rail station car parks than on state-run operations such as a better bus network, which increased jobs both in manufacturing and driving.

“A feeder bus can deliver passengers to the station all day,” he said. “It doesn’t depend on the car park getting full after the first 200 passengers drive in.”

Stimulus: the lessons of history

Victoria has of course seen this show before, even if the script is more dramatic now, said respected economist Saul Eslake, who pointed to the enormous stimulus packages of the early 1990s recession.

Then, prime minister Paul Keating’s One Nation package funded a range of huge infrastructure projects.

“By the time these got started, the recession was well and truly over,” said Eslake, who believes the nation’s biggest states such as Victoria and New South Wales need to concentrate not on mega-projects but genuinely “shovel-ready” works.

Treasurer Wayne Swan and Prime Minister Kevin Rudd announce their economic stimulus package during the Global Financial Crisis in 2008.

Treasurer Wayne Swan and Prime Minister Kevin Rudd announce their economic stimulus package during the Global Financial Crisis in 2008.Credit: Glen McCurtayne

He said the Rudd government’s school halls program during the 2008 Global Financial Crisis partially worked because it was spread “around the country, rather than concentrated in a few areas as is typically the case with large projects”. It also required locally sourced labour and materials.

Of course there was a downside: “A lot of schools got halls that they didn’t need.”

Also funded in Rudd's GFC response was the Regional Rail Link through Melbourne’s west. A success as a transport project, but an abject failure as a stimulus measure. Billed as “shovel ready” in 2009, it took two years to start.

Eslake was among a range of voices The Age spoke to who said the biggest success story from the Rudd-Swan stimulus was housing for the poor. In particular, it fitted the need for speed.

Across Australia 20,000 new social housing units were built and another 12,000 got repairs. A KPMG spending review found the most vulnerable - the homeless, disabled and elderly - were the beneficiaries.

In Victoria, Eslake said, where social housing as a percentage of total housing stock is low, home-building was an ideal focus point to lift the economy. It would also calm the jangled nerves of many in the sector.

Construction expert and RMIT professor Ron Wakefield is also a director of Launch Housing, which has helped the state house 700 homeless people during the crisis. “When the pandemic finishes, they will just get pushed back onto the streets,” he said. A once-in-a-generation home-building program would create jobs and tackle the housing crisis affecting many Victorians before the pandemic, he said, and meant Victoria was “not putting everything into roads and trains”.

Overseas cities beset by pandemic lockdowns have also urgently pushed cycling and walking projects into action, said Monash University planning lecturer Liz Taylor. “There are so many Melbourne projects shelved for ages that could quickly be reprioritised,” pointing to the west’s Federation cycling trail as a prime example.

She said while the economic uplift and job creation from building new active transport infrastructure was minute on the scale of mega-projects, they would leave a lasting legacy.

She said pouring millions into permanent bus lanes should also be considered because coronavirus might change travel patterns long-term. “Travel demand for cars will be lower, just from changes to people’s working-from-home habits."

The dangers of getting stung

Another lesson from Australia’s GFC response, economist Rawnsley said, was another shovel-ready project commissioned back then: Peninsula Link.

The road improved trip times to the Mornington Peninsula but failed to deliver many other promised benefits. And it proved a “sweet deal” for the project’s private-sector consortium, Rawnsley said. Taxpayers are now paying around $100 million a year until 2037, a total of $2.75 billion for a road built for just $651 million nine years ago.

The case showed the Victorian public can get stung when state governments hastily dust off long-planned projects and start construction to boost the economy.

Melbourne's West Gate Tunnel is among the massive infrastructure projects that need renewed scrutiny.

Melbourne's West Gate Tunnel is among the massive infrastructure projects that need renewed scrutiny.Credit: Luis Enrique Ascui

“The view on this was at the time the economy was falling off a cliff and the state was happy to pay a bit more,” he said, “to make sure things were happening.”

As builders grow increasingly risk-averse in the face of a deepening recession, Daniel Andrews may be forced to pay a premium for the major projects he does build – whether trying to repair the state’s economy or not.

Rawnsley doubted the $16 billion North East Link would deliver bang for the bucks, and questioned its legacy beyond getting trucks off Heidelberg’s Rosanna Road. And in the face of global travel bans, Rawnsley warned an airport rail link costing between $8 billion and $13 billion might be dubious. “The imperative for the rail link,” he said, “has kind of disappeared overnight.”

However, Infrastructure Partnerships Australia's chief executive Adrian Dwyer said maintaining a pipeline of mega-projects was important, in addition to prioritising $50-$500 million projects and fast-tracking level crossing removals.

Keeping the construction industry open during the crisis was also a "master stroke" by the Victorian government he said, because it saved jobs and built industry confidence.

Where will the growth come from?

The key unknown in the crisis, the Grattan Institute’s city and transport head Marion Terrill says, is how quickly the economy will recover if social distancing continues for years in the absence of a vaccine.

“Traditionally we tend to grow our way out of debt. After World War II, we grew fast and debt dwindled to nothing and that works as long as the economy is growing faster than interest rates on government borrowing,” Terrill said. "At the moment, it’s hard to imagine a lot of economic growth.”

Borrowing while interest rates were radically low to build infrastructure was a good idea, but it was crucial the money went towards projects that increased productivity and matched the needs of a changing world, she said. “You can waste money cheaply as well as expensively.”

The risk in marching ahead with major transport projects already being promoted by the Andrews government is that many of their underlying assumptions – surging population growth and travel patterns – have now been turned on their head by COVID-19.

And those changes could be permanent: commuters may be less inclined to travel on overcrowded trains and more people may work from home, putting less strain on transport. It was time for the government to stop and think about what projects the state truly needed. “The big projects are particularly risky right now,” Terrill said.

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