

This was published 6 years ago

Liberal MP Simon Ramsay retires after being caught drink driving

By Adam Carey

Liberal MP Simon Ramsay will leave Victorian politics at the next election after being caught driving on the wrong side of the road in a drunken state on the weekend.

The upper house MP for western Victoria issued a statement on Tuesday afternoon saying he had told Opposition Leader Matthew Guy of his decision to step down over the incident.

Simon Ramsay won't be standing at the next election.

Simon Ramsay won't be standing at the next election.Credit: Rob Gunstone

On Monday an angry Mr Guy said he had asked Mr Ramsay to "reflect upon his future" in politics.

"I am deeply remorseful for my actions and apologise for my error of judgment," Mr Ramsay said in his statement.

"I also regret any embarrassment and hurt caused to my family, friends, colleagues and the Liberal Party."

Police pulled the MP over after they spotted him driving on the wrong side of the road late on Saturday night in Barwon Heads.

He later blew a blood-alcohol reading of 0.19 per cent, almost four times over the legal limit of .05.

He faces charges for his drink-driving offence and the cancellation of his licence for up to two years.

His western Victorian electorate is the second largest in the state, stretching from Melbourne's western fringe to the South Australian border.


Mr Ramsay said it had been an honour representing western Victorian people.

"Eight years ago, working on my farm, I realised I could do more for farmers and country Victoria," he said.

"It has been a privilege to have worked on important issues like protecting our CFA volunteers."

Mr Ramsay had been at a local football match in Barwon Heads on the afternoon before he was caught drink-driving.

Victoria will go to the polls on November 24, in an election that will be fought over law and order policies as much as any other issue.

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