

This was published 2 years ago

No one’s asked me to step down; Guy says he’s staying put

By Paul Sakkal and Annika Smethurst

Matthew Guy says he hasn’t received any calls from colleagues asking him to stand aside as state opposition leader because of a donation scandal that led to the resignation of his chief of staff this week.

Matthew Guy (inset) and former chief of staff Mitch Catlin.

Matthew Guy (inset) and former chief of staff Mitch Catlin.Credit: The Age

Addressing the media as he left a conference at Melbourne Town Hall on Friday, Guy expressed confidence about the upcoming state election, while brushing aside concerns his leadership was damaged by the resignation of his chief of staff, Mitch Catlin, over the integrity scandal.

Liberal MPs remain nervous about the impact the saga could have on the Coalition’s election chances but believe Guy’s position as leader is safe due to the lack of natural successor inside the party.

“There is certainly a nervousness in the broader party about what is ahead,” one shadow minister told The Age.

Catlin resigned on Tuesday after he asked billionaire Liberal donor Jonathan Munz to pay more than $100,000 to his private marketing business. Munz said that when he received the email “he rejected it out of hand” and no agreement was ever signed.

Some MPs and party officials believe the party could be forced to consider appointing a high-profile candidate from outside the parliament if more allegations emerge and Guy was forced to stand aside

Under that scenario, dubbed the “Campbell Newman strategy”, the party would bring in a new candidate who would stand for a seat and lead the party after the election.

The strategy references former Queensland premier Campbell Newman, who was not a member of parliament before becoming premier. But the plan would require the party room to change the current rules, which require the Liberal leader to be a member of parliament.

On Friday, Guy rejected the assertion his leadership was under a cloud ahead of the November election.


“I don’t accept it at all. No one’s called me about that and I don’t believe they will,” Guy told reporters.

Asked if he would stand aside for the good of the party if the controversy escalated with any new revelations, he said: “I think I’m going to go back to my office and do some work.”

“We’ve got 110 days to [ensure] the most corrupt government in its history gets shown the door.”

Guy is expected to announce a new chief of staff within days, with former federal Liberal staffer Brad Stansfield joining the field of possible candidates after long-standing Liberal campaigner Simon Frost ruled himself out of contention.

Stansfield, a former chief of staff to Tasmanian Premier Will Hodgman, previously worked for Tasmanian senator Eric Abetz and more recently for federal finance minister, Matthias Cormann.

Emboldened by two recent reports from integrity agencies into the conduct of the Labor MPs and staff, the Coalition had planned to hammer the government on integrity matters in the four-month lead-up to the election.

But those plans were derailed when a leaked message from Catlin to Guy’s private Hotmail email account was revealed by The Age, along with a contract the chief of staff had drafted by his lawyers.

The email detailed Catlin’s proposal for Munz, a wealthy horse racing identity, to pay $8333 a month to his private marketing company, Catchy Media Marketing and Management, for services as a contractor. The services were to be described as “supporting business interests”.

“Hey MG. Attached is the proposed agreement between [the donor] and Catchy Media Marketing and Management,” Catlin wrote to Guy. “It’s as per the original email agreement between you and me. Can I leave you to forward onto him?”

Catlin resigned within hours of the story going public and has not spoken publicly since. Guy has taken questions but not provided any answers about the specifics of the plan that was proposed, how it came about or why it never eventuated.

The government seized on the opposition leader’s woes, by referring him and his party to a host of law enforcement and integrity agencies over the matter. Victoria Police, the state’s electoral commission, the ombudsman, the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission and the Australian Federal Police were among those alerted. Those organisations have confirmed they have each received Labor’s complaint but, as yet, none have opened an investigation.

Labor says Guy's position as Liberal leader is “compromised” and he should be “held to a high standard”.

“Matthew Guy is putting himself up as the alternative premier for the state of Victoria," Minister for Innovation, Medical Research and the Digital Economy Jaala Pulford told reporters on Friday.


“It certainly appears to me that he is compromised and these are things he needs to respond to, and if he doesn’t, perhaps maybe these are things his colleagues need to respond to.”

Guy has so far refused to answer detailed questions about the proposed scheme, defending himself by arguing the contract was never signed and did not go ahead.

In the face of that scrutiny, Guy tried to turn attention back on the government when door-stopped by media on Friday.

“[The media] should be more focused on the premier’s leadership. The premier is leading the most corrupt government in Victoria’s history. We’ve got 110 days to make sure the state knows that the most corrupt government in its history gets shown the door,” he said.

Guy has been Liberal leader for the past 10 months after ousting Michael O’Brien last September. He was previously in the role for four years from 2014, but relinquished the job to O’Brien, after a resounding loss at the 2018 election.

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