

This was published 4 years ago

Power vacuum: Can the Labor Party really clean up its factional mess?

By Sumeyya Ilanbey

Adem Somyurek: a man of many faces.

Adem Somyurek: a man of many faces.Credit: Photos: Jason South

Just before 10.30am on Monday, a steely-eyed Daniel Andrews, flanked by his leadership team, walked into Treasury Theatre, took his place at the lectern, and began ripping into Adem Somyurek.

It had been a long 12 hours for the Australian Labor Party. Phones had been buzzing, pinging and ringing since the party was forced to confront its "cancer" – Somyurek, a powerful faceless man who internally wielded enormous influence – on national television on Sunday night.

"What the f--- did I just watch?" one Labor insider asked.

Political operatives were hardly shocked or surprised by Somyurek's bravado or the way he had been amassing power inside the Labor Party. But they were shocked and surprised that The Age and 60 Minutes had uncovered covert audio and video recordings as part of a year-long investigation that laid bare the operation Somyurek micro-managed as well as his misogynistic and homophobic tirades.

Andrews wanted him gone immediately. Andrews had wanted him gone long ago, but powerbrokers are notoriously difficult to cut loose and Somyurek was no exception.

At 9am that day, Somyurek walked out of the lifts and into the Premier's office on Level 1 at 1 Treasury Place as the minister for small business and local government. For a man who had boasted about being "f---ing more powerful than" all the factional heavyweights "put together" and repeatedly telling his allies "f--- the Premier", Somyurek looked sullen walking towards Andrews' office.

Less than 30 minutes later, he walked out, a disgraced former cabinet minister.


"His conduct and his comments are completely deplorable, they are shameful – and it is on that basis, there is no place in my government for him, there is no place in my team for him," a visibly angry Andrews told journalists an hour later.

"I want to be clear with each and every one of you, and through you, Victorians: Somyurek was not offered an opportunity to resign. He is not worthy of an opportunity to resign. He was sacked, and that is the fact of the matter. Any statements to the contrary are simply false."

Premier Daniel Andrews after sacking Adem Somyurek on Monday morning.

Premier Daniel Andrews after sacking Adem Somyurek on Monday morning.Credit: Eddie Jim

And then he swiftly moved to request an anti-corruption commission and Victoria Police investigation, Somyurek's expulsion from the Labor Party, and for the ALP's National Executive to intervene in the Victorian Labor Party branch.

It was an extraordinary step to take, in what has been an extraordinary week for Labor.

Andrews, never one to waste an opportunity, is emerging as a massive winner from the crisis that has crushed Somyurek's power. The Premier's enemies have largely been neutered and sitting MPs guaranteed their seats for the next round of preselections, set to take place late next year ahead of the 2022 election.

Facing the factions


The last time the National Executive intervened in the Victorian branch was in the early '70s – but that time it was to clamp down on the "loony" Left. This time, it is a move against the Right, to stamp out branch stacking and restore grassroots democracy.

Insiders say this will create a power vacuum — and each has a different theory on how it will be filled.


Some say it will be filled "naturally", others think the "mature adults in the room" will carve out a stability deal, while some believe former heavyweights will step into the void. But they are all certain about one thing: this will change the organisational wing of the party for years to come.

A vast majority of Labor insiders were jubilant, but none were prepared to speak on the record, lest they be accused of opportunism.

Some members of the Victorian Liberals, however, were less ecstatic about Somyurek's demise: they saw it as a political hit job designed to assert Andrews' authority over the party.

"Don't worry about the power vacuum," one person from the Labor Left said. "What will happen is people with good will and the big unions will reassert themselves to defend the Labor Party and defend the government because it is a good government. And people will rally around to defend the government."


To understand Labor Party politics, you need to understand factions. And to understand what happened this week, you need to cast your mind back to the '80s and '90s, when "ethnic branch stacking" hit overdrive.

The story, told by many inside the Labor tent and political commentators, goes: powerbrokers and would-be powerbrokers in the Left started "branch stacking" ethnic communities, seizing on racial divisions and playing on hatreds and myths of the "homeland". And then the counter-attack started.

Adem Somyurek outside his home in Lyndhurst on Tuesday.

Adem Somyurek outside his home in Lyndhurst on Tuesday.Credit: AAP

Turks were recruited against Greeks, Croats against Serbs, Greeks against Macedonians. These were the Byzantine ways of the ALP's factional system.

Following periods of huge internal instability, a truce was called in 2009 when Left heavyweight Kim Carr signed a stability deal with Right heavyweight Stephen Conroy. But it was dismantled eight years later by Somyurek after Conroy departed from the Senate in 2016.

Leading political commentator Dr Nick Economou is not optimistic about the changes promised by Andrews, federal Labor leader Anthony Albanese or even the review being undertaken by respected Labor elders Steve Bracks and Jenny Macklin.


"There'll be an inquiry, strike off a large number of people, a report that will decry factionalism [and] talk about the need to improve this, to make sure there are only legitimate bona fide members," Economou says. "And in four or five years, we'll be back where we started."

But Andrews' swift actions are good political capital. He can tell voters and Labor's "true believers" that he acted quickly and opened the Victorian party to an external anti-corruption probe.


Economou does not agree: how can Labor counter the undemocratic processes of branch stacking by being undemocratic and handing over control to the National Executive?

"Why are the people on National Executive more democratically elected than anybody else in the current system in Victoria?" he says.

"Those people at the top – the pile of cess we're trying to stop – why should they have more say on who gets preselected than Mike Smith down the road who's a blacksmith?"

A fair question. This is also what the remains of Somyurek's forces have argued all week.The Age contacted several Somyurek allies this week, and only former federal MP Michael Danby responded.


"I doubt whether it is legal for an MP to authorise a staff member to participate in the covert surveillance of his own office," Danby said. "But it is certainly as unethical as the alleged branch stacking undertaken by Mr Somyurek."

A Labor member close to Somyurek's faction told The Australian Financial Review this week: "The concept of them taking over for three years is bloody outrageous.

"They're taking people's voting rights away. They're even going to control who will be made delegates for national conference that will elect the next national executive, for God's sake. So they will be actually selecting people to vote for themselves.

"They're going to look after Andrews and preserve Andrews' ability to be king and emperor of Victoria. The last group that was potentially an inhibition for him, the organisational wing, has been neutered."

However, other senior Right sources say this is a warped view, and that the Left is highly unlikely to purge Right members without also being seen to clean up their own backyard. Left sources argue a similar line.

"We're not asking for any member of the Right to be removed from office, and we're also saying if a Right MP decides to retire, they should be replaced by their own ilk – that's hardly a power grab, that's simply saying let's have peace," a Labor Left member says.

Economou cannot say how Labor should clean up its party. There is no easy solution to the problem, he says, other than better policing of membership payments. He doesn't know how that would work either.

But one Victorian union leader close to Somyurek's faction told The Age that the crisis was an opportunity for unions, who have not been implicated in the branch-stacking scandal, to build their influence over Labor politics at the expense of factions controlled through the branches.

"Left wing, right wing, f---ing chicken wing – all those branch stackers are going to get knocked out," the trade union official said. "Then real trade unionists will get to have a real say."


What is clear is that the party is in for a shake-up, and the fight will get messy. Somyurek has already started leaking text messages.

Somyurek's ascent

There were a lot of stars that aligned to deliver Somyurek's power – it is naive, perhaps, to attribute it to one thing. But let's start in 2002, when he entered Parliament on the ticket of the Right-aligned Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees Association, a socially conservative union (some say closer to the right wing of the Liberal Party than its Labor colleagues). He was never a "hardcore" unionist, his enemies say, but he always knew where his bread was being buttered.

His quest for power went up a gear in 2015, when he had a falling-out with the SDA around the same time he was accused by his chief of staff, an SDA-aligned member, of bullying her. He lost his cabinet position and was left in the political wilderness.

The following year, emergency services minister Jane Garrett resigned from cabinet over the infamous CFA "issue" – the fire services reform bill that claimed the scalps of her, two fire chiefs and the entire CFA board, and took more than four years to pass Parliament.


A new federal seat was created in Melbourne's western suburbs, the heartland of Labor territory, as the Garrett-Andrews stoush deepened wounds inside the Socialist Left. Amid all this, Conroy stepped down from the Senate, leaving a power vacuum. The Industrial Left was formally created and joined the Labor Moderates' faction following a bruising preselection between Garrett and the Socialist Left's Ingrid Stitt for the safe upper house seat of Western Metropolitan Region.

Labor's infighting and bickering seemingly had no boundaries. The Premier had spent a large chunk of his time cleaning up the mess.

Spring Street veterans say this explains why Andrews, a Socialist Left premier who announced Australia's first Royal Commission into Family Violence and built a brand on gender equality, eventually relented and brought Somyurek, accused of bullying a female staff member, back into the tent after the 2018 election.

Right Labor sources who are not close to former opposition leader Bill Shorten are putting him squarely at the centre of Somyurek's exceptional rise and control of, as Somyurek claimed, two-thirds of the Victorian ALP's 17,000 members. On the eve of the Bennelong byelection in 2017, Shorten flew back to Melbourne to meet with Somyurek and, according to one source, "gave his blessings to Somyurek".

"Bill Shorten is obsessed with factionalism – he loves factions and is a product of the factions and he always wants to have control of the factions," the Labor insider says.

"When he saw Somyurek rising — at that point Conroy had left the scene — he knew there'd be a power vacuum and he grabbed Somyurek.

"Bill is still very heavily reliant on Somyurek because a huge number of the votes in his seat of Maribyrnong are controlled by the Mods."

Shorten allies reject this version of events, saying Somyurek was a man who acted on his own initiative.

"At this time [of the Bennelong byelection], Bill was in the federal leadership and his full focus was on defeating [Malcolm] Turnbull," sources close to Shorten say. "Then Stephen Conroy left, and there was a vacuum into which stepped ambitious people at at a state level."

Another vacuum has been created now: potentially thousands of members' votes are up for grabs. Alliances are shifting – the Electrical Trades Union formally joined the Socialist Left this week – numbers are moving around and members are wondering where to from here.

Hopefully forward, most say.

"We can't find ourselves going backwards – this is now an opportunity to move forward and we need to create a new and healthy culture," one Right source says.

"We need to move away from Stephen Conroy and Bill Shorten's leadership, and move into a new era."

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