

This was published 5 years ago

Recycling rethink: Victorians getting to the bottom of their bins

By Clay Lucas and Benjamin Preiss

Grant Brooker is no eco-warrior. But over the last few months, he has set up four old Australia Post sorting tubs outside his back door. When time comes to discard a newspaper or tin can, instead of putting it into his home’s yellow-lidded bin, he puts it into one of the tubs out back.

When those tubs fill up, he takes the glass to a sorting centre in Bellfield. The paper, plastic and metal he drives to a council transfer station in Plenty.

Brooker says he was just as complacent as the next person about recycling. But when he, along with the rest of Australia, realised our recycling was simply being shipped to Asia, his interest in the topic suddenly became ferocious.

Brooker had reason to get a head start on being interested – he is a councillor at Nillumbik, one of 33 municipalities across Victoria who were foolish enough to sign up to recycler SKM’s low prices.

SKM would take councils’ weekly recycling collections for next to nothing – undercutting other recyclers Visy and Polytrade – and, after some sorting, ship much of it to China. There, they would be paid enough to make a tidy profit.

SKM was already contracted to Nillumbik when Brooker arrived at the council in 2016, but they came to the front of his attention after he was given the environment portfolio.

Grant Brooker, a councillor at Nillumbik,  is putting his recycling into four bins and taking it direct to sorting centres.

Grant Brooker, a councillor at Nillumbik, is putting his recycling into four bins and taking it direct to sorting centres.Credit: Simon Schluter

After SKM’s first shutdown – following a massive fire in 2017 that burnt for 20 days – Brooker was among a group taken on a tour of its Coolaroo sorting plant. “If you have an image in your mind of what a modern recycling plant might look like at one end of the spectrum, SKM is at the other,” he says. “It was screaming out that the place was not well managed.”

Just how badly managed only became clear after one of SKM’s companies, SKM Corporate, was taken into liquidation in July by 330 creditors who collectively are owed a total of $28 million.


A company going into liquidation is always a personal tragedy for its owners and creditors, but this liquidation has been a blow for Victorians on a scale few had foreseen.

With SKM out of business, hundreds of thousands of tonnes of waste that could have been reused – turned from waste paper, glass or plastic into new products or materials – is instead being buried.

It raises the question: why were councils and state governments all over Australia caught so flat-footed when it came to deciding how we might otherwise deal with our waste?

The Chinese government told the World Trade Organisation in July 2017 that it would impose significant restrictions on the import of waste products beginning in 2018 – meaning it would no longer take recycled waste unless it met an extremely strict contamination rate of 0.5 percent. It first signalled this was coming as far back as 2013. And yet little preparation was made.

'Naive disbelief'

“There was an element of naive disbelief,” says Jeff Angel, director of the Total Environment Centre, of Australia’s response to China’s decision to reject contaminated recycling.

Angel says councils across the nation were locked into contracts with recyclers like SKM, which promised to relieve them of the burden of disposing of household recycling for next to nothing.

Going nowhere: Containers filled with waste from recycling business SKM in Brooklyn last month.

Going nowhere: Containers filled with waste from recycling business SKM in Brooklyn last month.Credit: Jason South

Once China stopped taking recycling it was largely clean, “there was never a chance we could get contamination rates down”, Angel says.

The weight of council contracts with recycling processors – which would need to invest tens of millions of dollars in sorting equipment to bring contamination rates down – “and sheer laziness about recycling”, Angel says, blinded governments, councils and consumers to what was coming.

“It was a pretty comprehensive failure by industry, councils and Sustainability Victoria,” says Angel. He believes this relaxed approach to improving recycling contamination rates was due to “an underlying view that we could continue to use Asian countries as dumping grounds”.

What's in a bin?

Victoria was an early adopter when it came to rolling out recycling bins; one of the first states in Australia to offer kerbside collection systems, each of the state’s 79 councils now makes a weekly or fortnightly garbage run.

The amount of material diverted from going straight to the tip via these collections is slowly improving – in 2017, of the total rubbish from households in the state, 46 per cent wound up either in the green waste bin or in the recycling bin, two per cent higher than the year before.

By way of international comparison, a 2017 European Union report found that the world’s leader, Germany, recycled 64 per cent of its solid waste, while Britain was on 44 per cent, Ireland 36 per cent and Latvia 20 per cent. Turkey was Europe’s worst, with 1 per cent of waste recycled.

Even if Victorians are good at putting our recyclable waste into the right bin, it doesn’t mean materials then get reused. In June, a Victorian Auditor-General’s report found that, while nearly all recycling went into people's yellow bins and was sent to recovery facilities for sorting, there was zero data on how much of it was ultimately recycled. No one really knows the true recycling rate, though green groups say that the answer is "very little".

That Auditor-General’s report also found that there was no overarching statewide policy that gave a clear and definitive direction for waste management. This meant that government agencies' responses to the recycling crisis had been “ad hoc and reactive”.


The solution to the recycling crisis is, in some ways, already staring us in the face: 20 of the state’s councils now have a kerbside green waste collection that takes not only grass clippings, branches and leaves but also household compost. This removes around 40 per cent of material from going to landfill.

Councils argue that another major change is needed in how Australians view their consumption.

“As consumers, we tend to view recycling as a panacea that can make any level of consumption sustainable,” council lobby group the Municipal Association of Victoria said in its submission to a state parliament inquiry. “This thinking needs to change.”

The price of vigilance

There was once some money in recycling, especially for firms like SKM. Its last financial report filed in 2017 with ASIC shows it turned over revenue of $64 million, most of it paid by 33 councils in return for them being permitted to deposit their unsorted recycling there. The company posted a profit of $1.4 million.

After the 2017 fire at SKM’s Coolaroo sorting centre, the company was repeatedly visited by the Environment Protection Authority in order to avoid another fire. SKM was briefly shut down in February this year, sending councils – which pride themselves on their green credentials – into a tailspin. With residents’ recycling going straight to the tip, councils could no longer kid themselves they were being responsible environmental actors just by giving their recycling to someone else.

The Municipal Association of Victoria acknowledged the blow that first recycling crisis delivered to public confidence in kerbside recycling. There was now, they said in their submission to a parliamentary inquiry into recycling, a public perception that it was routinely being sent to landfill. The failure to stop hundreds of thousands of tonnes of waste being buried at the tip had “damaged the public’s trust of all levels of government and potentially undone decades of community education”.

The upside of the recycling crisis? Victorians now, according to the Municipal Association of Victoria, “consider kerbside recycling to be an essential service”.

The association’s president, Coral Ross, says now that SKM is in receivership with plans to restart processing by the end of the month, councils want to know it won’t simply result in recycling being stockpiled again, as it had been by the former owners, and then dumped. “When Laverton and other sites reopen for business, all recycled material received [must] be sorted and processed,” Ross says.

SKM Recycling's Laverton North recycling plant.

SKM Recycling's Laverton North recycling plant.Credit: Jason South

With the demise of SKM, there are now only two serious processors of recycling left for council waste: Visy and the much smaller Polytrade. If a promise by Scott Morrison last month to ban all domestic waste exports, including plastics, paper, glass and tyres, is followed through, there is a very real possibility recycling giant Visy will enjoy a dominant position in Victoria.

“They will be able to dictate to government the price of everything – that is a real risk,” the Total Environment Centre’s Jeff Angel says. “There will need to be active intervention to stop Visy taking over all of the waste streams in Victoria.”

Before Visy can rise to that sort of dominance, the Andrews government hopes the state can, like many European nations, begin to move to a circular economy – where people minimise their waste and materials like plastic, paper and glass can all be turned into a resource. The government is, after extended inaction, now responding to the crisis in recycling by developing its policy, due out later this year. This shift, the government hopes, will create jobs and productivity and reduce environmental impacts.

Most environmental groups agree that, along with this circular economy, a key solution to putting less waste into the ground lies in better sorting of recycling by households in the first place.

One council, Yarra, in June began a one-year trial giving 1300 Abbotsford residents four bins – a purple-lidded bin for glass, as well as bins for general recycling, organic and green waste, and rubbish.

“Our current model of consumption and waste is broken,” Yarra mayor Danae Bosler said at the time. Each year Yarra Council collects around 9000 tonnes of kerbside recycling, more than a third of it glass containers. Too often these break, in the process rendering other recyclables like plastics, cardboard and aluminium useless.

Danae Bosler, mayor of Yarra Council, with the bins from the council's trial of a new approach to household waste.

Danae Bosler, mayor of Yarra Council, with the bins from the council's trial of a new approach to household waste.Credit: Darrian Traynor

A container deposit scheme would eliminate this problem, and Victoria and Tasmania are the only two states without one.

As well as schemes like Yarra's, education is also crucial. Kirsty Bishop-Fox is president of not-for-profit Zero Waste Victoria, which runs community engagement campaigns. She says a huge part of the challenge in Victoria is that while many are desperate to do the right thing with their recycling, few know what can and can’t be recycled.

“When you have broken glass, you can’t put it in recycling. A significant group of people put broken glass into recycling not realising that it contaminates recycling streams,” she says.

This week, Bishop-Fox gave a talk to a group of university students interested in recycling. The majority didn't know what e-waste was (answer: anything with a power cord or a battery), and only six of the 60 people in the room knew that, from July 1, it became illegal to put e-waste in your rubbish.

“You have got so many people who want to do the right thing but they don’t know what the right thing is,” Bishop-Fox says. One business she has recently done consultancy work with has introduced multiple bins to help staff sort their recycling. “One of their bins is titled ‘I don’t know where this belongs’. That is their fullest bin.”

Sustainability consultant Kirsty Bishop-Fox says too few people understand what can and can't be recycled.

Sustainability consultant Kirsty Bishop-Fox says too few people understand what can and can't be recycled.Credit: Justin McManus

Environment Minister Lily D'Ambrosio concedes the "challenges" plaguing Victoria's recycling sector will not be fixed overnight and will require time, planning and coordination across all levels of government. But she insists the government took action when China's contamination policy shifted.

“From the moment this issue emerged with policy changes internationally, we’ve stepped in to support local councils, clear stockpiles of dangerous waste and keep the kerbside recycling system going,” she says.

She points to the government's development of its "circular economy" policy to find new uses for waste and recyclable items and derive much greater use from natural resources.

The government is also promising to overhaul kerbside collections, floating the possibility of adding an additional bin so households can better sort their recycling.

“There’s more to do – particularly in finding end uses for the recycled materials and reducing the amount of waste we produce – but we’ve proven our resolve to meet these challenges and we will continue to,” D'Ambrosio says.

But Opposition environment spokesman David Morris says the Andrews government had been "asleep at the wheel" as Victoria's recycling system plunged into crisis.

"More than two years ago the government knew that China would stop taking recyclable material but they did nothing," he said. "Victoria's recycling crisis is a slow-moving train wreck that Labor has arrogantly ignored."

'More to do': Environment Minister Lily D'Ambrosio and Rob Millard of the government's Metropolitan Waste and Resource Recovery Group face the media in July.

'More to do': Environment Minister Lily D'Ambrosio and Rob Millard of the government's Metropolitan Waste and Resource Recovery Group face the media in July.Credit: Jason South

Victorian Greens leader Samantha Ratnam says the community wants solutions to the recycling crisis, and the government needs to lay out a road map to fix the problems that includes a container refund scheme – something the Greens have repeatedly brought before parliament only to have it voted down.

She also says there needs to be new, separate kerbside bins for glass and organics, a ban on unnecessary single-use plastics, and limits to excessive packaging.

“We know the solutions. What’s been needed is political will, action and investment on a statewide level,” she says.

For Nillumbik’s Grant Brooker, the key to solving Australia’s recycling crisis is more people taking a keen interest in their waste. He’s far from judgmental about it, saying he was as inactive as the next person before taking on the environment portfolio.

Brooker thinks that Australians have been “seduced by convenience” and have wanted to believe that just by throwing our waste into commingled recycling bins, we’ve done our part and the hard work is over – that it’s now someone else’s problem.

“We need to really look at what is the best practice rather than the most convenient.”

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