

This was published 4 years ago


Sack the Victorian government? This is no time to revive the divine right of kings

A quick glance at Twitter these days, particularly in Victoria, will show that a lot of people have given up on democracy.

They hanker for the days when Charles I still had a head attached to his neck. Re-capitating a dead monarch and reviving the divine right of kings would seem to be a tall order in this age and yet we see growing demands, from commentators and others, for the Governor of Victoria, Linda Dessau, to refuse assent to the COVID-19 Omnibus (Emergency Measures) Bill or dismiss the government altogether.

Linda Dessau is sworn in as the 29th Governor of Victoria in 2015.

Linda Dessau is sworn in as the 29th Governor of Victoria in 2015. Credit: Joe Armao

True it is that the governor retains reserve powers to act without, or contrary to, government advice. But these powers cannot be used just because the governor personally disagrees with a policy or does not support the politics of the government.

The whole point of constitutional monarchy is that the wishes of the monarch, and his or her vice-regal representatives, are no longer relevant. It is the constitution that rules, and the role of the governor is to support the constitution and the fundamental principles that underlie it, such as representative and responsible government, the rule of law and the separation of powers.

The principle of representative government requires that Parliament be comprised of the
representatives of the people, chosen in elections, and the principle of responsible
government requires that the executive government be responsible to the people, through the
Parliament, for the government’s actions. A consequence is that the governor is almost always obliged to act upon the advice of ministers, because they are the ones who are responsible to Parliament for the government’s actions.

An exception arises when ministers have ceased to be responsible, such as when a vote of no
confidence in the government has been passed by the lower house of Parliament. If a
premier tried to keep governing after ceasing to be "responsible" in this way, the governor
would be entitled to exercise reserve powers, such as dismissing the premier, or refusing him
or her a dissolution, or perhaps even refusing to act on advice not to give assent to a bill
passed by both houses against the wishes of the government.

But this is not the current position in Victoria. The Andrews government retains majority support in the Legislative Assembly and therefore continues to be responsible to Parliament.

The other main exception arises when the governor is advised to act in a manner that is unconstitutional or unlawful. This would breach the constitutional principle of the rule of law. The governor is as much bound as anyone else to obey the law, and is therefore entitled to refuse advice to breach it.

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has not lost a no-confidence motion yet.

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has not lost a no-confidence motion yet.Credit: Justin McManus

But here another principle also applies – the separation of powers. It gives to the courts, not the governor, the power to decide what is unconstitutional or unlawful. Where the issue of legality is contestable and where the courts have the power to deal with it, the governor should ordinarily act as advised by ministers, leaving the issue of legality and constitutionality to be determined by the constitutionally correct body – the courts.

While Victorians may genuinely differ about whether the actions of the Andrews Government or some provisions of the COVID-19 bill are constitutionally or legally valid, this is not a matter for the Governor Dessau to decide. Such legal and constitutional matters belong in the courts.


If the complaint is in fact that it is the "vibe" of the constitution that is being impaired, then that is a political matter to be dealt with by the Parliament. The people still have their representatives in Parliament and the government is still responsible to it. It’s a constitutional system that has worked in this country for a good two centuries, so we should let it do its job.

The divine right of kings and governors to decide governmental matters according to their own desires was ended with the stroke of an axe in 1649. It brought into being the Commonwealth of England. When Queen Victoria heard that the Australian colonies had decided to call their new federation the Commonwealth of Australia, she was not impressed. She knew that the word signified the end of discretionary royal power. The choice of the term was quite deliberate, according to Sir Henry Parkes. It was both a reminder of the Queen’s impotence and the constitution’s strength.


Those who insist the governor must act to refuse assent to bills or dismiss the government should think twice. If they really support the constitution, they should let it operate, leaving political matters to Parliament and legal matters to the courts.

Anne Twomey is a professor of constitutional law at the University of Sydney, and a born and bred Victorian.

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