

This was published 2 years ago

‘Stump up’, key MP urges as crossbench enters all-in meeting

By Chip Le Grand, Rachel Eddie and Paul Sakkal

A key supporter of the Victorian government’s pandemic legislation says she will not vote to extend the current state of emergency powers if proposed law changes are blocked by her fellow crossbench MPs.

The comments by Reason Party MP Fiona Patten raise the prospect that, unless the government can find another vote in support of its proposed pandemic regime, it could be left powerless to enforce its mandatory vaccination rules and other coercive measures to contain the spread of COVID-19.

Reason Party MP Fiona Patten.

Reason Party MP Fiona Patten.Credit: Justin McManus

A meeting on Friday afternoon between crossbench MPs and senior staff of Health Minister Martin Foley did not resolve the impasse, with the government not yet offering any significant concessions to appease demands for greater parliamentary oversight and other checks on the proposed new powers.

The entire upper house crossbench was invited to the 30-minute briefing. Independent Catherine Cumming – who was open to working with the government if it wound back vaccine mandates, and vowed to attend Saturday’s freedom protest – described the briefing as a box-ticking exercise, “pretending we’re having a meeting”.

“It’s clear that the government has not changed its position,” she said.

With the final parliamentary sitting week of the year approaching, negotiations are expected to continue at the weekend.

Under the existing laws, the chief health officer has broad powers when a state of emergency is declared to issue binding public health orders including detaining people and closing businesses which present a health risk.

Under the Public Health and Wellbeing Amendment (Pandemic Management) Bill 2021 currently before the upper house, power to respond to a pandemic would be transferred from the chief health officer to the premier and health minister.

Ms Patten is one of three crossbench MPs who voted in March to extend the state of emergency until December 15 on the proviso the government developed a fit-for-purpose legislative regime to replace it.


She said on Friday that, whatever the fate of the new regime, she would not support another extension of the Victorian state of emergency, which was first declared at the start of the COVID-19 crisis and last extended eight months ago.

“We cannot have this state being the only jurisdiction in Australia that has no control over this pandemic,” she said. “I am very worried that we will be in that situation. I implore the crossbenchers to fix this. I have done as much as I can.”

Daniel Andrews on Thursday morning.

Daniel Andrews on Thursday morning.Credit: Justin McManus

”The state of emergency legislation is a blunt instrument that provides us with no transparency and no scrutiny, and I committed in March to saying I would not support another state of emergency.

“If that is the path that other crossbenchers want to go down, they will need to stump up.”

The latest meeting of crossbench MPs was called by the government after lengthy discussions on Thursday night between Clifford Hayes, of Sustainable Australia, and Rod Barton, of Transport Matters Party, and Attorney-General Jaclyn Symes failed to break the deadlock.

Mr Barton said the negotiations were productive and would continue. “None of us have thrown our toys out of the crib,” Mr Barton said. “The government is acting in good faith, we’re acting in good faith.”

Mr Hayes said the sooner the issue was resolved, the better.

Mr Hayes and Mr Barton have asked for the establishment of a joint parliamentary oversight committee, with a non-government chair and majority, to review any pandemic orders and other decisions taken under the proposed regime, greater appeal rights for people detained and other substantial changes to the government’s bill.


The government last week delayed debate on the bill after the surprise reappearance of ex-minister Adem Somyurek, who vowed to tip the vote against his former party. It has listed the pandemic legislation as its first order of business when the upper house next sits on Tuesday.

Jeff Bourman, a Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party MP who is firmly opposed to the pandemic legislation, said continuing the state of emergency appeared to be the government’s only fall-back option.

“I get the feeling they will have to work on extending the state of emergency,” he said. “The government has to have something.”

Ms Patten said that lifting the state of emergency without the passage of new pandemic laws would leave Victoria in a dangerous situation.

The government has less than a week to shore up support to ensure it can enforce health orders that have underpinned the state’s pandemic response. Without it, it may not be able to enforce vaccine mandates; no jab, no access rules for restaurants and retail; isolation requirements for COVID-19 positive cases; and quarantine rules for the unvaccinated.

Roads Minister Ben Carroll on Friday said Ms Symes and Health Minister Martin Foley were “working very hard on this”.

“I know how important this legislation is. It’s vital that it passes, and I know we’re working very much towards that,” Mr Carroll said.

“I’ll leave that to the negotiators that are meeting in good-faith. Things are constructive, and we’ll deal with Parliament when it comes around next Tuesday.”

On Friday, the Victorian Parliament wrote to all electorate officers working to mandate COVID-19 vaccinations as a condition of entry for on-site work.

“Following the period of consultation, and in light of the continued high levels of community transmission occurring in Victoria, we have determined that it is necessary to implement compulsory COVID-19 vaccination for all electorate officers,” Parliament said in a letter to staff on Friday.

They will have until next month to receive their first dose and the end of January for their second. MPs already had to prove their vaccination status.

Separately, Ms Symes has accused the opposition of incitement. She will next week call on the Legislative Council to condemn the Coalition after a number of its MPs joined protests on the steps of the Victorian Parliament in recent weeks.

Earlier this month, demonstrators brought nooses and a gallows to the rallies while MPs warned of increasingly vile threats against them, their staff and families. The Age reported counter-terror police had charged a man with incitement after encouraging protesters to bring firearms to Parliament.

Mr Davis, who said the notice of motion was false and nonsense, said the Coalition had still not been formally approached to consult on the pandemic bill.

“The government botched the process, failing to consult broadly in the community. They should have consulted, not just the opposition and the parliament, but the business community, and Victorians from each and every walk of life,” he said.

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