

This was published 1 year ago

Liberal campaign beset by threats to quit, surprise announcements and lack of cash

By Paul Sakkal

The Liberal Party’s campaign boss has angrily threatened to quit as the election campaign is about to begin over a feud with Opposition Leader Matthew Guy’s chief of staff, who MPs and officials claim has “gone rogue” in his attempt to revive the opposition’s fortunes.

Party insiders say that a lack of an economic narrative and too few volunteers, coupled with a multimillion-dollar shortfall in funds from the Liberal-aligned Cormack Foundation, are hampering attempts to stop Labor winning a third term in office. Ongoing leadership speculation is also causing angst among MPs.

New state Liberal chief of staff Nick McGowan (left), seen here with opposition leader Matthew Guy in 2018.

New state Liberal chief of staff Nick McGowan (left), seen here with opposition leader Matthew Guy in 2018.Credit: AAP

This article is based on information from about 10 senior Liberal figures inside and outside parliament, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to freely detail campaign workings.

They say the Liberal Party’s state director, Sam McQuestin, who as campaign director is supposed to be in charge of election policy and planning, recently made a serious resignation threat over disagreements with Nick McGowan, Guy’s close friend, former best man and chief of staff.

McGowan has taken firm control of the Liberals’ agenda and messaging since joining the office in August. While some party figures believe he has improved the opposition’s standing, other senior Liberals and MPs argue he is ignoring plans laid out by campaign HQ.

McQuestin and McGowan have had a series of bust-ups over tactics, messaging and policy timing, the sources say, pointing to a split at the heart of the opposition’s campaign between Guy’s two most important strategists. The infighting has stirred internal disquiet 50 days out from the November poll.

Pollsters, including Resolve Strategic, are flagging the prospect of a deterioration in the Coalition’s already record-low primary vote, which could entrench a generation of Labor dominance, despite disquiet in some quarters with the Andrews government’s performance.

The insiders say that key campaign officials have learnt just hours before their publication that major policy announcements have been provided by Guy’s office to the Herald Sun. They say McGowan has taken a series of tactical decisions that did not align with the headquarters’ agreed strategy.

Tensions between Guy’s office and HQ occurred soon after McGowan took the job as Guy’s top adviser following a donor saga reported by The Age. One of the party’s first major policy announcements in the McGowan era was shelving the Suburban Rail Loop. The sources say this story was handed to journalists by the leader’s office four days before its scheduled release.


That fact meant TV ads, social media graphics and other material to spruik the plan – which were intended to be released on the same day as the policy – were not ready to go. The party subsequently faced criticism because the initial story claimed the party would save more money from the policy than it could.

This week, Guy’s office again surprised campaign leaders when it decided to announce a policy to put armed Protective Services Officers in hospitals. It came days after the Coalition detailed a debt ceiling, which the campaign team intended to be the first in a week full of economic policies. Those policies have not yet eventuated. The hospital security plan was quickly rubbished by Labor as a rehash of an old, failed proposal.

Illustrating members’ dissatisfaction with the campaign, senior party members this week expressed surprise in a private Facebook group over the suggestion HQ was not teaching candidates how to add election authorisations to social media posts.

Last week, the party lost its deputy state director, who did not have a campaigning role, and about half of the junior campaigners responsible for individual seat operations.

The campaign director and their staff, who are funded by the party not the taxpayer, are supposed to be in charge of election policy and planning. This week, Guy’s taxpayer-funded staff and campaign workers moved into the same building to begin operating as a joint unit.


The enmeshing means leaders from HQ are likely to be vested with greater responsibility to oversee the entire machine. McGowan will leave the campaign next month to start campaigning as an upper house candidate (he is likely to be replaced as Guy’s chief of staff by his deputy). Meanwhile, experienced campaigners from NSW and former federal ministers’ offices have been hired, as has former state director and Josh Frydenberg staffer Simon Frost, who is supporting the campaign but is not directly involved.

While some Liberals fear the polls point to a bad election loss, other signs point to a coherent campaign. Labor officials have been impressed by the consistency of the Coalition’s messaging on health and the strategic locations of hospital upgrades in key seats.

One party campaigner in Melbourne’s inner-east said MPs across the city were struggling to find volunteers, and party members were unclear about what the key election policies were other than scrapping the rail loop. In particular, senior Liberals are worried the party has not spent long enough boosting its narrative on the economy, reining in debt and alleviating cost-of-living issues.

On a recent Zoom hook-up, officials agreed to adjust the party’s use of social media platforms such as TikTok, which has been criticised by some social media users last month.

Five Liberal MPs told The Age they were frustrated with planning spokesman Ryan Smith, who they believed was spending the weeks before the campaign laying the groundwork for a tilt as the leadership after the election rather than contributing to policy in his portfolio.

Ryan Smith in 2018.

Ryan Smith in 2018.Credit: Eddie Jim

Smith has been meeting with a group of new candidates who may enter parliament and vote in a potential leadership ballot. At least one MP has been told he had discussed his leadership ambitions with a new candidate.

Responding to these claims, Smith said: “In 2014 and 2018 I did all I could to assist candidates so we could win seats and form government. This election is no different. I’m focussed on winning government, that’s it.”

Pollster and former Labor campaigner Kos Samaras – whose RedBridge Group performed work for teal independents before the federal election – said the Coalition’s level of support was weak across Victoria and indicated the party would not pick up seats Labor won in 2014 which are required to get back into government.

“In all the electorates said we have polled now – and it exceeds 40 – all but one has the Liberal Party primary vote below 40 per cent,” he said. Matthew Guy’s seat of Bulleen had a Liberal primary of 41 per cent, more than 10 points down on his last election result.

Kos Samaras believes the Coalition’s level of support is weak across Victoria.

Kos Samaras believes the Coalition’s level of support is weak across Victoria.Credit: Wayne Taylor

He said the Liberal Party primary vote had shown signs of recovering but the signs of 2010 - when a late Coalition surge defeated the Brumby government - were not present.

The Cormack Foundation – an investment fund uninhibited by donation caps that was established to finance Coalition campaigns – has given the party a fraction of the amount it wants, leaving the campaign with far less cash than it had for the 2018 poll.

The campaign is seeking between $4 and $5 million but have so far received less than $2 million. Senior Liberals are hopeful more money will be transferred to pay for things such as crucial TV and digital ads, but the current level of funding means the Coalition will begin the campaign well behind Labor, which has an approximately $3 million head start on public funding alone.

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