

This was published 3 years ago

Long economic haul back from pandemic looms for Victorians

By Noel Towell

Victorian workers will have to wait years for wages to start rising again as jobs in education, travel and the arts will remain scarce, while Melbourne’s economic recovery will continue to lag until international borders reopen.

Thursday’s state budget papers tip the state’s households – buoyed by surging house values and savings accrued during the pandemic – to continue spending, helping to drive a 6.5 per cent expansion in the state’s economy in the coming financial year.

However, further delays to the world’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic – and a slow global vaccine rollout – pose risks to the state’s economy with the potential to plunge Victoria back into recession.

Questions will also linger over the potential drag on growth from the $5.3 billion in taxes imposed on the local economy in the next four years through the new mental health levy on big businesses’ wage bills, along with increases to stamp duty and land tax.

The state budget papers also show regional Victoria surging ahead of Melbourne in jobs, house price growth and building starts in what Treasurer Tim Pallas called an “amazing” non-metro economic performance.

The job market is expected to continue its recovery to pre-pandemic levels, with the statewide unemployment rate tipped to come down to 5.5 per cent this year, according to the budget papers.

Wages, though, are tipped to remain relatively flat until at least 2023, with only modest improvements forecast beyond that point.

Those statewide figures mask a big disparity between town and country. Melbourne’s jobless rate was still at 7 per cent, while unemployment in regional Victoria was well below the national average in March of 5.5 per cent.


Country Victoria also looks likely to be the place to be in the coming years for house price rises and home building, with home values rising nearly 13 per cent in the seven months to April compared with 8 per cent in Melbourne.


The regions are proving a magnet for young house hunters, with 78 per cent of first-home buyers opting for country or outer-metropolitan locations in the 12 months to March.

But the surging regional housing market has a downside for renters. Asking rents in the regions increased by more than 12.5 per cent between March 2020 and March 2021, against a decline in city rents of 6 per cent in the same period.

The regional economic miracle has not extended to some traditional rural sectors, the budget papers note, with jobs in fishing, agriculture and forestry struggling to get back to pre-COVID levels.

The Department of Treasury and Finance says Victorians are continuing to spend, driving retail sales back above pre-pandemic levels – while car sales doubled in the last three months of 2020 – although general consumer spending has yet to recover.

Budget papers are organised at this year’s state lockup.

Budget papers are organised at this year’s state lockup.Credit: Joe Armao

Services, particularly in the transport, hospitality, recreational and cultural sectors, are providing much of the drag on consumer spending, the budget papers show, with no guarantees households will feel confident enough to keep spending in the post-COVID period.

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